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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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Man I am soooooo sorry to hear about your car man.

For future reference guys you can buy a portable baby monitor with an integrated camera that alarms with movement via a motion detector and a portable monitor so you can see whats going on. The range is 150+ feet. Just hide the baby monitor and keep the receiver near you at night. It will alarm when motion is detected and you will see what is happening via night vision they have. They are under $200.00

A P.I. should be able to get any camera images from the areas that have surveillance around there and see if, when, and in which direction they went. BUT, most videos are only kept for so long and then overwritten. If you're lucky, one may have an image of one of these useless pieces of garbage in the driver's seat!
Billy T. posted this.

Spoke with Bowling Green PD, they are NOT assigning this case to a detective. So if anything is going to be located, it's going to happen by us.

As of this posting, nothing has been located.

Billy T.

This is absolutely appauling !!!

I wouldn't set foot in that B.S. town ever again with these crappy Police protecting or careing about my property. The GSCA should be applying pressure to the Police and demanding someone look into these thefts.

With all the stories we've heard about car theft down there and the Police not giving two $hits about our property I think maybe the GSCA should end their relationship with that 2 bit town and start making plans for next years event elsewhere. I sure as hell wouldn't chance going to that unsafe town or event ever again. You gotta be nuts if you do !!!.

So Bowling Green KY is basically telling us......WE DON'T MEAN ANYTHING TO THEM and THEY DON'T CARE!
Show them we do care and move the event the hell out of that town, then you'll see how much they care.

I keep viewing this hoping for a happy ending and I just get more angered with every read.I think we have to choose where we race.I for one will look more carefully when I hook the trailer up next year.Their are much better places to go,and in this economic time places are lined up to please us.Good luck Billy,I feel bad for you.
I keep viewing this hoping for a happy ending and I just get more angered with every read.I think we have to choose where we race.I for one will look more carefully when I hook the trailer up next year.Their are much better places to go,and in this economic time places are lined up to please us.Good luck Billy,I feel bad for you.

Sucks that this kinda thing can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone but it's also one of the main reasons I only take my cars to the BPG event in Ohio. They have ARMED 24 hour security guards at the track and 2 of the host hotels. That venue is also set up so you keep your trailer at the track at all times right till you leave to go home. I pull in Thursday, go right to the track and drop off my car and trailer. I'll drive my truck and or car back and forth to and from the hotel all weekend. The trailer stays at the track till Sunday when I check out of the hotel, and drive over to the track to hook up to my trailer and then leave later in the day. It's really the safest way all around and also one of the reasons the host hotel always sells out for that venue. It's a positive in many ways. One is you don't have to worry about someone hitting your trailer in the tight parking lots at these hotels. In the event you want to leave the event after track hours, you have to let a track official know when you are leaving, you have to show proof of who you are, the trailers owners card in your name, your tow vehicles owners card in your name, and the car in or on the trailers owners card or your not getting out with it period.

I had many cars stolen and broken into over the years living in the city and I'm very selective where my cars go still to this day. I always try to think like a car thief when out with the cars and avoid anything that looks easy to take. Yes I have them insured to the max and that's why we pay for insurance, but there is nothing worse then that feeling in your gut when you come outside and your stuff is all gone. I relive it all the time too many times.

