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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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anyone that took video at the track , LOOK thur it all, maybe you have the guy with the limp on your film somewhere and don't even realize it ! Keep looking guys, I am not giving up hope on this for Billy ! It's not like they can just drive THIS car around town and not be noticed. Keep you eyes open everyone !
anyone that took video at the track , LOOK thur it all, Keep you eyes open everyone !

I was thinking about this same thing. these guys must be in some ones video or pictures (may be in the background)

What about putting some money up? reward of some kind
setting up a donation thing to make a big enough pot to bring some one out with some info?
I am offering up to a $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) reward to anyone for the recovery on my car, no questions asked.

In order to recieve the reward, the car has to be in either LE possession, a friend of mines or in my possession.

Example: If you contact me and tell me that my car is at XXX street, somewhere, USA and I call my friend to pick it up and he confirms it's my car, you get the money.

Billy T.
WOW, with that kind of money maybe even the thief's friend will turn him in. Good luck man, I can't imagine what you are going through.

I don't personally know you Billy but this kind of stuff pisses me off:mad:I will put up$100 towards reward also.I really hope you get this car back

We have over 30,000 members I know not all would donate a $1 but some would donate more. We could add to Billy's 10,000 and perhaps get it to 20 or 25 thousand. Looking for ideas on how we can do this ?
We have over 30,000 members I know not all would donate a $1 but some would donate more. We could add to Billy's 10,000 and perhaps get it to 20 or 25 thousand. Looking for ideas on how we can do this ?
not a bad idea Tony. maybe Shane could set up a PayPal account and we could could all donate to it and see how much we could raise. give it a month or so and see what the final tally is. if not located after several months or however long a time that would be reasonable then the money could be returned to those who donated.

in the end money talks and BS walks so im sure the theif(s) are reading this so it would likely be in their best interest to see how this would pan out.
not a bad idea Tony. maybe Shane could set up a PayPal account and we could could all donate to it and see how much we could raise. give it a month or so and see what the final tally is. if not located after several months or however long a time that would be reasonable then the money could be returned to those who donated.

in the end money talks and BS walks so im sure the theif(s) are reading this so it would likely be in their best interest to see how this would pan out.

I wouldn't say return the money Brett. We could use it as a fund in the future if someone else's car is stolen or use it for charity. Lord knows in the last few years a number of our members has had health issues in the family and this would be a way for the community to help out.:)
I wouldn't say return the money Brett. We could use it as a fund in the future if someone else's car is stolen or use it for charity. Lord knows in the last few years a number of our members has had health issues in the family and this would be a way for the community to help out.:)
I think that would get too sticky as fas as who should or would receive support. one reward at a time imo. heath issues is not a path we should travel down. too broad.

money is a strong motivator. unlike a charity ppl would know exactly where 100% of their money was going. Billy is a very honorable guy. there would be nothing shaddy about how much of that reward would go the proper person if his vehicle was located.
I am offering up to a $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) reward to anyone for the recovery on my car, no questions asked.

In order to recieve the reward, the car has to be in either LE possession, a friend of mines or in my possession.

Example: If you contact me and tell me that my car is at XXX street, somewhere, USA and I call my friend to pick it up and he confirms it's my car, you get the money.

Billy T.

We have over 30,000 members I know not all would donate a $1 but some would donate more. We could add to Billy's 10,000 and perhaps get it to 20 or 25 thousand. Looking for ideas on how we can do this ?

I am adding $250.oo to this reward.
I am offering up to a $10,000 (yes, ten thousand dollars) reward to anyone for the recovery on my car, no questions asked.

In order to recieve the reward, the car has to be in either LE possession, a friend of mines or in my possession.

Example: If you contact me and tell me that my car is at XXX street, somewhere, USA and I call my friend to pick it up and he confirms it's my car, you get the money.

Billy T.

not a bad idea Tony. maybe Shane could set up a PayPal account and we could could all donate to it and see how much we could raise. give it a month or so and see what the final tally is. if not located after several months or however long a time that would be reasonable then the money could be returned to those who donated.

in the end money talks and BS walks so im sure the theif(s) are reading this so it would likely be in their best interest to see how this would pan out.

Paypal account OR Bank account (to earn some interest)
i wouldn't have a problem donating to a stolen/recovery car fund as Brett suggests
I would need an ARREST,conviction AND recovery to give some one my money other wise it would be way to easy to scam.
I would need an ARREST,conviction AND recovery to give some one my money other wise it would be way to easy to scam.

With the amount of LEOs on this board, it's very easy for us to verify if a car is stolen.

If a stolen car is left at a K-mart, mall, etc, etc it's going to be very hard to get a conviction and arrest but atleast the car was recovered.

Billy T.
Paypal account OR Bank account (to earn some interest)
i wouldn't have a problem donating to a stolen/recovery car fund as Brett suggests
I would need an ARREST,conviction AND recovery to give some one my money other wise it would be way to easy to scam.

It is very easy to see if a guy is straight up or a scammer.Click on his name and view his posts.:cool:In a very short time you will see what kind of a person he or she is.This is a small niche market

Of all the things, My wife calls me today from a little town east of were we live. (Had to take the baby for shots).
Anyway she had seen 2 GNs or "cars like mine as she called them". Setting behind a shady little used car lot that I know doesn't have any GNs. She had heard me comment about the recent 2 stolen. And told me to get over there and check them out.:confused: Well I did and sorry to report it was not them.....:mad: Just a 85 & rough 87.
But she knew they where not there last week.

The only reason I am adding this is to let you know there is a lot of us looking. Even my wife.
Sorry Billy.
I'll kick in $$$ as well if your car is recovered. There's enough of us on here to pony up a nice reward for both stolen cars.
I check craigslist here in KY a couple of times a week and haven't seen anything come up.
I'd kick up some $ if you guys set up a donation fund.
Of all the things, My wife calls me today from a little town east of were we live. (Had to take the baby for shots).
Anyway she had seen 2 GNs or "cars like mine as she called them". Setting behind a shady little used car lot that I know doesn't have any GNs. She had heard me comment about the recent 2 stolen. And told me to get over there and check them out.:confused: Well I did and sorry to report it was not them.....:mad: Just a 85 & rough 87.
But she knew they where not there last week.

The only reason I am adding this is to let you know there is a lot of us looking. Even my wife.
Sorry Billy.

Thats cool Ronnie,

BTW I match Steve's donation and add $250 to the recovery fund.
Cleveland Ohio is watching everywhere and i got guys elsewhere where their eyes and ears open!
I know there will probably be many negative posts about this, but I have not posted this to cause controversy or a "flamefest", just a thought. Has anybody considered consulting a psychic? I don't mean the gypsy roadside type, either. I was a skeptic until friends booked me a session years ago. Most of what this person said was dead on and she even described the next woman and when I would meet her almost exactly. I would never go back for life advice, but if I had my stuff stolen with no trace, I would spend a couple $. Just my 2 cents