Somthing Disturbing On This Site!


Former owner
May 22, 2002
ok im pissed now.

i was just browsing around on this site and i saw an ad banner

thats BULL****. you dont mix your own polatics with personal enjoyment like turbo regals. especially somthing as one sided as that.

i hope that its not the people who run this site that put it on there.

if its not you guys, sorry for this post. im thinking (hopeing) that maby its just some kind of popup from another site or somting.
please tell me it is

It doesn't really bug me too much, but I'm not from CA, as far as I know he just bankrupted CA, but if I lived there it would piss me off that he bankrupted the state, but once again I don't live there.
You don't need a screenshot. It comes up all the time at the banner at the top. I look at it this way...the site belongs to Bruce...if he wants to put it there it is his business. You can not like it of course and that is your business. The real problem is that if too many people disagree with it then this post will just disappear so nobody will be able to read it. :mad:
I heard Bruce threatening to put it up, but haven't seen it.
Republicans want to blame Gray davis for the california economy, but don't blame Bush for the national economy.
The truth is its neither should be blamed
I doubt the banner has anything to do with our hobby....the California issue is all about the economy. An old saying comes to mind that Bush Sr. should have listened to and it looks like it might do in W as well....."It's the economy STUPID!" Neither of them seem to get it.
Originally posted by KillrV6
i was just browsing around on this site and i saw an ad banner

thats BULL****. you dont mix your own polatics with personal enjoyment like turbo regals. especially somthing as one sided as that.

i hope that its not the people who run this site that put it on there.

What is "disturbing" to me is your whinning about a political statement like this, which it, and many others, have been on the board lots before. If you do not like it, ignore it. If you have a rebuttal since you think it is "one sided", post it.

There have been MANY political comments and statements on the board, and since this one has direct affect to the board's owner, it is his decision to publicize it.

Seems to me your opinion is with the small majority of all Californians!:)
It's really funny how liberals just don't get that the US suffered the most devestating attack ever right here in our own country.....for no reason. Bloodthirsty fanatics who wish to murder all of us. We are forced to defend ourselves. That costs money that might be spent otherwise, like for example, to help the economy. Instead of uniting behind our leader, whoever he may be, to fight against that enemy, they'd rather give aid and comfort to that enemy.
Turbo Lounge
A place for off-topic discussions

Above is what's on the contents page .
Maybe this should be added "...except Politics...."

last time i checked, it was new york that got attacked, not california. ??? Theres a bunch of meatballs in office and im hungry!
KillrV6 you are 18yrs old

I am glad you are taking an interest in your Government, but at your age all you know is what your highschool teachers and family have taught you. I feel sorry for you having only lived under Gray Davis and Bill Clinton type politics. Bush is not perfect but 911 changed everything.

Keep involved and when you vote for the first time use your brain not your heart.
Constant stream of Illegal Aliens = Bankrupt State

Too many useless social programs that do nothing.

Close the Borders, Deport the unwanted, cut all the free billions to immigrants and you will have business move back.

Just my opinion, no pointing fingers or blaming.
I think they should'nt allow political or religion topics posted on the board. It starts to much trouble! JMO.
Originally posted by krom
18yrs old

I am glad you are taking an interest in your Government, but at your age all you know is what your highschool teachers and family have taught you. I feel sorry for you having only lived under Gray Davis and Bill Clinton type politics. Bush is not perfect but 911 changed everything.

Keep involved and when you vote for the first time use your brain not your heart.

who is he talking about?
Originally posted by ACME RACING
Turbo Lounge
A place for off-topic discussions

Above is what's on the contents page .
Maybe this should be added "...except Politics...."


Ads appear in every forum and I thought they were for TB related vendors who payed for them.
As many of you drive around in your TRs, on the way to the mall, :rolleyes: and other important stuff, we wouldn't want to disturb you and remind you that thousands of young guys, just like you, are risking their lives, everyday, in 120* heat, to eradicate the terrorists. A couple of threads here to show your support for our country on this board wouldn't be a bad thing. I know it's something confusing to some of you, like saying a pledge of allegiance in your old high school, but it's really not a bad thing.
As many of you drive around in your TRs, on the way to the mall, and other important stuff, we wouldn't want to disturb you and remind you that thousands of young guys, just like you, are risking their lives, everyday, in 120* heat, to eradicate the terrorists. A couple of threads here to show your support for our country on this board wouldn't be a bad thing. I know it's something confusing to some of you, like saying a pledge of allegiance in your old high school, but it's really not a bad thing.

Also If Bruce wants to make a Room just for politics,Good. It's his house he can do anything.
