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New Member
Dec 4, 2007
Thanks to everyone who replied to my previous threads "should i buy it" and "gnx insurance". Your advice was invaluable in my decision to buy the car.

Here is what I was holding back.

GNX #516 was registered to the grandmother of a san francisco thug (or worse). He was killed 2 blocks from my workplace while his car was in for engine upgrades at a local shop with which I have some connections. A mechanics lein was filed for ~7k and I was to purchase the car for 25k (which I'm not even sure is legal on the mechanics side as far as profiting from a lein goes). After the lein was up, the mechanic gave the family an extra 3 days to get the money together, and on the day that my loan was approved, the owner was able to pay the mechanic in full, thus ending, or at least postponing, my dream of owning a GNX.

I take solace in the fact that it would have been impossible for me to get collectors insurance, and I would very likely have faced theft or worse. If it ends up on ebay and anyone from out of state is interested in buying it, feel free to ask me questions.
Interesting story, too bad things didn't work out for you. Somebody in the family probably recognized the car's potential value. I wouldn't be surprised to see it for sale in the near future.

It's amazing how many "thugs" eyeball these cars. When I'm out with mine, I get more looks from hoods than regular folks. Anybody ever notice that?
Anything he collected above the lein legally has to go back to the owner...

Sorry to hear you missed out...
Snoop Dogg has lyric's talking about gittin scooped up by the little homie in the Regal.. All the G's love the G body's. :D
Anything he collected above the lein legally has to go back to the owner...

Sorry to hear you missed out...

Thats what I thought.

At least I dont have to worry about getting carjacked:tongue:
A thug is a worthless pos, bottom feeder, meatstick. that thinks he is a bad mofo that is going to scare you or try to carjack you so he does not have to get a job to get a car like ours.It has nothing to do with race or color.Thugs come in all shapes and sizes and colors. my buddy almost got carjacked in chicago.He was strong enough to hold on to the thug and ram him into a street pole.Yeah the car did get damaged.but that thug expired at the scene .that was to bad.Nice to hear stories like that.keeps them thugs thinking.They "THE THUGS"will never stop untill they are stopped. The thug that carjacked my friend was white and my friend is black and he is a big dude.I am always ready when driving in the city. stick you arm in my car that i paid for.You will be lucky if you dont die.

What DO YOU think it means????:confused:
Me? Someone with an advantage,(VIOLENCE OR TO GIVE HARM WITH NO PROVOCATION) wants something for nothing etc..etc. Willing to hurt with no conscious. A person with Ill regard to others!!! It's not rocket science,
They come in all forms-Young thugs in groups(or they have no pwer), street Rippers, tourist doers.. Y:eek: You know! gee and I'm from A Peaceful Country! You must be Young? :( :confused:. No, not like the TV shows!! Correct me if I'm off track.:rolleyes:

Oh, a person who Bullies! Better include that for the younger crowd! I thinks:tongue:
No, it doesn't mean carry a Gun it means- carry Skills-smarts,martial arts and Most of all Brains!(common sense) if your looking for crack or coke in a bad place you will find the unexpected!) Don't go in a Bentley or a GN unless you live there! Get It Just my o2
What DO YOU think it means????:confused:
Me? Someone with an advantage,(VIOLENCE OR TO GIVE HARM WITH NO PROVOCATION) wants something for nothing etc..etc. Willing to hurt with no conscious. A person with Ill regard to others!!! It's not rocket science,
They come in all forms-Young thugs in groups(or they have no pwer), street Rippers, tourist doers.. Y:eek: You know! gee and I'm from A Peaceful Country! You must be Young? :( :confused:. No, not like the TV shows!! Correct me if I'm off track.:rolleyes:

Oh, a person who Bullies! Better include that for the younger crowd! I thinks:tongue:
No, it doesn't mean carry a Gun it means- carry Skills-smarts,martial arts and Most of all Brains!(common sense) if your looking for crack or coke in a bad place you will find the unexpected!) Don't go in a Bentley or a GN unless you live there! Get It Just my o2[/QU
What DO YOU think it means????:confused:
Me? Someone with an advantage,(VIOLENCE OR TO GIVE HARM WITH NO PROVOCATION) wants something for nothing etc..etc. Willing to hurt with no conscious. A person with Ill regard to others!!! It's not rocket science,
They come in all forms-Young thugs in groups(or they have no pwer), street Rippers, tourist doers.. Y:eek: You know! gee and I'm from A Peaceful Country! You must be Young? :( :confused:. No, not like the TV shows!! Correct me if I'm off track.:rolleyes:

