
nailheadpowered said:
Kevin you piece of ****t now im a crook, I tell you what you better hope we don't cross paths or you will be finding out what your health coverage covers you fatass piece of crap. its people like you that give these sites and car clubs bad names etc. and oh yea remember you bitched out at the cookout at the body shop when i challenged you to a heads up race you back pettled and went from ill beat the crap out of your car to i need a jump your so full of ****t and now calling me a crook etc. when you don't even really know me? trust me you just pissed off the wrong person so go ahead and say what you will and type what you will but paths do cross and when they do don't cry to everyone that your innocent!

ps when i came to you i had my car only a month or two and honestly you didn't even know completely what you were doing and claimed that lou was in the process of teaching you how to work on these cars so that you could tune them yourself, know it appears you are probably trying to take work from lou by claiming you are a gn tuner LOL, yea right thats why you went 12.3. and as for jeremy he got his own impression of you being a piece of crap from when he first met you and went up to compliment your car and all you could say without even knowing him is tell him your car could kick the crap out of his car and that is was junk, not a great first impression if you ask me when all he wanted to do was talk about the cars like humans. so now that you seem to bring me up in this thread when i have said nothing to you and are telling people that im a crook etc. your day will come.

Hmmm i never said Lou was teaching me but i do learn and listen when someone as wise as him opens his mouth, i never said I was a tuner but i do know how make these cars go faster, just not mine ;), about the crook comment Im not the only one saying it, it also came from 2 other very reliable sources wont mention any names because im not a snitch, its only fair that a faster GN like yours ;) give me the move in a street race remember my car is slow ;), if im fat so what, i spend a lot of money getting there and im proud of it hehehe. as far as crossing paths i think we will cross again just dont get to close to me, i have a 3 feet space that you must not invade or you will suffer the consequenses if i feel threatned in anyway shape or form.

your new found friend
me and Mike are friends. But I do all my own work, including building that elky you call a peice of crap, but many here consider it a nice elky. If I blow a head gasket, then thats my problem, but most real car builders enjoy wrenching, so when I break something, I look foreward to fixing it. Now as far as Mike being a crook etc., I dont find that too accurate, i've bought plenty from Mike. What ever bad blood run between you and him, is your own problem. At least I do have some friends I can call when I need a helping hand. I dont know what you are trying to say about being a bottom feeder, but what ever.
Good thing I did'nt make it back to the dyno store, the elky would have probably embarassed your gn, oh wait, you did'nt dyno it since you did'nt want to embarass your self :eek: I've said enough, just wanted to piss you off, I have accomplished it, and everytime somebody does piss you off, we all see your true rainbow, I mean colors come right through. Talk later Kevin... :cool:
p.s. I dont need to pay somebody $1,500 bucks to install a set of $100 dollar head gaskets.

I do think your elko looks nice, just not well put together thats all, btw do you and mike share the profits of all the sales, seems like your always backing up and endorsing whatever he has to sell :rolleyes: Pissing me off HAHAHAHA, you are far from it actually now that you mention you just made my day and gave me a good laught. btw i got original headgaskets in my car and stock heads they never been off ;).

Yours trully
There will be no more snide remarks or insulting of relatives, wives, husbands, girlfriends. Some of the threads that I had to delete were because that person quoted a remark of somebody else that contained some hitting below the belt. Either stay above the belt with your punches, or pull up your pants and get the hell out of the sandbox. You guys know what's fair and what isn't, act appropriately.
Wells said:
There will be no more snide remarks or insulting of relatives, wives, husbands, girlfriends. Some of the threads that I had to delete were because that person quoted a remark of somebody else that contained some hitting below the belt. Either stay above the belt with your punches, or pull up your pants and get the hell out of the sandbox. You guys know what's fair and what isn't, act appropriately.

But wells, you know this place would be boring as hell if there was fairness and clean posts.. It's all in fun (well i hope it is :confused: )
is it my turn???

you guys know I can't be left out of this!
I missed all the deleted threads, shame shame........
I've had dealings with Mike, ( nailhead) he's no crook, he will tell you what he has, and how much, if thats a crook, then count me as one also!
I won't threaten anyone, as I'd probably lose in physical combat,

" don't invade my 3 foot space" what are you north Korea?

Nordy, comeon, fess up, your wife sold your car , and you can't handle it!
Scott ( chevota) see I told you I've had lots of practice, just wait....
Jeremy, your just starting young man, listen and learn , not try to tell eveyone your "THE TUNER!" (is mike really your main squeeze)
Mike, chill buddy, just focus on having fun, ( is jeremy really your main squeeze too?)
Gary, did you volunteer for the moderator ?? you big dummy!
wicked, knock off the threats, and arrogance, your just a buick guy, no one really thinks you could fight your way out of a paper bag.

did I miss anyone?

