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Some scum bag stole GN parts from Paul Castle's shop this past weekend


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I am new to the forum and this is my first post. I too hope that the oxygen-wasting scum are caught and prosecuted...(or hung by their sensitive parts).
I live in the southwest suburbs (Oswego) and am not familiar with Paul's shop or his work. It seems he is held in very high regard by everyone.

At the risk of going off-topic:
I am taking delivery of my mother's '87 GN in mid-May. She bought it in 1988 and except for some crappy American Racing wheels, it is bone-stock. Unfortunately, it had not been stored and started properly over the last 10 years, give or take, so I have my work cut out for me on the resto. I am having the Hot Rod Barn in Morris do the initial assessment of the car. They do beautiful work but are slow and extremely expensive.

If someone can post what Paul's area of expertise is related to the GN's or performance Buicks I would appreciate it very much. I will post a picture of my new "project :eek:

I will be spending most of my time in the restoration forum but look forward to learning as much as I can and meeting some of you in the midwest Buick community.
I have already learned that replacing the bumper fillers can be challenging and frustrating just to get a decent part.

Good luck to Paul getting justice for his loss.


Welcome to the family Chris, I don't live that far from you, I am just west of Geneva/ St. Charles area. Every Saturday we do some type of Turbo Regal related stuff. You're welcome to come by and hang out maybe I can help/answer most of your questions.


Thanks for the nice welcome, Prasad. I would love to hang out and learn some of the ins and outs of the turbo Buicks. I will call you to find out the details of where and when you guys get together.
Take care,
Thats sad, Paul is a great guy giving back more to the Buick community then one can Imagine. Everyone please keep a lookout for some GN or ttype owner getting his car painted. Remember this could be happening to one of us.
Paul I hope you or we find who did this.

sucks. i hope my crap doesnt get broken into and stolen.
looks like we got someone with sticky fingers in the area.
Its someone within a few hours drive most likely.

i would suspect the person has tool kit also.:rolleyes:

its very unfortunate that this happened and it pisses me off that the amount of theft has gone through the roof lately
Pisses me off too! :mad: Just last weekend I had my Jeep broken into, and they took my radio, camera, and all of my Cd's. I bring my cars computer in with me every night, cuz i'm worried it will get stolen. I don't live in the greatest neighborhood. I hope they find the D---heads that ripped off Paul!!!
I'm in Ky and always have an eye out for other TR's. I'll keep my eyes and ears open down here.... I hate thieves. :mad:
Just found this tread and all I can say is. It’s a shame to have such a thing as this happen to such a GREAT GUY like Paul, whom I was very fortunate to have met last year and know him now.
Well, I was at Paul’s Shop today buying an LED brake light “new product that he’s now carrying”. When I noticed Paul was not his normal self, So I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had just learned that one of his employees has been stealing from him and had just had him arrested, and that the same employee is also a member of the Buick Club. It’s a shame that one of our own club members would do this to a friend. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
it would be interesting to know who this employee was selling the parts to.
Well, I was at Paul’s Shop today buying an LED brake light “new product that he’s now carrying”. When I noticed Paul was not his normal self, So I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had just learned that one of his employees has been stealing from him and had just had him arrested, and that the same employee is also a member of the Buick Club. It’s a shame that one of our own club members would do this to a friend. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The sad thing is; only God knows how many other things that were taken that Paul hasn't noticed yet. We knew it was someone that was close to Paul and his where about at all times. If he was smart about it, he might have gotten away with it this time too!!!. (If you guys find out about the details of how this went down, you would just shaking your heads too) .Well if he was smart, he wouldn't be steeling from anyone in the first place.

I am a strong believer in what goes around comes around and trust me when I say this; no matter what the reason or excuse they give you for why they did what they did, at the end of they day their own conscience/ guilt will eat them up. You may think you can fool others by giving stupid excuses but truly how can you fool your self if you are the culprit. Some people think they are invincible but karma will catch up to them soon or later.

I know who he is and most of us know who he is as well. We have seen/met him here or there. It makes me sick to think that you always have to watch your back no matter who you deal with now days.

That is horrible you give somebody a job and they stab you in the back? So many people dont have jobs and would do anything to have one. Its sad how ungrateful people are. I have an employee that stole 9k worth of tools from me and he is in jail now and its been 2 years and im still pissed. I didnt sleep for a year when it happened i just sat with my shotgun every noise i heard i ran outside ready to blast someone until eventually i hired one of his friends that had my compressor:mad: Needless to say he fled from Florida to Texas cause he knows my temper and i honestly would have beat him into a comma!
That is horrible you give somebody a job and they stab you in the back? So many people dont have jobs and would do anything to have one. Its sad how ungrateful people are. I have an employee that stole 9k worth of tools from me and he is in jail now and its been 2 years and im still pissed. I didnt sleep for a year when it happened i just sat with my shotgun every noise i heard i ran outside ready to blast someone until eventually i hired one of his friends that had my compressor:mad: Needless to say he fled from Florida to Texas cause he knows my temper and i honestly would have beat him into a comma!

Yes indeed, it very sad how ungreatful some people are, I am glad he was cought in your case and his buddy that is on the run!!! Karma will get you soon or later!!
