Okay, now it's time for my Buick-related post.
Sometimes, your fun meter isn't always at it's max , especially mine, after looking into an empty engine bay for the past 9 months.
But my meter has followed me around, as I try to feed it as much fun as possible. Today, I fed it small things, especially now that I just got that belt sander yesterday.... *COUGH*
Other times, it will get fed a much bigger hunk of meat, making it happier.
There was even the time i took it on a field trip to find what it really wants, and what it will be finally getting, in a few weeks time! (not pictured: Aluminum heads, rockers, cam, pistons, and hysterical laughing)
That made the fun meter REEEALLY happy. Although, it also fancies that big aluminum V8 in the background as well.
Not sure how, or why I made it into some convoluted children's short story, but now i'm kind of glad i did.