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So whats the best antivirus to buy?


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May 25, 2001
I'm still running W98SE on one of my machines because it just keeps going and going. Well I happened to wipe out my old version of mcafee and no longer have the origonal install so I'm open to the bugs at the moment and figured I needed to go ahead and buy the latest as I've been lucky to be able to run work provided stuff for years but they no longer support 98 with the new enterprise stuff they're pushing out now.

I use McAfee

can't go wrong with Norton either...both are excellent choices
I agree with d0n_3d. Use either one of them. I have used Norton since switching from McAfee in 01. I am using Norton Internet security as a double firewall with my Zone Alarm Pro4. I am using a windows 98SE OS also!;)

I use AVG Antivirus, free version. Works great for me. Combine that with a occasional sweep of free AdAware or Seek and Destory or the equivalent spyware cleaner and you're good to go.
Go to and download the free AVG virus scanner. It is very good and update the patterns on a regular basis. I use this at some of my customers sites too.
Originally posted by GeneralB44
I use AVG Antivirus, free version. Works great for me. Combine that with a occasional sweep of free AdAware or Seek and Destory or the equivalent spyware cleaner and you're good to go.

norton slowed m computer down to a crawl. i just installed AVG and love it my roomate also had this same issue with norton 2004, he has AVG also now.

i will buy the product after the free period is up.....