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Thoughts on a sleeved Stage 2


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Set on TSM Boost
Jan 2, 2007
Anybody got any thoughts on a sleeved Stage Block? Found one fairly cheap. Search comes up with little information other than there are a few out there.
sleeved stage 2

i now a couple of guys running sleeved stage 2 with no problems
Sounds good. What is the max bore the block can have to install sleeves? What is the proper size? Length? I have no experience with sleeving a block. Going to go measure my new stage block now for length.
I am no expert but I do know a few fast motors that are sleeved. 1 word of advise do not cheap out on this, spend the $ on a very reputable shop to perform this job.
I would not be afraid of a block that has been properly sleeved.

My unused S2 block had a sand pit in the #2 cylinder. We sleeved it and I have run it now for 5-6 years. No problem. The block should be machined with a step at the bottom of the bore to retain the sleeve. You can usually see the step if you look closely.
