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Solid body mounts?


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Apr 25, 2011
Anyone have exp. with solid mounts on a street car thinking of using them Vs. the poly's i have just wondering what the down's are i have a full coilover suspension?
Solid mounts tighten up the car and I personally like them and have had them on 3 cars now. The downside is if your frame is flexing heavily it can do havoc to your body work... ie cracking at your b pillar etc. Frame braces should stop most of it though. I don't really notice a difference between solid and poly for whatever reason. It is noticeable from rubber to polly or rubber to aluminum.

Everyone always freaks out when they are mentioned but most of the really big budget cars have solids or no mounts at all.

And PS I have an extra set if you want them. I am going to make my own set but about an inch shorter.
A chassis is designed to move to some degree, and that's why most with a frame have a flexible bushing of some sort under them. If you remove all the flex out of the chassis then other things will try to move and eventually break. Even on dirt track cars that have the body mounted directly to the frame you'll have stress fractures happen in the body. If this was strictly a dedicated race only car I'd say go for it, but since you plan on driving it on the street it might tighten it up some but you'll have other issues in the long run that will cost more than a good set of flexible bushings.;)
Well i know that my frame has now become way more ridgid with all the bracing/boxing i did if you pick up one corner you hardly get a inch before the other side comes up before it was about a foot! Being i have the poly's i will give them a shot at this point its not like i will know the difference anyways i have never driven the car!