I agree, leave the wife's, girl friends, etc, out of this, no reason to piss off
the ladies, besides, if I did get angry, and lashed out at someone, I'd hurt my hand! repeatedly....

cruzn57 said:
" don't invade my 3 foot space" what are you north Korea?

wicked, knock off the threats, and arrogance, your just a buick guy, no one really thinks you could fight your way out of a paper bag


No im not in north Korea but if you get in my face within striking distance for ethier party i will be on guard and tell you to back off.
naw i wont try to fight myself out of the bag i will just ripp a hole on the side of it and get out :) and trust me i can get down and dirty if i have too and know how to defend myself quite well 220 pound of Fat and some muscle can move around and wont stay put like a punching bag for you to hit, cruz your too old for this stay out of it.
cruzn57 said:
Nordy, comeon, fess up, your wife sold your car , and you can't handle it!
I agree, leave the wife's, girl friends, etc, out of this,

did i miss something too.. in one line you bring my wife into it, then the next you tell everyone to leave the wifes out :confused: ..

i don't mind.. the wife makes the money and i just use the credit cards ( i have been good)..
nordy racer said:
did i miss something too.. in one line you bring my wife into it, then the next you tell everyone to leave the wifes out :confused: ..

i don't mind.. the wife makes the money and i just use the credit cards ( i have been good)..

LOL :D well done nordy good observation.

your right. sorry, excuse me, I'll practice what I preach.

when is your car due out here? I wanna see it, check it out,

it is my opinion, that some one WILL get his butt kicked, not by me.

nordy,,,, watch who you associate with, you may be in the line of fire.

you know what, this is childish,
count me out, I can go play with myself and achieve more satisfaction.

catch you guys on a thread that has some meaning.

nordy racer said:
But wells, you know this place would be boring as hell if there was fairness and clean posts.. It's all in fun (well i hope it is :confused: )
Sorry, dude, I disagree. Some of those hits were definitely below the belt and you being married, I am sure are well aware that somebody will get their nose out of joint. There is no reason to insult or make jest of somebody's wife or girlfriend to get a point across. Relatives and girlfriends, and even boyfriends, I guess?? are off limits. Now kidding lou about his feminine sheepfriends, well, that's different.
cruzn57 said:
you guys know I can't be left out of this!
I missed all the deleted threads, shame shame......................
Gary, did you volunteer for the moderator ?? you big dummy!
I was asked to do it and I agreed. We all know that I am lacking in social skills, in addition to computer skills, and I felt that it would be educational for me, teach me some manners like how to get along with others, which we all know that I am a total failure at. It is sort of fun.
cruzn57 said:
your right. sorry, excuse me, I'll practice what I preach.

when is your car due out here? I wanna see it, check it out,

it is my opinion, that some one WILL get his butt kicked, not by me.

nordy,,,, watch who you associate with, you may be in the line of fire.

you know what, this is childish,
count me out, I can go play with myself and achieve more satisfaction.

catch you guys on a thread that has some meaning.


don't worry man.. it's not a big deal, i try to get along with everyone, but i can't control their feelings towards me..

Man, that movie was good "in the line of fire" :) .. i think everyone knows on here that i'm a cool cat, hopefully no one will take a shot (or swing) at me..

i don't know man, Billy is on vacation this week.. I'm waiting for my title to get back from Maryland DMV, once that happens the transaction with the Lightning will be done.

i tracked down a Black 05 4x4 Excursion with 18K on her in Maryland. Hopefully i can fly home, purchase the X and trailer the GN home saving me a shipping charge (it will be close with the gas prices).
Wells said:
I was asked to do it and I agreed. We all know that I am lacking in social skills, in addition to computer skills, and I felt that it would be educational for me, teach me some manners like how to get along with others, which we all know that I am a total failure at. It is sort of fun.

dude, if you can Mod this page, you have GREAT social skills ;)
not a tuner

cruzn57 said:
you guys know I can't be left out of this!
I missed all the deleted threads, shame shame........
I've had dealings with Mike, ( nailhead) he's no crook, he will tell you what he has, and how much, if thats a crook, then count me as one also!
I won't threaten anyone, as I'd probably lose in physical combat,

" don't invade my 3 foot space" what are you north Korea?

Nordy, comeon, fess up, your wife sold your car , and you can't handle it!
Scott ( chevota) see I told you I've had lots of practice, just wait....
Jeremy, your just starting young man, listen and learn , not try to tell eveyone your "THE TUNER!" (is mike really your main squeeze)
Mike, chill buddy, just focus on having fun, ( is jeremy really your main squeeze too?)
Gary, did you volunteer for the moderator ?? you big dummy!
wicked, knock off the threats, and arrogance, your just a buick guy, no one really thinks you could fight your way out of a paper bag.

did I miss anyone?

I agree, leave the wife's, girl friends, etc, out of this, no reason to piss off
the ladies, besides, if I did get angry, and lashed out at someone, I'd hurt my hand! repeatedly....

never said I could tune, just build. Thats why I blew a gasket. I'm not new to building engines, been at it now going on my 7th year, just not with buicks. It takes more than a tuner to get an engine going, it takes an engineer, a machinest, a builder, then a tuner. I'm just a builder. And wicked, I dont know where you got the impression that the elky is not well put together, the only thing missing to complete it besides a tranny, is front and rear window moldings, rocker moldings, and re-chromed bumpers. You saw the car with the stock crap on it, but things have changed. But what should I expect from you, all you ever have to say around here is arrogant remarks towards everybody else. And me and Mike are not in business together to share profits. What he does is what he's good at, and I back him because he backs me. We both share the same interests like many others.