the pumpkin is back

I guess after reading this I'm surprised at the reactions people had at Jacks performance. I like Jack and know that he sells what he believes in. I never thought he was exclusive to any one brand. I give him a lot of credit for constantly trying both brands as the technology changes, not to many vendors would do this. To many times we see vendors blindly stick to one brand because it worked once in one combination.
BTW - Congrats on your 8 second pass, whatever turbo you used. And if you did try a new converter, than that a tribute to your willingness to prove out and expand your product line and not be restricted to some brand loyalty.

Allan G.
Please tell us what you are trying to say, other than dogging me the last 5
years, what's your point Tony. John, you are making me sound like a criminal, like I am hiding something. Everyone that is concerned about my business knows exactly what is in my car. It is flattering to watch Tony put so much effort into my business. How does it feel to be used as a pawn John.... in someone elses dirty game. Where would you get the info that you shared here... did someone "feed" it to you .. WTF do I have to do to participate on this board... without my name and business being attacked. Not one of these posts by Tony was necessary, we are not friends. He knows it, most everyone here knows it. That goes for Otto, Ted and whoever else they use to dig at me.. so why post in a thread with my name attached? There is no drama around me going to the track until these guys create it. There was no drama about my combo, until Tony created it. There are no secrets about my car, yet Tony has accomplished his goal of creating a secret and ultimately more drama.

I am a distributor for most any part out there. I'm not tied to one manufacturer, I sell PTE and I sell Turbonetics. There is no drama there.... They are both unique and offer different products for different combinations. I am the only business in the Buick market that carries options. I try to use those options to the benefit of my customer. So tell me John, what is my preferred brand of turbo? I use what I sell and I sell what I use. I don't have to "advertise" what I sell everytime I post. I also don't believe in pushing a new product that hasn't been tested and proven. By testing TED, I mean used in real life. Yep, like the turbos I have used over the years and run very good with, like the intercoolers I have built and successfully used over the years. Technology changes and we change as fast as we can. Not always as fast as we like, but we change when the time is right. Not for our benefit as much as for our customers benefit.

I didn't see anyone of these guys question what I was using for a turbo when I ran 126mph in the 1\8th on 26lbs of boost in NC... why is that? I ran an ATI convertor and a Turbonetics turbo.... hmmmmm.... again, all this drama from Tony now..... There is no good reason for this garbage from him or anyone else. I ran 125mph in the 1\8th on 24lbs of boost with a new motor and I can't even verify that because I didn't get the run recorded.. So am I to thump my chest and say look at me and how great I am..... I don't think so, that's just not my style, I'll share my joy with my friends and customers about a wonderful weekend that happened to be pretty successful on the track but more importantly, we all enjoyed our time together sharing the same space with families and friends for 2 days. It's a sad day here when one can't share a good time with the rest of the board without being dogged and attacked

Daaaammnnn .... heck of a basketball game tonite....Go Celtics!!!

Well..... I guess im back in The reason that your are dogged is because of the way you snake thru things. Whoa is me every body picking on me, you brought this on yourself you trashed Pte for years (i got the posts) told customers that the 70 gtq turbo is junk ya thats right junk. Convinced your customers to get rid of there perfectly good Pte turbos because you had a bad azz Turbonetics turbo that YOU SAID was better. Now you put a PTE gt47/88 on your car but dont tell anybody why ? I know why because you would be dogged by the people you badmouth any chance you get yes, I would be one of them. There are guys faster than you with a v6 buick GET OVER BIG DOG. Saying crap like thats a million dollar car or he blows up all the time just so you can feel better about the fact that your lacking is why these people including me are all over you!! So you say all you want to do is race q16 really!!! thats why you put a big hard to spool turbo on your car so you can race n/a cars that run the dial in time and time again NO I dont think so. Dont bring John W into our mess I asked what turbo you had and you played the games. John posted in hopes of ending the BS, cooler heads prevailed. Your car is bad ass no doubt in the club of RPE bullets but dont knock what it took, ($$$$, motors, time, and dedication) from the guys who have shown the world what stock suspension
v6 can do. Lastly dont ever go to a mutual friend of ours ask him to make a choice again Miguel Was like brother to you, there from the begining this is how you disrespect him SHAME ON YOU !!!
congrat to jack and brian cotton on some high 8 sec shakedown runs with only 20# boost seen on the data logger with my own eyes on a 90+ deg day at the valley , as always a great day at the cottons camp


Bet if you were gone for a couple of days and saw this you went :eek:
Well, the way i see it......if you are not paying my bills or paying for my parts i would simply say wtf's it to you what i have on my car!


