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The truth about the future of the 9X11 converter


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TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
History and future of the 9X11 converter.....Facts


The 9X11 2004r converter was originally designed and built by TCS Performance and marketed by Kenne Bell, about 15 years ago. The converter that was produced then is considered "primative" by todays standards , so it is not even a concern anymore , but that is where it all started.

Everything stated here I can back up and if so desired, Rusty from TCS Performance will also.

Also the ONLY converter we are discussing here is the 27 spline 2004r/7004r 9X11 converter.
(All other products and parts, made and sold by, TCS Performance, are a totally separate issue. None of this pertains to them)

The 9X11 2004r converter is a very versatile piece. It comes in two versions, basically, and both have a stall from 1500 to 6500 upon desired application. Now, I DO NOT want this be an ad! No sales pitch. Fact. I want to educate everyone about this converter and it’s future.
A 2” single disc is the less expensive , very, durable piece that will hold 400 – 550 ft lbs of torque comfortably and lock well .
The Billet Carbon Fibre clutched 9X11 2004r is an awesome piece. We have run them in cars from 400 hp to 1250 hp. Very Versatile piece. Lots of r&d went into this converter, and with awesome results I might add.
Many success stories could be told by consumers I am sure.

Up until now this converter was primarily sold by PTS Xtreme and produced by TCS Performance with PTS having priority. TCS Performance would sell to the public and to other vendors, from time to time.

This all changed today. 1/22/04

I spoke with Rusty at TCS Performance and when he called, was very annoyed. I will not go into total detail, as he may, if he so desires.His decision. He was pissed and conveyed to me how things will work from now on.. Somehow, the Turbo Buick world has managed to piss off another quality product vendor and I was just thankful I could save the deal at all. He was ready to tell everyone , “no more ”, which would be a great loss to our performance and dependablility in a moderately priced converter. He was ready to tell the Buick world, “screw you”. I had to make some pretty heavy commitments to save this deal.

Effective 1/22/04

PTS Xtreme Transmissions will have 99% exclusive rights to this 9X11 2004r converter both in regular version or the Billet version. Not Art Carr, not CK Performance, Not ANYBODY anymore. We will provide this converter to wholesale vendors as well as direct to the public. Rusty and TCS Performance wants to deal with one vendor (PTS Xtreme) and distribute from there.
PTS Xtreme will provide any info desired and design combos for whatever the application is that is desired. We will continue to service and install this converter exclusively in our shop, and online and by request. Pricing is the same as before and what is listed on the website.

Rusty also stated the warranty has also changed:
1) 90 days from date of purchase on free restall….(customer pays all freight)
2) Converter will be warranteed for a period of 1 year from date of purchase from defects in material or workmanship. Not abuse, overheated, raced, cracked neck and or pump failure and any related damage to any transmissions installed within. ….(customer pays all freight)
3) Restalls within the 1 year warranty period would be at a discount rate. ….(customer pays all freight)
4) After 1 year, you own it.

Now, that other 1% is welcome to go direct to TCS Performance, if for some reason they are unhappy with the service and /or support provided by PTS Xtreme or just do not desire to deal with PTS Xtreme or just want to cut out the middle man, so to speak, this can be done. Just call TCS.....BUT....
TCS Performance pricing will be as follows:
Regular 9X11 2004r converter is $1000.00 and customer pays all freight.
Billet 9X11 2004r converter is $1500.00 and again customer pays all freight.
Warranty and restall will be , when you receive it, you own it.
He doesn’t want to deal with the Turbo Regal or 2004r guys direct.
To quote Rusty “If they do not like it, lick my balls”


Rusty has no problem talking to anybody about this as neither do I.

Rusty can be reached at:
TCS Performance
2180 College Drive
Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403
email: attention Rusty Stewart
phone: 928-453-4020

I can be reached at:
PTS Xtreme Transmissions
5852 88th Street Suite #700
Sacramento Ca. 95828
email: attention Bruce
phone: 916-739-0510

Again, this wasn’t meant to demean or put anybody down. It was NOT meant to be an advertisement. There was no intention to sell just to inform.These are facts and the method in which this product will now be distributed.
Everything stated here can be confirmed with an email or a phone call.

Originally posted by WE4
I was wrong. I wanted to convey exactly what Rusty said to me to relay exactly how upset and pissed he was. I should have used more couth and chose a better term to describe. (Than Lick my balls)
I stated what was stated to me and looking back, it was wrong. You guys are right. I should have softened it up and went from there. Me bad.
But like Chris and others have mentioned, haven't we all made or typed a statement that might have felt right at the time but maybe too harsh or outta line later?
Everythnig I stated in that post was correct. I didn't lie about anything. In fact so much I didn't lie, now I am apologizing for saying the absolute and not thinking and toning it down. For this I am sorry. I will not delete it or asterisk it as it is all over everywhere and that would not be right. Please understand the stress level and accept this explanation as it is intended.