This is petty theft to any police department and they don't care about your cars and or trucks. They file the report, put the info in the system, and that's the end of it. Out of the entire police department you might have 1 or 2 cops who actually take on the challenge of looking for car thief. Typically only because they had a car or truck stolen at one time and know the feeling all too well. They know you'll get paid in the end no matter what the outcome. The thief knows this as well. Sometimes I swear they don't care on purpose. Just think of what the end result will be here. The people that lost propriety here will get paid by the insurance company, most likely go out and buy a new truck, trailer, and or car. Stirs the economy for everyone and moves new money all around. From working for insurance companies and towing stolen recovered thefts day in and day out, I always swore these car manufactures want these cars to be taken with ease. It is so easy to steal just about any car out there esp our older Buick's. And if there is no club, alarm, and or kill switch on it, you can take it even faster! I've seen guys in the city break the steering columns on some of these GM vehicles with a hole the size of a dime and they had the cars. There was a guy near me who stole about 50 cars before they caught him. He would look for cars with the club on them. Even though the club can slow down some. They too can be taken off in seconds I've seen it. So he would take pride in breaking into the car, breaking the club off, and then leave it on the curb right from where the car was stolen. So the owner would come out in the morning to find his club laying on the ground where he parked. Talk about a kick in the nuts. The police were happy to catch him as he left a calling car behind. Most of the time it was joy rides no less. Sometimes he would sell them. It's all about keeping your eyes open, knowing who and what's around you, and just reporting anything that looks shady. That's about all you can do. As I said before I hope the guys who lost their cars and equipment make out good in the end. Like most of the guys said in this thread, at this point in time I doubt you'll see any parts off these cars and or ever see any of these cars and trucks again.
Well Bowling Green PD decided to assign a detective to this incident almost a week after the incident.

Hey Brett in the mood for a road trip. ;)

Billy T.
Well Bowling Green PD decided to assign a detective to this incident almost a week after the incident.

Hey Brett in the mood for a road trip. ;)

Billy T.
Let me know if you need my help or if you need an extra set of eye's, I am willing to help Billy....
Would other stolen car reports would be available for viewing..?? [Public information act??]
I'm betting those reports have received no better 'service" than these are...Time for someone to attend a city council meeting and stir the pot....
Searches for stolen items at other venues presented at Beech Bend, would likely be an eye opener, too.

The HI HAD to be concerned w/ thefts. [They KNEW the chances were higher than usual.] The videos are a common, everyday security item.. The "security guard" is/was an added deterrent. Maybe, slap thier a$$ w/ a lawsuit??

The Mayberry pd knows who steals stuff, and where they put it, and where they hang.... Some serious heat on those dirt bags might produce some G2...

I'm with John and Dan.... the cars are around BG...
Something that came to mind. I wonder if a list of IP's that visit this thread could be used in some way. There is a good chance the perp's have been lurking here. Maybe, just maybe we could trace the ip's, identify the ones from the area and get some leads.
I offer my spare eyesight, I'll make the time available for a search/destroy venue, if I happen to see former humans hanging from treelines, I'll consider the area swept and look elsewhere, really, who gives a **** about what happens to a convicted theif?, not I said the cat.
It looks more and more like this "happenstance" has been allowed to occur at other events conducted in the Bowling Green area without much response from the local Barney Fife's, who evidently don't care about protecting visitors in their area, maybe they are just not "car people".
Well, if people local to the area can get arrested for stealing a pack of cigarrettes in plain view, seems ok to me if they can dissappear from a big event with nobody seeing a thing during such a heyday/weekend stealing a truck/trailer/racecar, sure.....makes total sense.
I won't shed a tear WHEN these theives are found, although I may very well giggle at their pissing ability while hanging from a rope, sucks to be them.

You guys keep saying assign a detective, WHAT do you think a detective is going to do?? If BG is like everywhere else they're short handed, detectives have a ton of cases they're working on and there are NO LEADS. I know the dept. I work for won't even look at something like this with no leads. I'm in no way downplaying the theft, I know how important our cars are to us but in the grand scheme of things it a stolen car which im sure happens often in any town.
But some of you are missing the total of the theft in dollars it's not a pack of cigarretts or a run of a mill car valued between $5-10,000 dollars but I'll bet it's value far exceeds that and if the local PD would get the seriousness of this or if it happened to somebody they knew they would be singing a different tune. I agree with kevin on do the thieves like they used to horse thieves. A good tree and some rope works wonders for jogging peoples memory's. Or as in the middle east a thief cant steal with no hands. :mad::mad:
My 73 GTO was stolen in Brooklyn about 15 years ago. I parked it went back 10 min later and it was gone, those SOB's must of seen me pulling in and watched me to see where I went. Reported to Police and they said they will put it on the Hot sheet...never to here from it again..A year later a was getting tickets in the mail for non-payment tickets on the same car. I followed up with the Police and they told after a year in comes off the Hot Sheet and that's it, so those bastards were driving my car for a year. And the best is the Police are the ones that gave the car a ticket for parking by a pump and missing a front plate. Me and my buddies went down to where the ticket was issued but no site of my GTO...It was the last time I ever heard from the car again....Long story short..they don't care, not a priority..
But some of you are missing the total of the theft in dollars it's not a pack of cigarretts or a run of a mill car valued between $5-10,000 dollars but I'll bet it's value far exceeds that and if the local PD would get the seriousness of this or if it happened to somebody they knew they would be singing a different tune. I agree with kevin on do the thieves like they used to horse thieves. A good tree and some rope works wonders for jogging peoples memory's. Or as in the middle east a thief cant steal with no hands. :mad::mad:

