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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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Hope you get your car and rig back. Just makes me sick to my stomach to hear what has happened. I know the feeling, but was lucky enough to get my car back. I wish you the same result.
I got a message back from them . Of course they can not tell me anything and I would hope they would NOT anyway. The one that emailed me back seems very sincere and I think they know the kind of publicity this is getting on the net so it is putting pressure on them. I told them it has been posted on about everywhere you can think of and HOPEFULLY it will help get them some leads in this case and get Billys property back to him. Daniel Ray
well, that certainly isnt the way a cop should handle that situation but even when the US Marshals track a known felon with murder charges who is using their cell phone the technology will only narrow it down to maybe the hotel itself.

GPS cell tracking does not tell you which hotel room it is in. its just not that exact. the police know that and that is why they knew there was little they could do for her. its petty larceny by statute. on a scale of 1-6 here in CT as far as larcency goes it would be a 6 with 1 being grand larceny or larcent 1st as we would call it.

a search warrant would have to be specific to a particular hotel room and an arrest warrant would have to be specific to an individual. no police department is going allocate resources to find a stolen cell phone unless the person they are lookn for is wanted for a serious felony. it would require man power and surviellance time.

but if the cop took the time to explain that to ur wife she and you might not have felt chit on by the police. like every profession, useful people and useless people. he happened to be useless.

thanks Brett for your honesty

and was not my wife but here best friend or it would have defiantly had a different outcome

your absolutely correct, GPS is not very accurate, and yes its just a cell phone not gonna dispute that

but, they do have a clear pic of the guy who stole the phone including tattoos, shouldn't be to hard to take pic
ask hotel staff which room hes in, then go ask the divorce/bankruptcy judge ( that will sign anything
you ask so they can feel important, even though there very much uninformed )

last year they raided that hotel looking for known gang members that ran from police, they were walking down the street and cops decided to harass them ( and rightly so ) they ran to hotel where police lost them, and perimeter was set up something like 12 patrol cars and swat. They evacuated all tenets and search room by room looking for suspects which they didnt find, they didnt need a search warrant that day. believe hotel only has 16-18 rooms they recovered 9 guns ( not legally owned) , almost 2 pounds of meth, couple ounces of rock cocaine, and don't remember how much weed.

there were two murders in the parking lot last year over drug deals gone wrong, only people that stay there are A) dealers, B) tweekers. C) people hiding out from cops or other gangs, everyone knows that including cops.

so chances are they probably would have found more than just a stolen phone in the suspects room, and since we know know that he is currently enrolled in a rehab that most people there are assigned by courts chances are hes already felon and on parole.

cops from the same police department that pulled a shotgun on my teenage bro in law while they sat in there patrol car ( you know like gang bangers do ) and asked him what neighborhood hes from as he walked across the street to church, with my mother in law a few feed behind.

or the time he and some friends were waiting on other friends in the In-n-out parking lot (after they ate there) and were told to go home its past curfew when one replied its only 8:30 curfew is at 10 the 5 17-18 year olds were shoved in the back of a patrol car, you know the one with the plastic seat, brother in law was the last one in and had to lay on the other 4 guys laps as the cops ate at in-n-out

sorry for the long rant, just tired of bullchit cops who are too lazy to do there jobs, its the reason people are so disillusioned by cops, they give the good cops a bad rap, and make it difficult for good cops to do there job with out catching chit for the ones who dont give fuk and are just there to collect a check and go home.

and Brett in know just like in every other profession, there are some good and some not worth a chit, but when it comes to law enforcement there should be higher standers.

and again sorry for the long rant guys
well, that certainly isnt the way a cop should handle that situation but even when the US Marshals track a known felon with murder charges who is using their cell phone the technology will only narrow it down to maybe the hotel itself.

GPS cell tracking does not tell you which hotel room it is in. its just not that exact. the police know that and that is why they knew there was little they could do for her. its petty larceny by statute. on a scale of 1-6 here in CT as far as larcency goes it would be a 6 with 1 being grand larceny or larcent 1st as we would call it.

a search warrant would have to be specific to a particular hotel room and an arrest warrant would have to be specific to an individual. no police department is going allocate resources to find a stolen cell phone unless the person they are lookn for is wanted for a serious felony. it would require man power and surviellance time.

but if the cop took the time to explain that to ur wife she and you might not have felt chit on by the police. like every profession, useful people and useless people. he happened to be useless.

Brett thanx so much for explaining it that way. so many would would read that post & say all law enforcment is BS.
Billy T. posted this.

Spoke with Bowling Green PD, they are NOT assigning this case to a detective. So if anything is going to be located, it's going to happen by us.

As of this posting, nothing has been located.

Billy T.

This is absolutely appauling !!!

I wouldn't set foot in that B.S. town ever again with these crappy Police protecting or careing about my property. The GSCA should be applying pressure to the Police and demanding someone look into these thefts.

With all the stories we've heard about car theft down there and the Police not giving two $hits about our property I think maybe the GSCA should end their relationship with that 2 bit town and start making plans for next years event elsewhere. I sure as hell wouldn't chance going to that unsafe town or event ever again. You gotta be nuts if you do !!!.