Thanks for the update Bruce. I was not aware that TCS made those for Kenne-Bell. Jim Bell sent me to Dynamic on the east coast many years ago to get one he told me that was who was building them.
Mike Licht
tcs 9/11s purchased here will still be guaranteed for i year and 1 restall regardless of what goes on elsewhere.bruce you better not be smoking again,i thought you had that under control?
Out here on the east coast Dynamic trans was building these in the mid to late 80s, But no with the same quality of part that are available today i would think.
But who cares who invented it first, In this place there always has to be some kind of pissing match going on.
First of all

I didn't "invent" anything converter wise.Rusty did. Never said I did. Also, I have no desire to do anything with converters other than this piece.
I did do ALOT of R&D for this piece. Rusty builds we sell.
Like I said in the earlier post, this "deal" only pertains to the 9X11 27 spline 2004r/700r4 converters. Chris still has the best products from TCS for all other applications. Chris and I will not get into any pissing match. It is other board members that try to instigate this crap. Chris and I KNOW what is going on and our attitudes towards these 'instigaters" will show through with true colors if they are presented to us in a manner to instigate a confrontation. Not that I can speak for Chris, but I feel these guys just want controversy. well I will tell you, it will not happen here and if that is what is desired , TAKE IT SOMEPLACE ELSE!!


I talked with Rusty again today and he laughed. He just said, "Wait till they call" they will see.
Chris, I need a 4340 transfer tube for a 700r4 ASAP.. Can you help me?
"He doesn’t want to deal with the Turbo Regal or 2004r guys direct.
To quote Rusty “If they do not like it, lick my balls”

And this attitude towards customers is a good thing??
LICK MY BALLS???!!!!!:rolleyes:



CONTROLl:to exercise restraint or direction over,to hold in check,the act of power of controlling CONTROLLER:a person or device that regulates.CONTROL FREAK:a person ,device ,or crazed transmission rebuilder which attempts to or superceeds its limitations of restraint or limitation. controversey:what we have here .i thought i would turn this into something humorous ,your welcome .lol.just f@#$%n around boys.
I am a little confused :confused:

Does this mean that the warranty/pricing has changed if we purchase one through PTS aswell or only direct from TCS?

Being a Turbo Regal guy, as I assume most of us are, I find it hard to believe that anyone would buy product from someone who told them "lick my balls".

I (and I am sure others) thank you for the heads up. I now know what converter not to buy again.
Originally posted by chris718
CONTROLl:to exercise restraint or direction over,to hold in check,the act of power of controlling CONTROLLER:a person or device that regulates.CONTROL FREAK:a person ,device ,or crazed transmission rebuilder which attempts to or superceeds its limitations of restraint or limitation. controversey:what we have here .i thought i would turn this into something humorous ,your welcome .lol.just f@#$%n around boys.

I think the best way to say it is
Hit the nail on the head

Originally posted by WE4
History and future of the 9X11 converter.....Facts


He was ready to tell the Buick world, “screw you”.

Rusty also stated the warranty has also changed:
1) 90 days from date of purchase on free restall….(customer pays all freight)

He doesn’t want to deal with the Turbo Regal or 2004r guys direct.
To quote Rusty “If they do not like it, lick my balls”


Because of those ridiculous comments, I guess Precision Industries will probably be receiving my "converter" money.

Spoken like a true Jack@ss.
Everyone gets mad :mad: You guy never said anything in anger before, you regret now? :rolleyes: Still a kick a$$ convertor and I'll buy TCS convetors again. The question is where to buy at the best price. If CK can get em, that's my best bet as they are the closest.

Well!! "lick my balls" is pretty harsh but being in the auto service buisness myself I can understand Rusty from a builder, installers point of view. It's sad to say that for some people customer service means more than bending over backwards to give good service. To many others you have to kiss a little a**, break your back, warranty things you broke, refund money for something you broke, listen your lies, and to add insult blame me for something you did. Yes we, as Turbo buick owners, are a small and dieing community and we have once again managed to piss off another vender who developes a great product for us. Production is all about supply and demand but sometimes even with high demand for a product in the long term it's just not worth the cost if your 100$ product gives you a 1000$ worth of head ache from you customers. Now I'm sure that Rusty's comments were taken out of context and does not apply to all of those "Buick Guys" just the ones who want to get more than what they paid for and think there 10k Buick is a 200k Porshe, the people that will improperly install and use a product and put the blame of failure on anything and everything except themselves. So you "aint gonna buy no more of those damn converters" because Rusty will no longer kiss your a**. Well I say good riddins take your problems somewhere else and keep your same attidude until you piss off another vender. But be for warned soon there be no more place to go except el cheapo perfomance parts. As always it's a small minorty that ruin it for all.

Just my O2,
as far as torque convertors go, THere is plenty of suppliers in the country that build em just as well as Rusty does, Some of the people use his parts but build them themselves, Kinda like buying Bruces or Chris's tranny parts and having the tranny built by someone else.If he doesnt want to build them for buick gys,so be it, Pro-torque in LI New York builds and incredilble convertor and stands behind it. He builds convertors for John Gallinas car and they hold up,And he can build a lockup to run with the best of them.
And he wont tell you to go lick balls either
Torque convertor vendors will alway be around, Because all automatic cars runs them, so there will always be demand for rebuilt,And the wont stop building performance convertors becasue there is a great market and markup in them.
Im pretty sure rusty was venting because i am sure he earn a decent dollar doing these convertors,I can understand that he would rather distribute them to vendors to sell, Rather than sell them direct.
Re: Converters

Originally posted by boostmaster
Well!! But be for warned soon there be no more place to go except el cheapo perfomance parts.

I'd say plenty of reputable companies will be building 200-4r converters for quite some time, considering many LS1 owners are upgrading to 200-4r's.
