I wouldn't be switching back to racing gas, since I've never burned racing gas from the beginning. I take that back. Back in high school I ran a mix of pump and av gas in my 12.5:1 street SBC Chevelle.I didn't go through all the posts since my last post so maybe Don responded. In case he didn't, switch back to racing gas and see what the car runs with 30 psi. I'm betting you'll be back in the 9s.
As for your traction issues. Do they treat the full length of the track with VHT? If not, do they do it for track rentals? If yes, maybe join a track rental and see if it helps.
Since you build trannies and are having traction issues with 2nd gear in your 3 speed, how about running a glide? Would the car pick up using one?
Actually, the way my engine is setup, I think it would go faster with gasoline. I really don't have any interest in having to create a whole new tuneup for gasoline. It's a lot of work with my complicated fueling systems. I like methanol too much to think of switching to a different fuel. What I like the best about the fuel is how forgiving it can be on the engine. When the tuneup is safe, and that safe region is much wider than with gasoline, the thermal loading and the mechanical loading is less at the same hp levels with methanol fuel.
On occasion, they do VHT the whole track. When they have the Nostalgia Fuel Altereds and Funny cars at the track, they will prep the track very well. Still, that does not make up for the basic condition of the surface itself. There is deep grooving in the track. Some of it is rubber buildup that they have no equipment to smooth out, and some of it is the track itself. Just looking at the bad sections of the track, I'd say you'd be lucky if you got more than 30% tire to track contact. That means that a slick that is 10" wide is only gripping the track with 3 inches worth of tire rubber width. Hard to believe, I know. I've taken the track personell out on the track myself and made that argument while showing them the areas of the track I was concerned with. They agreed with my assessment of the situation. It's a small track and they simply don't have the proper equipment to fix the problem. Once a car reaches a certain performance level on this track, they all have the same problem, if they're running a small tire. The big tire cars get by better, but they also complain about the track to no avail.
At my car weight, and my large turbo issue, I don't think a PG would work out.