
cruzn57 said:
is your problem,
I asked in good fun , have you annoyed anyone, and you get an attitude..
hey Julio, if you cannot give and take fun and joking, then I suggest
you seek help, everyone on these boards has at one time given and recieved
joking, etc, why are you any different?
in the future I will refrain from including you in any good natured fun, or jokes.
please do the same for me.

making threats,or acting tough, is the sure sign of a wimp, or a switch hitter, which one are you?

if you choose to continue to provoke,or threaten me, and others, our only option would be to talk face to face, and believe me, you WILL NOT like the outcome.
now please drop it, and I will do the same.

Hey Gary, have I been out of line?
if the threats continue, I WILL BE!


easy there cruz dont have a heart attack, my reply wasnt meant for you but for whomever jumped the quickest to it, and who wont let go of the fact that he did piss someone off and knows what the outcome of that could be, im done with this thread. ciao.
cruzn57 said:
(the pot) wife actually enjoyed the bates nut farm thing, she asked if there were any more comming up soon, truth be known, Wells was buying gallons of vegtable oil, :confused: does he have a side( hobby) we know nothing about?? Hey Scott, I've been pissing everyone off for years, even before you were born, ( ask your dad) so you might have to work overtime to catch up...... ha ha ha haha lets see ....... whos next on my harrassment list ?????? Nordy. your pretty quiet, and wicked, you haven't annoyed anyone today! Jeremy continues to break everything possible, the San Diego crew is awful quiet, whats wrong, been to hot?
sorry if I missed a few of you, but its your lucky day ( Lou, I will speak to the sheep about your midnight episodes) :eek: cruzn57
Ok, this is what was said/posted. Jokes, jesting or fun was poked at/to/about the following 1.Wells, 2.Scott, 3.Nordy, 4.wiked, 5.jeremy, 6. San Diego crew, 7.Lou. I see nothing that was said in there to arouse concern/abuse. This was just pretty much Lee's way of saying hi. We really need to be/become less sensitive about things that are said in jest.
When it gets to where we can't kid/joke with each other without somebody getting their nose out of joint , things have gotten pretty bad. If anybody has issues with anybody else, please take those issues offsite and conduct your business accordingly. Peace, everybody. Save your fighting/words for your better, or is that bitter halves(wives). Let's everybody kiss and make up, and, oh-I get to take pictures of that so I can blackmail everybody later.
"don't have a heart attack"?

why not, I left all my toys to you, so you can maintain them !

all except my corvette, wells gets that, so he will have a driver, not a garage queen....

Hey Gary. my wife wants to know if you will referee our discussions/ arguments? said you wouldn't dare side with me, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I mean no offense to anyone, if I did, you would know it,
hey I have one of the slowest WE4's around, and who cares?
its fun to drive, comfortable, and paid for,
if anyone has a problem with me, let me know I'll buy you a few beers, and then call the cops on you for drunk driving, Hey, what are friends for?

thanks Gary

cruzn57 said:
I mean no offense to anyone, if I did, you would know it,
hey I have one of the slowest WE4's around, and who cares?

yea, thats what you are going to say on Nov 3 in AZ ;) .. by the way, it took me 1 day to get over your post.. i was getting ready to go postal on the board here :biggrin: ... J/K

i know its the old age acting up when you type on here, so i just let it slide :p
cruzn57 said:
why not, I left all my toys to you, so you can maintain them ! all except my corvette, wells gets that, so he will have a driver, not a garage queen.... Hey Gary. my wife wants to know if you will referee our discussions/ arguments? said you wouldn't dare side with me, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I mean no offense to anyone, if I did, you would know it, hey I have one of the slowest WE4's around, and who cares? its fun to drive, comfortable, and paid for, if anyone has a problem with me, let me know I'll buy you a few beers, and then call the cops on you for drunk driving, Hey, what are friends for? thanks Gary cruzn57
Vette, you left me another pos vette. well at least your is faster than mine.
actually, not faster, but quicker as shoed by an idiot such as myself.
I sort of wanted Ray's Brutal Blew. Hope that you get caught in a snowstorm somewhere with way below 0 degrees just to remind you what heaters and airconditioners are for.

the WE4 is slow, it should be, its mostly stock,
now the T type, well Nordy, you just gonna have to find out,
I was out today trying to dial in some stuff, still having problems getting it to hook, ( with the new M/T radials) it goes side ways in 2nd, I adjusted tire press, air bag press, , my butt placement, , gonna try to adjust the shocks ,
I hope it'll make it in the 12's,

but you know old guys, our reaction times are in minutes, not seconds, maybe you can beat me with better reactions,
then again, I might start 2 minutes ahead of you.

any idea where you want to stay? in PHX
ha ha ha , fooled all of you

I have no plans to have the big one.
but, for a reasonable fee, you could have the elco.......
and the cosworth,
I'm looking at an 03 corvette, and am bidding on a clean WE2, so
who knows.....
besides, who would continue to stir the pot?

How dirty can you guys get?

