Just seems to me That everyone is bashing the rules. Instead of spending hours on a website arguing about it...go in the garage, make the changes and go out and race.
Let me first say that Josh is the kind of guy that goes to Buick races all over the country and pays to get in and either race or help with a fellow buick racers car. Alot of the times in class racing he has been supporting the buick races by helping with cars and his countless years of racing. This cost money and he gets absolutely no chance to win or receive anything from the race or anyone. Now that is a supporter who spends his money just to be apart of what he loves and isnt even racing his car at the time. Especially on 14hr trips one way to a track.
Having said that you above qoute sounds like you want people to start jumping out in the garage to start changing crap to meet rules that a bunch of guys sat around and made up. Let me remind you that the last race which none of the people involved in the rules attended, was Nov 5,6 and it was two months later (3 months really b/c they didnt attend the last race) for the rules to come out only after I started a thread to request the rules. This gave racers two months (8 weeks) to change the car or even build a car to meet the 2011 rules before the first race... (of course it has been rescheduled now/but that wasnt a factor with the rest of the comment just lucky for guys who are going to change their car to meet the rules and ATTEND the first race).
This comment is not directed toward you Kevin, but it seems that things get twisted up and off target alot.
The reason people are on here voicing there opinion are b/c they care... Trust me if they didnt care they wouldnt be taking the time to type long paragraphs and state valid opinions. Having said that I do not appreciate being the target (of course this will be denied, but as you can see I showed completed honesty on my car but have yet to receive it back or get questions answered).
Of course, now we are the shotgun blast at me actually got some of the other THS racers which was an unintended hit I am sure. For those guys I am sorry that you have been knocked out by the rules aimed for my particular car.
You see there was no complaints or questions about the A Arms and that has been demostrated on this 5 page thread b/c if it had people would have spoken up already about them. So the question is why were they targeted when they were allowed and all of a sudden they came to mind to outlaw. Well that fact is in another thread with my congratulations of making the fastest pass with a picture of my car showing the a arms. It is what it is... and what it is... is that my car was singled out to change the rules...
But now that I make this point... I expect that the next couple of post by "the group" will have all these so called complaints about the A arms that no one has ever heard about.
Its really no different than the other crap that went on in BG when it was specifically said that when a car was accused of breaking the rules that the accuser needed to be indentified. But it wasnt...
I was warned about how all this would happen a year and a half ago long before I ran the first THS race, and I passed it over saying that the masses of buick people wouldnt stand by and watch that kind of crap happen...
Well here we are....
Have a nice day,
See ya,