So Bowling Green KY is basically telling us......WE DON'T MEAN ANYTHING TO THEM and THEY DON'T CARE!
Show them we do care and move the event the hell out of that town, then you'll see how much they care.

I contacted the BG Visitors Bureau and they seem appalled by how the BGPD is ignorant of the potential economic impact on the town for all car events. I told them to Google "Buicks stolen in Bowling Green" and they saw how this is all over the web and how the BGPD's lack of a sense of urgency is pathetic and will ultimately hurt them through fewer visitors. Maybe they can convince the BGPD to make this top priority. The more people who are made aware of this injustice the better.
Contact these folks and the City manager. and the Economic Director for BG you will start getting awnsers fast.

Board of Commissioners Contact List
Joe Denning Mayor......................................

Melinda Hill Commissioner.....................................

Brian "Slim" Nash Commissioner......................

Bruce Wilkerson Commissioner ..................

Bill Waltrip Commissioner .............................
You guy's have to realize this is now 5 days old and the chance to see/find these pricks on the road still is already passed, Someone mentioned them moving at night but this still does not make sense to me either because that means they and the rig's are sitting out in the open during the day and the theiving pricks stand a Great chance of walking out of the motel and getting caught getting in the rigs.. So that brings me back to my thought of them still being close to BG...

We NEED the police help to view traffic cameras, Hotel cameras, gas station cameras Etc, Etc News stations to run the pictures of these rigs on TV so everyone who watches can see what was stolen and maybe it was spotted... I hate to say this but without the BGPD's help this is as good as done until the truck or trailer pop up somewhere then the BGPD can fingerprint the **** out of it but that's about the extent of that too...

The first 48 hours are the most crucial but now it's been 5 days so far.....My guess is they are inside a building being dismantled and that is why the truck hasn't at least popped up yet!

I think it should be vacation time again for a BIG BUNCH of us to go back to BG and do some searching!!

BTW: I also sent a letter to the BGPD in regards to this situation and I also entered my information like it asked me to do because if you don't the request will be discarded.

Scott, what I am trying to get at is if they are not getting any help from the BG police. You can't expect anything to change
unless you shake the tree a little. Mayor ,City manager and economic director....those in charge of bringing in those tourist dollars.
In a big city this may not work but in small town USA it is very effective......These small towns are fighting for dollars. Let them know that the event is gone unless changes are made and and least some assistance in this matter.
Last year I had a “Scam Phone Call”, it was very unique and very convincing. I could see someone getting ripped off. I played along for awhile until I knew they could be caught. Because it spanned multiple states, I contacted the FBI.

I was ready to be part of the sting to catch these crooks. The guy I talked to (FBI), just laughed and said it happens all the time, if we stopped it they would just do it again! So they don’t care and I’m sure the crooks know this, so it continues.

I think social media is the only way to stop this from happening. Keep looking everyone, even if it’s just pieces or parts by now, somehow it will show up.

Funny the PD won’t hesitate to give me a ticket (Instant cash for them). However, when it comes to stolen property, what’s the PD’s stance here? Like the example above, it takes too many resources and increases work load and brings in zero revenue. After all it’s a business with a budget.

One could argue that we could pull together and remove ourselves from BD all together, but what does that do? It hurts the local business and the hard working people that rely on tourism. It lessens the load on the PD and the crooks will just follow us to the next advertized location. I do think that hitting the town at the highest political level should be done.

Craig’s List is free and so is FB. Put an ad out there, blanket the US.
If those rigs were on the road for 30 min after ripped that would be alot. I would bet the cars are still in the BG area cooling off in a barn. Once cooled, stripped and parted out or transported in a enclosed trailer. It sounds like these guys were pros, not in the business of getting caught.
If any hope for recovery exists, it will be from all the attention this has brought to light.
The police in that area should be aware of the situation by this point, if the vehicles are found unscathed, cool.
But hopefully in the event they're not, someone will cough up information as to who are responsible for the thefts and justice will be served, by law.......OR by LAW OF THE LAND, in which all parties involved(family members included)will be "touched".
From what I've read, this is not the first time a Buick got lifted, sounds like other events held at BG for other makes have been targeted as well.
Theives do not deserve the right to breathe, nor should anyone else knowing about their occupation.

The world is overpopulated by corupted people, help thin the herd.

and Brett in know just like in every other profession, there are some good and some not worth a chit, but when it comes to law enforcement there should be higher standers.
I hear ya. its harder to become a member of the Hells Angels then a cop. something fundamentally wrong with that. but with 800,000 cops in this country its a fact that ur gonna have many that are like tits on a bull. unfortunately u can teach pride.
From the police dept up there I think they are trying guys, just right now its like trying to catch a ghost but don't give up !

One other item, we are putting the theft on Crime Stoppers this coming Wednesday. Hopefully, we will generate something with that. You can pass it around if people recognize parts being sold or the entire car being sold, it goes without saying, we hope someone will contact us.