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Starting the Police Academy


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New Member
Jun 14, 2001
I'm not too big of a talker on here but I just have to tell everyone this. I start the police academy Monday morning. I'm going to Chicago's but for Metro. I'm so excited. I've got most of my stuff already. I started getting paid on Tuesday so they've had me filing reports, moving boxes around, and some other stuff like that but in 3 month I will be a POLICE OFFICER. Oh, and they already gave me my badges. When they gave them to me I couldn't stop looking at it. It feels so good to be doing this too.
I remember when I started. Good times. Remember no matter what just do what you are told, don't say a word unless asked, don't make eye contact, and don't give up. In a couple years you will think back and laugh about how scared you were. If you have any questions just ask me. Feel free to email me.
Good luck Mike. Do just like he said. Mouth shut, ears open. Do what your told. You'll be OK. Congratulations on pursuing a tough job.:)
Best of luck Mike, hopefuly i'll be doing the same soon. I'm trying to get on somewhere.. aplying to lot of places here in new england. Unfortunatly Massachusetts is a tough state to become a cop so i'm looking elsewhere. I want to be somewhere where its busy, but not a huge city. I might take a month off this summer and apply to some places further away like in the DC/ Maryland area.
Originally posted by EMcNeice
Best of luck Mike, hopefuly i'll be doing the same soon. I'm trying to get on somewhere.. aplying to lot of places here in new england. Unfortunatly Massachusetts is a tough state to become a cop so i'm looking elsewhere. I want to be somewhere where its busy, but not a huge city. I might take a month off this summer and apply to some places further away like in the DC/ Maryland area.

Well if you think Maryland is much better as far as getting a job you may want to think again unless you want to go with a county agency. MSP is one of the toughest to get into as far as the 50 states go and so are just about all of the other state agencys. You might have good luck with Baltimore county or city or even Prince Georges county they offer great pay and have openings. I am gonna try to get in with the University of Maryland police or the Transportation Authority. Both are tough as well because of being state agencys, hopefully I will have my SPO soon so it will help my chances more. Anyhow good luck to everyone!
Good Luck. Study hard is a must. I had some great times with my accademy friends. Some of my best memories.;)
Good Luck! I remember how excited I was when I finally landed my first law enforcement job. If you have any questions along the way feel free to post in the rookie forum at

Originally posted by mike
I'm not too big of a talker on here but I just have to tell everyone this. I start the police academy Monday morning. I'm going to Chicago's but for Metro. I'm so excited. I've got most of my stuff already. I started getting paid on Tuesday so they've had me filing reports, moving boxes around, and some other stuff like that but in 3 month I will be a POLICE OFFICER. Oh, and they already gave me my badges. When they gave them to me I couldn't stop looking at it. It feels so good to be doing this too.

Congrats! Time for both self achievement and teamwork.. I think you will find that the profession is at times the most stressful, thankless thing you have ever done.. But beleive me its there is nothing like it...
I hope you share the passion of the profession as allot of us do.

I also caution you that you will be in held to a higher standard than the rest of the community and be walking the liabilty line every time you work.

I also encourage you to visit regularly, learn from the mistakes or tragedy's that have occured to ensure you be realistic of the daily risks we go through.. Regardless of the size of the agency or population.

While in the academy, keep your head up.. Dont get discouraged, and be proud. (Remember it is nothing but time, it will eventually end) . Should you need some assistance or have any questions or need insight on anything please feel free to contact me. I wish you well and best of luck!

Congratulations! As my colleagues said, it's a thankless job and you'll never be wealthy but it's rewarding.

A bit of advice; don't volunteer for anything, keep a low profile and do EXACTLY what they say. Study hard for your tests and maintain a low profile. Be the silent but rock solid performer.

Keep your academy uniform ship shape. Try every one of them on before your 1st day and trim every strand of hanging threads otherwise you're looking for demerits.

It really sucks at times but it'll fly by, trust me.
Thanks guys for the encouragement and advice. Where I'm going it's only 2.5 square miles but is the busiest town around. They get the most volume of calls. Aperrego, I've wanted to do this since I was a kid, to be able to help people. Bigz, I'm already looking at that site and a couple of other ones too. One of my friends is in the same academy now but for Chicago so he's telling me some stuff too. If I have any questions I will be sure to ask you guys. I just want to thank you guys again.
Awesome! 3 months?? Short academy...ours was 6. Though only 8 hour days.

Remember first and foremost: your goal is to go home...every day. Do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.
Aperrego, I've wanted to do this since I was a kid, to be able to help people.

Thats a great baseline for the desire, but remember situations will occur and you will have to deal with lifes most dangerous and undesirables.. So reality in most cases is a tad bit off base to perception.. But your willingness and desire is very similiar to mine, I am a 2nd generation leo and everyone in my fathers side of the family has a cop in it in every generation. I have a cousin that is a homicide LT for the San Bernadino CO SO in cali.. Makes for some great story sharing even though my stories are the Disneyworld Theme compared to his..

Best of Luck and we look forward to hearing your progress! Keep us up to speed!
Follow the good advice above!

Just to add a little; always have an open mind because you will learn new things throughout your career. While everyday is going to be different, so will the bad guys - never let your guard down.

Keep in mind that not everyone respects the badge, and don't get too high on it. I see too many new officers flashing their badge around off duty like it means something. It often time doesn't!

Got Boost, I like that quote. I'll make sure I always remember it. Wakko, 3 for the suburbs but it is 6 for the city. Aperrego, I'm starting to understand a little bit more of what goes on here by talking to other officers and listening in on some roll calls. Some of the officers are trying to explain to us that especially in this town that it's not always about helping other people but helping other officers make it home. It's pretty bad here but not worse than in cetain parts of the city. Again, I really appreciate all of you guys. I'll make sure I keep you guys posted on how I'm doing. Probably not so much while I'm in the academy because I'm going to study my a** off, but as soon as I get out I'll let everyone know. THANKS AGAIN.
Re: Re: Starting the Police Academy

Originally posted by aperrego
I also encourage you to visit regularly, learn from the mistakes or tragedy's that have occured to ensure you be realistic of the daily risks we go through.. Regardless of the size of the agency or population.

I never realized there were so many of us on this site.

Aperrego offered excellent advise. is my personal home page. Viewing this website on a regular basis once your on the road really keeps you thinking.

In reference to the academy, do everything everyone else already said. Chin up, mouth shut, ears open. That was my philosophy just over 2 yrs ago and it definitely worked well!

I'm also available for advise or anything:

Best of Luck Brother!
Just got home a couple of hours ago from my first day. It was interesting. We met our instructors and had a class on case reporting. This whole week we have to wear suits. Starting next week we start at 5:30am and that's when we start PT and control tactics and have some real classes. Its's a little strange for me because I was never in the military. We have to line up in formation. Stand at attention when a Lt. or anyone higher comes in the room. Walking in the hall we have to say Good morning or afternoon to all of the officers we see. I'm sure I'll get used to it this week. The only thing is the gym instructors are pretty umm like they are still in the Marines. But other than that I'm gonna love it. Thanks guys.
Very good advice given. If they dont set you up to get Hepatitus shots, I would do so on your own. It is given in a series of 3 spread over time. That way you will be covered when you are on the street.

Good luck