How dirty can you guys get? don't worry Nordy Racer not you we all know you are rich :biggrin:

Hey guys I lost track, now who has the best burn so far :confused:

Wow don't make me get a Mustang and have to join with those fags :eek:

I did'nt even see I was mentioned in this post, but it is true, I have been breaking everything possible :eek: Some of us around here are a little sensitive though. I'm just a young man trying to learn my self how to get these 6's to work right. I've only been in the turbo buicks stuff for a year now, but have probably done more work than alot of armoral sprayers around here. Breaking stuff is in the learning process, and i've learned alot :D like not to boost your car at 25 psi on pump gas with a t66 :eek: and how stock tranny's and u joints do not hold up :tongue: and how loud head gaskets are when they do blow out at 25 psi, and how alot of people here talk alot of crap about how good they are a this buick shiznit, and drop their cars off for somebody else to build. But if you are over 45, I understand that (Gary, Cruzn57,and i'm sure a few more) :rolleyes: but for all the other wicked people around here, stop acting like 24 year olds, oh wait, i'm 24. And like Robert said, if you want something done right, do it your self! :)
how alot of people here talk alot of crap about how good they are a this buick shiznit, and drop their cars off for somebody else to build. But if you are over 45, I understand that (Gary, Cruzn57,and i'm sure a few more) :rolleyes:

Now this wasn't towards me in anyway was it :rolleyes: ??
oh yeah, and at the dyno store, you asked me if i'm ready for a spanking, when the elky's done, we'll see if you put your money where your big mouth is, oh wait, let me pull up my zipper first..

Hahahaha, I see your learning a lot of things about me from your boyfriend Nailpowerhead who btw came to me looking for help, I can see that when he is not trying to sell crap to people and being a crook he is right there beside you telling you what to type :rolleyes: , and for your own info Lou hasn't touched my car in at least 3 yrs and whenever i take to him is because i dont want to get my hands dirty and do the work myself, plus i dont mind letting Lou touch it at least he knows what he is doing and have kept my car in 1 piece, funny thing is you never made it back to the Dyno because your Piece Of SH** blew a headgasket, wonder who bolted them on was it your booyfriend mike hmmm ;) maybe you should let Lou do it this way they will stay where they belong, if I am an ass and a douchebag so be it, this is my way of weeding out the bottoms feeders like you and your boyfriend Mike aka nail. :) keep venting all your comments dont make any sense let the anger out it helps bring your blood pressure down

yours trully

me and Mike are friends. But I do all my own work, including building that elky you call a peice of crap, but many here consider it a nice elky. If I blow a head gasket, then thats my problem, but most real car builders enjoy wrenching, so when I break something, I look foreward to fixing it. Now as far as Mike being a crook etc., I dont find that too accurate, i've bought plenty from Mike. What ever bad blood run between you and him, is your own problem. At least I do have some friends I can call when I need a helping hand. I dont know what you are trying to say about being a bottom feeder, but what ever.
Good thing I did'nt make it back to the dyno store, the elky would have probably embarassed your gn, oh wait, you did'nt dyno it since you did'nt want to embarass your self :eek: I've said enough, just wanted to piss you off, I have accomplished it, and everytime somebody does piss you off, we all see your true rainbow, I mean colors come right through. Talk later Kevin... :cool:
p.s. I dont need to pay somebody $1,500 bucks to install a set of $100 dollar head gaskets.
not towards you, but if the shoe fits, wear it :D

what ever dude (just wanted to see if it was) some people are just jealous on here and shouldn't worry about my car or who tunes it.. it's fine and soon everyone will see that :biggrin: ..
Kevin you piece of ****t now im a crook, I tell you what you better hope we don't cross paths or you will be finding out what your health coverage covers you fatass piece of crap. its people like you that give these sites and car clubs bad names etc. and oh yea remember you bitched out at the cookout at the body shop when i challenged you to a heads up race you back pettled and went from ill beat the crap out of your car to i need a jump your so full of ****t and now calling me a crook etc. when you don't even really know me? trust me you just pissed off the wrong person so go ahead and say what you will and type what you will but paths do cross and when they do don't cry to everyone that your innocent!

ps when i came to you i had my car only a month or two and honestly you didn't even know completely what you were doing and claimed that lou was in the process of teaching you how to work on these cars so that you could tune them yourself, know it appears you are probably trying to take work from lou by claiming you are a gn tuner LOL, yea right thats why you went 12.3. and as for jeremy he got his own impression of you being a piece of crap from when he first met you and went up to compliment your car and all you could say without even knowing him is tell him your car could kick the crap out of his car and that is was junk, not a great first impression if you ask me when all he wanted to do was talk about the cars like humans. so now that you seem to bring me up in this thread when i have said nothing to you and are telling people that im a crook etc. your day will come.
i think we should do a TRACK DAY later in the year.. This should finish all the above problems :) , well maybe some of them...
NORDY THAT IS THE SMARTEST THING SAID SO FAR! I think it would be a great idea and that way we can see who has the balls and who doesn't.
nailheadpowered said:
NORDY THAT IS THE SMARTEST THING SAID SO FAR! I think it would be a great idea and that way we can see who has the balls and who doesn't.

let's wait for my car to get out here then LOL.. i would hate to be the you that couldn't race and start getting picked on here in this board :frown: .. BUT maybe,