Again where I work a 1000 dollar car or a 49999 car is the same crime GRAND THEFT. and I agree on the thieves, hang em and pelt them with rocks.
My 73 GTO was stolen in Brooklyn about 15 years ago. I parked it went back 10 min later and it was gone, those SOB's must of seen me pulling in and watched me to see where I went. Reported to Police and they said they will put it on the Hot sheet...never to here from it again..A year later a was getting tickets in the mail for non-payment tickets on the same car. I followed up with the Police and they told after a year in comes off the Hot Sheet and that's it, so those bastards were driving my car for a year. And the best is the Police are the ones that gave the car a ticket for parking by a pump and missing a front plate. Me and my buddies went down to where the ticket was issued but no site of my GTO...It was the last time I ever heard from the car again....Long story short..they don't care, not a priority..
you know the sane, you slip they grip.
i just got off of the phone with a buddy of mine who is a cop in my local area. He said he received a computer broadcast today that a 43' enclosed gooseneck trailer was found abandoned in Jefferson County Missouri on Thursday. Could be totally unrelated but...

As a victim of a car theft (stolen ttype), I empathize with the folks who have had their property stolen.

However, reading though these threads it seems like the "CSI" effect is alive and well here...

People tend to think that crime and catching criminals is like on tv. Bowling Green is a little Podunk town... Do you know what cops make here in KY? I know a few of them, $13-15 an hour is average in the small towns... Not sure about highway patrol... These police departments and sheriff departments simply do not have the money, manpower or resources to hunt down stolen cars... In their estimation, it's just not that important... You have to remember you all are out-of-towners. There's regular crime going on everyday and the "locals" are the priority.

Take a look at this:

The theft did not even make it onto their "crime of the week"!

When my car was stolen in FL it was the same thing... The basically stated that if they happened to run across it, then they might have a chance to catch the thief... Another car was stolen the same day mine was and it was found in two days about 5 states away... Why? Because a murder was involved.

As for taking away business from them? I don't think that they really care about Buicks. We're just one of the many car groups that use Beech Bend. There is usually something going on there all the time.

I think the best bet for trying to locate these stolen vehicles is to post up lots of pictures, vin numbers, details, etc. so that everyone that comes to this board will be advised. I thinking these were pretty fast cars. I assume that they will have very specific "go-fast" goodies.... Post pics and details... We can all be on the lookout here, other racing sites, craigslist and ebay, etc.... After that, these cars and their parts will be too hot to sell on any public forum. Who's the "target audience" for Turbo Buick parts? We are... And, there aren't that many of us.

If any one of us "finds" some parts for sale that look like the stolen stuff maybe we take a trip and see what else is for sale... Maybe we find the thieves...
The BG PD is a disgrace of a department. I spoke with the detective that was assigned to the case yesterday. He said that the "media" officer is putting something together to air on TV this coming Monday. I asked why Monday???? His reply because people don't watch the news on Friday. There is more of an audience Monday. I guess the BG PD is more concerned about TV ratings than solving crimes.

Oh BTW, I updated my sig :( :( :(

Billy T.