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Spark Plug Questions


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scot w.
Feb 19, 2005
Okay I recently have been thinking about spark plugs and what happens in the cylender when using Julios AKLYCONTROL kit along with regular 93 gas. Does the alky kit make things hotter, make things cooler or pretty much remain the same?
The reason I ask is the Correct heat range and type of spark plug is a vital part of the "tune" of an engine combustion. The tip temperature of the spark plug must stay lower than dangerous Pre-ignition temperature of about 1400* F.
The tip temperature must also stay hot enough to prevent oil or carbon fouling (apoximetly 800* F). So although it's a good rule of thumb to maintain the hottest tip temperature possible that will not cause problems, What plug is recomended with using the Alky kit with 93 octane gas??

Has this been researched?? Be curious to know the findings on how or if there are any changes to the combustion..

Scot W.
Alky cools a cylinder so it is best to read the plugs in each individual case (every engine is a little diff.) for your best bet.
Alky cools a cylinder so it is best to read the plugs in each individual case (every engine is a little diff.) for your best bet.
I know each engine is a LITTLE diff but one could still go by the results of the change and change acordingly to there cars engine. I also already know it would very buy the amount of methanol being injected (Pump speed,nozzles, ect).

I know it cools the air intake charge but how much of that effect is gone by the time it hits the cylinder?

SO if your saying it cools the cylinder, should guy's running the alky kit run hotter plugs than someone just running regular gas?

** My main question was has anyone done any research to see JUST HOW MUCH or IF the cylinder temps are changed when using a progressive methanol kit with regular gas. And buy How Much it's changed?

Scott, I think D. Wang had a long write up on the meth properties.
But it might have been straight alky.
Scott, I think D. Wang had a long write up on the meth properties.
But it might have been straight alky.
Yeah I believe it was about Straight methanol. Ohh well, I will just stick to the Autolite 23's ... :)

It is far safer to use a spark plug that is too cold than one that is too hot. If you choose a plug that is too cold, you'll end up with a fouled plug. Easy enough to deal with. If you use a plug that is too hot, engine damage.
I always thought that spark plugs started cleaning at a temp closer the 600F. Could be wrong.
I know that the autoignition temp for methanol is in the 700s to 800s F range.

Detonation is brought about by combustion temps getting too high for the octane level of the fuel being used. The fact that alcohol injection does lower combustion temps is evidenced by the ability of it to stave off detonation.

In general, the higher the hp output of the engine, the higher level of heat that's generated during combustion, the colder the plug that's required.

I would always start out on the cold side for a plug and then start reading them after some WOT tests. Assuming the a/f ratio being used is correct, if they're reading too cold after more than at least 3-5 WOT tests, step it up one. Be very careful though. It's always safer to error on the cold side.