If it were only that simple with Jack . heyyyyy Stop reading and get that car of yours done Im supposed to be going to canada soon maybe can get together and i can finally see it.
Please tell us what you are trying to say, other than dogging me the last 5
years, what's your point Tony. John, you are making me sound like a criminal, like I am hiding something. Everyone that is concerned about my business knows exactly what is in my car. It is flattering to watch Tony put so much effort into my business. How does it feel to be used as a pawn John.... in someone elses dirty game. Where would you get the info that you shared here... did someone "feed" it to you .. WTF do I have to do to participate on this board... without my name and business being attacked. Not one of these posts by Tony was necessary, we are not friends. He knows it, most everyone here knows it. That goes for Otto, Ted and whoever else they use to dig at me.. so why post in a thread with my name attached? There is no drama around me going to the track until these guys create it. There was no drama about my combo, until Tony created it. There are no secrets about my car, yet Tony has accomplished his goal of creating a secret and ultimately more drama.

I am a distributor for most any part out there. I'm not tied to one manufacturer, I sell PTE and I sell Turbonetics. There is no drama there.... They are both unique and offer different products for different combinations. I am the only business in the Buick market that carries options. I try to use those options to the benefit of my customer. So tell me John, what is my preferred brand of turbo? I use what I sell and I sell what I use. I don't have to "advertise" what I sell everytime I post. I also don't believe in pushing a new product that hasn't been tested and proven. By testing TED, I mean used in real life. Yep, like the turbos I have used over the years and run very good with, like the intercoolers I have built and successfully used over the years. Technology changes and we change as fast as we can. Not always as fast as we like, but we change when the time is right. Not for our benefit as much as for our customers benefit.

I didn't see anyone of these guys question what I was using for a turbo when I ran 126mph in the 1\8th on 26lbs of boost in NC... why is that? I ran an ATI convertor and a Turbonetics turbo.... hmmmmm.... again, all this drama from Tony now..... There is no good reason for this garbage from him or anyone else. I ran 125mph in the 1\8th on 24lbs of boost with a new motor and I can't even verify that because I didn't get the run recorded.. So am I to thump my chest and say look at me and how great I am..... I don't think so, that's just not my style, I'll share my joy with my friends and customers about a wonderful weekend that happened to be pretty successful on the track but more importantly, we all enjoyed our time together sharing the same space with families and friends for 2 days. It's a sad day here when one can't share a good time with the rest of the board without being dogged and attacked

Daaaammnnn .... heck of a basketball game tonite....Go Celtics!!!

Jack I think John is right, you are reading into things a little too much, take it easy. Kudos to you, for trying new things, even if sometimes you have to use things you learn from other cars running at performance levels you want to be. I wouldn't be where I'm at if I didn't, as well as many others, but I am not afraid to give credit to others that helped me. You deserved a pat on the back for getting back out there and running well and a successful track outing as well as the good times you bring your friends.
Wow, rallying the troops yet. Too bad Tony you have once again twisted situations to try to fit your needs. Most all of what you say is true, unfortunately true of you. When things get tough, you tend to get very personnal and drag in everyone that you can. That's ok, it's expected. Your deep seated resentment of me goes waaaaay back, that's ok too, cause I remember back in the Rankin\Jobe Spetter days. When turbonetics was king of your court and FAST was junk in your book... what happened Tony, did ya get tired of blowing your stuff up. Or was it seeing your friends Eric and Big Joe along with other friends of yours give me an opportunity to replace their old Accels with the new FAST and finally go faster without blowing up!!! Yaaa, those were the days. But then you were too stubborn to let little old me help. That's ok, I'm not going to play this old music, I'm just going to move on, I said what I needed to say last nite, you responded, All I see is what I expected from you ... nothing of substance, cause ya see Tony, other than your great desire to be on top, there isn't much more there. You have once again taken a few situations and twisted reality into Tony's world.. Lastly, Miquel, that is a shame, cause I love Miquel. But, I have watched you use him for years, much like you did of me and a few others. Fortunately I got tired of you using people against me. It's Miquels choice to socialize with you, when that relationship hurts me, yes, I had to remove myself from it. And guess what, here you are again, bringing Miquel into this, using him as a pawn against me.. Tony when does it end, since you think you know what I say and do, maybe you should hear this again, cause Lord knows I've said this, far more than I've ever said your name..... MOVE ON, LEAVE ME ALONE, I LEAVE YOU ALONE.... You can still plug all your friends when you have the opportunity, just stop doing it at my expense....
Jack I think John is right, you are reading into things a little too much, take it easy. Kudos to you, for trying new things, I wouldn't be where I'm at if I didn't. You deserved a pat on the back for getting back out there and running well and a successful track outing as well as the good times you bring your friends.

