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Tesla semi truck goes 0-60 mph in 5 seconds without a trailer.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
And can still do it in 20 seconds pulling an 80,000 lb loaded trailer. lol ;)

Maximum torque at 0 rpm and all three tractor axles driven can do that.

No transmission to sap energy or cause delays from shifting, either.
I'm looking forward to seeing some actual performance road tests when they are available. Right now all we have to go on is what they claim they are.
Great post, it's here, definitely pros and cons. I want bore you about truck talked,but I have been the industry for over thirty years. Wal-Mart has already order 15 of the Tesla Semi for test.In twenty five years or less Autonomous Trucks will rule the highway, once our country's infrastructure is updated.
I can see the benefits of a smaller tractor for inner city use too. No exhaust and noise would be welcomed I'm sure. Even a delivery truck for bread, etc would be pretty cool.
Great post, it's here, definitely pros and cons. I want bore you about truck talked,but I have been the industry for over thirty years. Wal-Mart has already order 15 of the Tesla Semi for test.In twenty five years or less Autonomous Trucks will rule the highway, once our country's infrastructure is updated.

That would be interesting to see. Snow and shiny objects are their Achilles heel right now. Remember the Tesla that smashed into the stainless steel tanker or was it white?

I made a comment not too long ago how it wasn't that long ago we were watching movies with self driving cars. I would love to own an all wheel drive Tesla!
I think some people might disagree with some of those claims.

Yeah, somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.

The thing is, the pack required for that range would weigh 15,000 pounds using currently available batteries. Nikola motors doesn't make batteries. They're stuck buying what's on the market, so that's what they know. Tesla does make batteries. *If* Tesla has doubled the energy density of a cell - and I've seen several articles over the past few years where researchers have done it in the lab - then the battery pack drops to 7,500 pounds, roughly what the weight of the diesel engine, transmission, two axles, and 400 gallons of fuel would weigh.

If that were the case, it would account for the ridiculous performance claims and range for the new roadster.

If they haven't had a battery breakthrough, then yes, Elon is full of shit and this is just a ploy to get a cash influx so they can shove Model 3s out the door and pray they catch back up in time to release these products.

Except he doesn't have a record of being full of shit. He has a record of over promising with regards to timelines, yes. He also has a record of taking amazing risks, especially financially. But his products have all come out pretty much as advertised.
Aside from the inefficiency of charging & attempting to store electricity (gas & diesel are still far more efficient) autonomous trucks & other vehicles is a very bad idea.

There is a reason for a trained human operator.
As far as no driver, im against. As far as electric i truly beleive that when these actually catch on in the US that he wont be able to make enough of them. 8.9 1/4s and you cant even hear it run. 620 miles before a charge,amazing. Who would of thought the entire auto industry would have come down to battery's, anybody can make a car body and electric motors, its all in the batteries.
only 250 miles on a charge would take to long to go east to west coast and back.
Aside from the inefficiency of charging & attempting to store electricity (gas & diesel are still far more efficient) autonomous trucks & other vehicles is a very bad idea.

There is a reason for a trained human operator.

Humans are stupid, prone to fatigue, bad judgement, and ego.

As automobile operators on public roads, our days are numbered. The software is already better than we are. We're just waiting on the regulatory framework to catch up.
Human beings have the capacity to respond to situations outside of their normal operating parameters.

Computers/machines cannot.
Humans are stupid, prone to fatigue, bad judgement, and ego.

As automobile operators on public roads, our days are numbered. The software is already better than we are. We're just waiting on the regulatory framework to catch up.

There is definitely some truth to that! Here is a picture taken in September going to my hometown up North. I would like to see how it could maneuver there and I would like to see the range on the batteries especially when the weather hits north of -50. And it has to speed up for the steep hills which can be programmed but still.
Human beings have the capacity to respond to situations outside of their normal operating parameters.

Computers/machines cannot.

Exactly!! That is why I posted the pic. Communication systems always go down in extreme weather. So if Tesla has a fail safe, his trucks will be plugging up the highways, freeways and streets.
Crock of shit to me. I am talking $$$$ wise. Telsa comes out with all sorts of "idea's" an builds a few prototypes. THEN the BS starts. We need a $50k deposit on the super cars they are going to build. (when hell freezes over) Look at all the orders he got for the cheap cars he was goin to build! another NICE interest free loan ! Oh he is still looking for a factory where he can set up the business. King of the bull shitters. He is just looking for another free loan from suckers with deposits. ok rant over :p

I do think the cars are nice but give it another 20 years before they have one that does what it's suppose to do. I don't call getting 300 miles out of a charge @ 20 mph with nothing on inside the car "real world" :devil:
Dan, Tesla needs the money. He was 280 million in debt last spring and now he is over a billion. By the time this post is done he will probably be 2 Billion in debt.

That will be the day they take the steering wheel from my hands!!
There is definitely some truth to that! Here is a picture taken in September going to my hometown up North. I would like to see how it could maneuver there and I would like to see the range on the batteries especially when the weather hits north of -50. And it has to speed up for the steep hills which can be programmed but still.View attachment 312833

But of the millions of miles driven by trucks every year, what percentage of them are on a road like that?

Very few. They don't need to cover that use case yet. Just getting safely from NYC to LA on clear roads gets the job done. It'll end up like shipping. The computer runs the boat from port to port, but then a local pilot climbs on board to actually dock it when it gets there, and a local pilot sails the boat from the dock to open water.

Some of you guys are applying the "It doesn't work in all cases, therefore it won't work in any case" line of thinking. You're saying a combine can't pick strawberries, so there's no point buying one to harvest corn.
Some of you guys are applying the "It doesn't work in all cases, therefore it won't work in any case" line of thinking. You're saying a combine can't pick strawberries, so there's no point buying one to harvest corn.

Not at all. We are weighing the pros and cons. You were the one that said Nikola was full of it. Yet I believe he said in the most perfect conditions he might achieve those numbers.

This is a car forum, I can't see people not wanting to drive their cars. There might be situations but for the most part I want to be in control. Have you ever gone to a gas station or store and been told you can't use your credit or debit card? It happens quite a bit here and I live in a big city. There are still obstacles. And there were a good number of issues Tesla had with his cars but he did fix them and things can only get better!

You're saying because some of us are realists we are negative and don't believe. I have a good friend that has a phd in Electrical Engineering and he built a functioning DC transformer. Do you know how many people told him it wouldn't work? He just proved them wrong! And one of the guys at the research firm he worked at built an electric vehicle way before Tesla. Tesla is making it sound like he is the only game in town which he is not!