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The Dream is over,


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Active Member
Oct 21, 2010
As a few know or can tell by my sign in I am in a wheelchair. I had a car accident almost 8 years ago now, and am not able to use my legs, well pretty much from the belly button down. After my accident, I spent 6 months in the hospital, many months in therapy and depression. Took about a year to get over that hurdle. The human spirit is a wonderful thing. I just woke up one day and decided this chair wasn't going to beat me! I got back into therapy, found wheelchair equipment that was right for me. I started back to school, as I had been a nurse out of practice for a year and a half at that point. My wife and I paid for these out of pocket just to help me learn nurse management, as I had spent my 18 years prior caring for people at the bedside. I loved the ICU!! There was no greater feeling to me than knowing I may have just saved someone'[s life!! I feel like that it was/is a blessing to be able to care for someone in there weakest moment. Anyway, after all the classes, studying, and working at getting back to work. I cannot find anyone to hire me. No one seems to be able to look past my chair. I can say this because of the experiences I have had in the last few years looking for a job. I have a nursing degree (RN), Nursing Home Administrator, and degree in health management. I applied for another job a few days ago, knowing the probable results but I did anyway. I submitted my resume, got a call for a phone interview, went well! Was invited for an in person interview as "I sounded like the perfect candidate for the job". At the close of the conversation I asked the interviewer the best way for me to get into the building due to my wheelchair. Reaction was "Oh, let me see what I can find out for you and call you back." The next call was to tell me they hired someone else for the job. But I thought I was the perfect candidate??

Anyway, I have had my hot air car since just before the accident, had the motor out of it before the accident. Well needless to say, the car has sat and sat. A friend of mine moved it to his place for my wife as she had to move the family when I was in the hospital and the house we had would not accommodate a wheelchair and my other equipment. But it sat in grass and the floor rusted thru in a bad fashion. I didn't discover this until after we finished the motor and put it into the body. Rust has been the last straw with this. I had a couple of guys say they would help me and bailed. My kids have been there and tried but one has a full time job now, just graduated college and looking to start his life and the next in line is shipping out to basic soon. He feels the need to serve his country.

I have two younger boys but they cannot help. So after a long thought over the last few days, I have come to the realization the dream is over. Of finishing the hot air car, of being able to do my own work anymore, or even affording to find a motor for an 87 car I found and purchased. I had some money saved for parts, then my chair broke so I had to purchase a new chair. Even with insurance we had to put quite a bit out of pocket for it. So with neither the ability to finish the cars or and a lack of job opportunity I am feeling like it is best to just sell what I have and just move on in life. I am broken hearted about it, but maybe one day with modern science I may be able to do the things again and start over. Thanks for listening, giving me a place to vent.

I will be making a complete list of what I have and posting it in the next couple of days.
Wow you just never know what life has in store for you. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Best of luck to you on the job front....stay positive. The rest is just stuff, maybe you can get another TR down the road

You need to concentrate on you and your family right now. Don't worry about the car because it's just a thing. Things can be replaced and when the time comes, you'll get another one. You survived a situation that put a great deal of stress on you and your family but all of you have survived. This will give you the time you need to find work and get other things straight in your life so don't sweat it for now.;)
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words! Just sucks, I wish people would see past the chair and see me, my experiences and my education.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words! Just sucks, I wish people would see past the chair and see me, my experiences and my education.
I work in a lot of retirement centers, we are about the only company in the area that does Wander management / Elopement Management for residents with Alzheimer's and Dementia . We also provide PBX systems, Campus WiFi , Security systems, access control, CCTV, MATV and anything else low voltage.... The management turnover in these places is higher than a normal business. Keep plugging away at it , you will get your chance. Good luck

Unfortunately you are right! Turn over is crazy high. I have been applying to them since I got my management degrees. You would think with the turnover they would see me not my chair. But after 50 plus jobs applications no such luck.

I miss saving lives alot tho. Best part of my life!
Where do you live? I will gladly build you an engine. I have a real bad back and am now crawling around in airplanes for the first time in years. Had surgery and still hurt like mad. But I am doing as best as I can. Engine building I am able to do........installation I can but am so busy with projects that I couldn't devote the time. Surely this forum can get folks who can help you.
Truly sorry folks can't see past your set of wheels. I just can't we why a hospital environment would look the other way. Might be time to lawyer up? (And I hate them leeches! Keep your head up and don't let the bass-turds get you down.
Don't give up. Never give up. F*** those guys. I say, look into starting your own business. You should be eligible for business loans to get something going. Let those chumps come asking you for a job. A turbo Buick should be a perfect car for you. Big doors , automatic and hand controls shouldn't be a problem. I wish my para-friend/employee, Rick had gotten one, instead of the POS truck he got. He was actually able to squeak a 14 second time slip out of that Cheby pick up.

What's the fastest you've done the quarter mile in?
Ever skydive?

One must set goals. If you're not moving forwards, you're going backwards. What state do you live in?

Mike B.
make a tube video. ud be surprised how fast they can go viral and someone somewhere cud reach out to you. never know.... ppl like you are the ones ppl usually want to hire cause their so dedicated. keep trying!

buddy of mine that I grew up with was Police in Baltimore. he worked narcotics. he got shot 3 times. 2 hit his vest one hit his leg and broke it. anyway, he retired on a disability. he moved back to Hartford and tried getting ANY job for almost 3 straight years after trying to get on as a cop here in CT cause now he has a tax free pension from Baltimore! educated, experienced, motivated, young etc.... cud not find shit for work!

finally got a job with state working with whiny brats as some sorta councilor-babysitter. paid decent but was still trying to get a job as a cop. 2 more years before that happened. so it took him 5 years to get back onto a police dept even with all his experience. was Police in Baltimore for 8 years. so I'm sure the wheel chair is hurting u cause ppl discriminate but its also hard period to get a job so don't attribute it all to ur chair.
I live near Peoria, IL. Mike, the fastest would be 13or14 in a quarter, years and years ago. Never have skydive, think it could be fun tho.

