Just put a set of HGs on the car and new 9" converter.
Rolling along around 2500rpms (in any gear), kick it and the following happens.
Boost/ vac equalizes, then slowly builds to 5# around 3000rpms, continues to build to 10# at 33-3400, then laziley goes to 15# about 3800, then shoots to 20# @4000 rpms then pulls like mad to 23# throughout the rest of the power band.
Same problem out of the hole...car will only foot stall 2200 rpms at launch, then slowly goes through the condition above.
Car feels great above 4000, but is a complete pig below that level. Thought it was a rich lowend condition, but FAST shows good AF. Same program as before converter and HG.
My guess is convertes is too tight, looking for second opinion.
Bart Patrello
Rolling along around 2500rpms (in any gear), kick it and the following happens.
Boost/ vac equalizes, then slowly builds to 5# around 3000rpms, continues to build to 10# at 33-3400, then laziley goes to 15# about 3800, then shoots to 20# @4000 rpms then pulls like mad to 23# throughout the rest of the power band.
Same problem out of the hole...car will only foot stall 2200 rpms at launch, then slowly goes through the condition above.
Car feels great above 4000, but is a complete pig below that level. Thought it was a rich lowend condition, but FAST shows good AF. Same program as before converter and HG.
My guess is convertes is too tight, looking for second opinion.
Bart Patrello