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Spark plug advice and gap info. needed


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josh young

May 12, 2008
I'm going to replace the plugs in the Buick and was wondering what you guys think would be best for my setup. I've searched on here and over on Seems he suggests the ac42's for the 12 second and faster cars and the 43's for the cars in the 13- 13.5 range. I believe mine would be in the low to mid 12's just on 93. I run 110 in it most of the time. I've seen people using NGK's, AC's and Autolites. I'm thinking of sticking with the AC's but wanted some feedback first. Thanks for any info. guys!
I've been having some odd sputtering poblems lately and I'm starting to think the ACs might be the problem. From what my boy at the part store has said I'm not wrong....

some time this week I'm going to swap over to some NGK and I have a feeling I 'll eliminate one problem.
I gave up on AC Delco plugs long ago, Autolite or NGK are at the top of my list. :)
What NGk's would work best for me Nick? I guess they have a have a couple versions like the AC's. Also thanks Earl and Nick for the heads up on the AC plugs. I run the NGK's in my Syclone and am happy with them.
from what I've gathered the autolites aren't much better. Back in my GP roadracing days it was hard to go bad with the NGKs
I've always had great luck with Autolite 23's on stock heads and Autolite 103's on my GN1 heads. I gap them at about .032 I've owned my car since new and never had a sparkplug issue.
What plugs would be best for TA Aluminum heads ?

This is what TA recommends from their catalog. I am running these but only have 700 break in miles so far.

SPARK PLUGS: Use NGK R5671A Series or equivalent. Increase dash numbers for colder plug or decrease for hotter.
HOTTER -7, -8, -9, -10 COLDER