Very good Ted, thank you ... As for John, I appreciate him trying to bring back some reality here, but then there is no stopping a few here without fear of being held responsible for their actions... oh well, off to work.
Thanks again Mike. Hey Allen, good to see you, thanks for the prop. How's that hot rod coming. Give me a jingle if you get a minute..
Thanks again Mike. Hey Allen, good to see you, thanks for the prop. How's that hot rod coming. Give me a jingle if you get a minute..


Doing some work now to the body. I posted some pics of my engine in the picture forum. It's not finshed yet but close. I'm trying to make the car more presentable now. My buddies are talking me into repainting the car.
I just had a new baby boy(finally). It's getting harder to break away from family activities to work on the car. I'll get there someday. Would rather take my time and do it at my own pace. I'm seting my goal for mid 8's when I do get it out.
Allan G.
I have known Jack since 1995, and he is one of the reasons I am still into these cars to this day. Being involved in the performance aftermarket it is very hard to make a living in a small vertically market like Jack (and many other tb venders do). Our community is too small for all this bickering, we should help and support guys that are doing great things with their cars as they are keeping these cars out there.

Just want to say congrats Jack! You are always tops in my book. Thanks for all you have done for me!
Thanks Rick, one of my favorite turbo guys!! I appreciate all your help as well. It's been a pleasure
Congrats Jack on your latest achievements. 8 sec times is flippin incredible in my books. Good for you. If I could come anywhere close to that I would be the happiest man on the planet.
Tony and others,

Im sure you have your reasons for feeling the way you do, but quite honestly it is sad to see it all aired out on a public forum.

As others have said, the Buick community is not that big and our list of vendors continue to shrink. Jack has done a lot of good for this community and whatever it was that he did to alienate you, I just wished it were delt with privately.

Tony, your car is one of a few that I have followed for awhile along with others like Dave and even Cal back when he was more into building than tuning ;) . I have the highest respect for all of you for taking these little V6's as far as you have and can only hope that some day, I will have a car like yours.

My last hope will be that all involved can work this out and move on as Im sure most of us would rather not see this stuff here.

Just another Buick guy,
Tony and others,

Im sure you have your reasons for feeling the way you do, but quite honestly it is sad to see it all aired out on a public forum.

As others have said, the Buick community is not that big and our list of vendors continue to shrink. Jack has done a lot of good for this community and whatever it was that he did to alienate you, I just wished it were delt with privately.

Tony, your car is one of a few that I have followed for awhile along with others like Dave and even Cal back when he was more into building than tuning ;) . I have the highest respect for all of you for taking these little V6's as far as you have and can only hope that some day, I will have a car like yours.

My last hope will be that all involved can work this out and move on as Im sure most of us would rather not see this stuff here.

Just another Buick guy,

I have said this on many posts.:rolleyes:The Buick (turbo v-6) community is getting smaller as more cars get wrecked etc.:eek: We need all the Cottons and Crammers etc that we can.My grandfather had a simple saying 'if you don;t have nothing nice to say ,say nothing". Hmmm Congrats Jack either way that is a badd pumpkin.

Congrats Jack on your latest achievements. 8 sec times is flippin incredible in my books. Good for you. If I could come anywhere close to that I would be the happiest man on the planet.

Mike, bring the car down to Columbus with your tools, good tires and some race gas and we'll spend some time on it and get you that 8 second pass. Give Cal a call and make sure he's got some bigger injectors though.

If it were only that simple with Jack . heyyyyy Stop reading and get that car of yours done Im supposed to be going to canada soon maybe can get together and i can finally see it.

Tony, your more then welcome to come by and if you want to do some salmon fishing on Lake Ontario as well let me know!

Nice job Jack! Don't let them get you down, I don't care what turbo is on it, it runs.