As far as the car for a para, absolutely, the doors, and auto would be perfect.

I have never given thought to starting my own business. I wouldn't know how. Running a nursing home is big business, lots of money, wouldn't know what else to do. Worth a looking hard thought tho.

Turbofabricator, thanks that's a big offer! I appreciate it, you have a big heart. I agree one would think the health care industry would see past that chair. I don't wanna sue anybody, just a job to go to. Idk, but I appreciate the kind words from everybody. I was needing a place to vent today, was frustrated being turned drown for another job.

Thanks, Jay

While I would like to say it is something different, I can't believe it is. If I apply for a job but don't tell them about my chair in the cover letter, I get calls from hiring managers. They tell me my experience and education it's something they look for. But then I show up in then chair, the look on there faces often says it all. I can get an hour long interview on the phone but a 10 minute in person. Never hear from them again or its to be told they hired someone else.

Maybe people are afraid of being sued? Or afraid of the requests for modification to the work environment and the cost involved? Or misunderstanding the ADA? Idk, but the past history of job searching had lead me too believe it's the chair. Which is horrible. I want to work!
By the way, the you tube video is a great idea! I would have never thought of that. I will look into that idea. Thanks!

While I would like to say it is something different, I can't believe it is. If I apply for a job but don't tell them about my chair in the cover letter, I get calls from hiring managers. They tell me my experience and education it's something they look for. But then I show up in then chair, the look on there faces often says it all. I can get an hour long interview on the phone but a 10 minute in person. Never hear from them again or its to be told they hired someone else.

Maybe people are afraid of being sued? Or afraid of the requests for modification to the work environment and the cost involved? Or misunderstanding the ADA? Idk, but the past history of job searching had lead me too believe it's the chair. Which is horrible. I want to work!

Yep! I ain't guna sugar coat it. In today's world, I'd say that "Most" employers are scared to death of getting sued, by some sue happy person in a chair. Even though it's rare, the rest of the world has to pay the price for the few that are looking to make a living off of law suits.
As an employer, I was very apprehensive. I'll be honest. I had heard tons of horror stories. Because, that's all you hear. NO ONE ever posts the good side.:eek: It's kinda like when I ask someone to go skydive with me. No one wants to do it because they know someone, who knew of someone, who saw a video of someone who went in.:eek: When in actuality, if you look at the statistics, Jumping is the safest form of aerosports today.
Nope! it ain't fair, but until people are willing to pull their heads out of their butts, it is the world we live in. Sometimes you can educate people, and sometimes you can't.

Once again, don't stop trying.
As a few know or can tell by my sign in I am in a wheelchair. I had a car accident almost 8 years ago now, and am not able to use my legs, well pretty much from the belly button down. After my accident, I spent 6 months in the hospital, many months in therapy and depression. Took about a year to get over that hurdle. The human spirit is a wonderful thing. I just woke up one day and decided this chair wasn't going to beat me! I got back into therapy, found wheelchair equipment that was right for me. I started back to school, as I had been a nurse out of practice for a year and a half at that point. My wife and I paid for these out of pocket just to help me learn nurse management, as I had spent my 18 years prior caring for people at the bedside. I loved the ICU!! There was no greater feeling to me than knowing I may have just saved someone'[s life!! I feel like that it was/is a blessing to be able to care for someone in there weakest moment. Anyway, after all the classes, studying, and working at getting back to work. I cannot find anyone to hire me. No one seems to be able to look past my chair. I can say this because of the experiences I have had in the last few years looking for a job. I have a nursing degree (RN), Nursing Home Administrator, and degree in health management. I applied for another job a few days ago, knowing the probable results but I did anyway. I submitted my resume, got a call for a phone interview, went well! Was invited for an in person interview as "I sounded like the perfect candidate for the job". At the close of the conversation I asked the interviewer the best way for me to get into the building due to my wheelchair. Reaction was "Oh, let me see what I can find out for you and call you back." The next call was to tell me they hired someone else for the job. But I thought I was the perfect candidate??

Anyway, I have had my hot air car since just before the accident, had the motor out of it before the accident. Well needless to say, the car has sat and sat. A friend of mine moved it to his place for my wife as she had to move the family when I was in the hospital and the house we had would not accommodate a wheelchair and my other equipment. But it sat in grass and the floor rusted thru in a bad fashion. I didn't discover this until after we finished the motor and put it into the body. Rust has been the last straw with this. I had a couple of guys say they would help me and bailed. My kids have been there and tried but one has a full time job now, just graduated college and looking to start his life and the next in line is shipping out to basic soon. He feels the need to serve his country.

I have two younger boys but they cannot help. So after a long thought over the last few days, I have come to the realization the dream is over. Of finishing the hot air car, of being able to do my own work anymore, or even affording to find a motor for an 87 car I found and purchased. I had some money saved for parts, then my chair broke so I had to purchase a new chair. Even with insurance we had to put quite a bit out of pocket for it. So with neither the ability to finish the cars or and a lack of job opportunity I am feeling like it is best to just sell what I have and just move on in life. I am broken hearted about it, but maybe one day with modern science I may be able to do the things again and start over. Thanks for listening, giving me a place to vent.

I will be making a complete list of what I have and posting it in the next couple of days.
Inspiring story, thanks for sharing. Keep your head up and continue plugging away. Your persistence will pay off in one way or another.