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The Numbers Game with the (SPI) Trunk ID Label - Kirban


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krban 2 cents worth

killing 2 birds with one stone...while the above answers are logical they are incorrect as far as matching mine. The one I have in mind is far far better known.

There I gave another small clue.

Been out in my building stripping a 1984-1985 GN that spent a few months or weeks under the Gulf during Katrina....judging from the smell and dirt and rust.
kirban 2 cents worth

Here goes number 48

Not eligible last winner Mr Lesabre...and any turbo buick employees.

One answer per post

Prize value stays $25

I am thinking of a part that was on every new Turbo Regal.

This part goes under one name

Years ago this part was under another name

Give me the full name of the person I am thinking of that is responsible for making that part initially.

the clock is ticking

Its getting tough to think up questions at least ones that last 24-48 hours with correct answers.

Good luck to those that obviousily enjoy it.

Since my clues are vague here are some additional clues.

The part I am referring to appears on every single car/truck etc on the road today not just on our turbo cars.

This invention has been around for quite sometime.

the clock continues to tick
kirban 2 cents worth

Here is the upgraded clues for the current trivia #48. It appears some of my clues are sending players down the wrong path.

So go by this posting:

Last winner not eligible nor are Buick Turbo employees

One guess per post

Prize value $25

There is a part found on every vehicle since the beginning that originally was developed (invented) by this individual.

There is a direct link to Buick history with this part.

This inventor had s similar situation in the marketplace like Reginald E. Olds.

Again go by these clues.

As the saying goes the clock is ticking

Good luck participants

Happy Fathers Day......brings another day of clouds and rain in my area of the country.
kirban 2 cents worth

Here is the upgraded clues for the current trivia #48. It appears some of my clues are sending players down the wrong path.

So go by this posting:

Last winner not eligible nor are Buick Turbo employees

One guess per post

Prize value $25

There is a part found on every vehicle since the beginning that originally was developed (invented) by this individual.

There is a direct link to Buick history with this part.

This inventor had s similar situation in the marketplace like Reginald E. Olds.

Again go by these clues.

As the saying goes the clock is ticking

Good luck participants

Happy Fathers Day......brings another day of clouds and rain in my area of the country.

kirban 2 cents worth

One small adjustment to this trivia question


Sorry for screw up.
Buick question: The overhead valve engine was invented by David Dunbar Buick around 1902, just 6 years before the Cubs last World Series championship :) Paul
Buick question: The overhead valve engine was invented by David Dunbar Buick around 1902, just 6 years before the Cubs last World Series championship :) Paul

kirban 2 cents worth

Good news and bad news Paul

The bad news is your answer on my question is wrong....the good news is you may live long enough to see the Cubs win the next time since I doubt you were in the seats the last time they won. Myself I follow football.....
Contest #48

Albert Champion

Spark Plugs

Started the Champion Spark Plug Company, lost control of it the AC Spark Plug Company both in Flint Michigan