Oh, a person who Bullies! Better include that for the younger crowd! I thinks:tongue:
No, it doesn't mean carry a Gun it means- carry Skills-smarts,martial arts and Most of all Brains!(common sense) if your looking for crack or coke in a bad place you will find the unexpected!) Don't go in a Bentley or a GN unless you live there! Get It Just my o2
LOL....thank you!!!
LOL....thank you!!!

Your Welcome!:confused:

The later also pertains to Hackers,script kiddies, script babies and young kids with no guidance and a world of powerful knowledge at their fingertips and other LOW LIFE SCUMS in our, now age of technology, Internet and freedoms.
I would rather face a Thug in a dark Ally and take my chances(mine our still very good! tazers,guns and friends not welcome...LOL:eek: ) than face a illegitimate child with a grudge and a computer nowadays. THAT'S what kills me!!!

Other than That I'm Happy as IIell, How about you?;) :D
I've had a gun to my head, I've had shots fired in my direction, I've lost friends to gun violence. I have the best wife that I could ask for, and nothing material means nearly so much as our relationship.

An "illegitimate child with a computer and a grudge" could do a lot of damage, but nothing that compares to a bullet.

When was the last time you were with a thug in a dark alley?
long time ago.............

But I walked out of that alley, He didn't!:(

I've had a gun to my head, I've had shots fired in my direction, I've lost friends to gun violence. I have the best wife that I could ask for, and nothing material means nearly so much as our relationship.

An "illegitimate child with a computer and a grudge" could do a lot of damage, but nothing that compares to a bullet.

When was the last time you were with a thug in a dark alley?
repo'd cars for ten years. that sucked.I was in that situation more than a few times.lots of talking and keeping your cool. I am still here so i made it out of the alley.Thank god.There is nothing worse than seeing a gun come out in a situation like that.Most of the time I had mine out before even going in a backyard or alley depending on the hood.
Pretty simple. THUG = ANIMAL. Who needs to be caged because he/she can't or won't conform with society.
I've had a gun to my head, I've had shots fired in my direction, I've lost friends to gun violence. I have the best wife that I could ask for, and nothing material means nearly so much as our relationship.

An "illegitimate child with a computer and a grudge" could do a lot of damage, but nothing that compares to a bullet.

When was the last time you were with a thug in a dark alley?

Oh boy, do I got A life experience for you sir. With regards to the ally
Not to many in the last Ten or Twelve yrs. I grew up and out of the situations that put me there. I have been stabbed twice, not in an ally but at night and it was dark BOTH times. My intelligence and martial arts saved me. Now I just can't feel my feet and some wigglies when it's cold(fingers).:( I've worked rigs in Canada for over 22 yrs. I'm 39 now and I feel pain. More in the heart 'cause I can block the other... Back then I didn't and didn't care.I got Hacked in 1995, brand new Computer and I said never again!!And not since have I had anything. I promise you that. But that 's what it takes, teach they self. My Friend wasn't as fortunate!!

I respect your opinion but nowadays both can be taken from one!
My friend "Shawn" we can only figure to this day, they stole his info from the 6&12 which was next door to the flower shop where he bought for his wife...They are both DEAD:frown: , He committed suicide. She had CANCER and in 2 weeks He couldn't bury her and lost everything. My Best friend! Thanks. Gotta go! A Gun, a Knife and a computer are the same things just further away. but it's still the person who KILLS you. Good night to all and God's safety
Sorry Guy's I got caught up. This thread isn't about what I was talking about. I apologize sincerely. Please forgive me. Best of luck on you and your Car Waloo:)
snoop is on there with him...i too listen mostly to country but 2pac was pretty good. and my system in the limited deserves to be heard...hahaha