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TT-VIII Event Info...Post here if you plan on coming!


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May 29, 2001
Link to Event Info

So whose all coming this year?

Which bracket do you plan on racing in?
Turbo Pro 11.50 and slower
Top Turbo 11.49 and quicker
Heads Up 9.50 or quicker


Gene Fleury
Dan Huffman - Turbo Pro
Now we got some talking going, I will be there, where can and who do I send sponsorship money too.

Ron Neisler
Ron's Emmett Lube
Now we got some talking going, I will be there, where can and who do I send sponsorship money too.

Ron Neisler
Ron's Emmett Lube

For sponsorship, please send $200 to:
Gene Fleury
12002 Beverly Park Rd.
Everett WA 98204

I plan on being there. Dunno what class, depends if I get the GN running in time. Would sure like to bring out the faster car but we'll see how it all comes together.
I will be there! Not sure if I will be racing or just watching. There is way to much to do to my GN in time:frown: and I'm not sure if I want to bother racing my T-type.
I should be there. Racing or not depends on whether or not I can get my GN put together in time (see my thread in here). I'm hoping to get kicked off the track on street tires this year (5 psi more boost, way better tires, probably adjustable drag shocks. . .), so I guess that puts me in the slow class;)
If I could get some effin shop around here to build me a downpipe and finally finish my car I'd be there, but at the rate I'm going it might be another 6 months.:mad:
Turbo-Thunder VIII

I'll definitely be there!! Don't know if I'm going to race or help geno, hopefully a little of both.:cool:
New to area and board

Just got the car put back together after it blew up in '96 and moved to Washington. Looks like an interesting event, but how much time does Bremerton give the TT8 cars on Saturday? Seems like a packed agenda and not many chances for runs. Is it basic elimination (lose once and you're done)?
Just got the car put back together after it blew up in '96 and moved to Washington. Looks like an interesting event, but how much time does Bremerton give the TT8 cars on Saturday? Seems like a packed agenda and not many chances for runs. Is it basic elimination (lose once and you're done)?

I really think you'll enjoy coming out. It's a great event: nice folks and fast cars. On Saturday you will usually get in 3 test passes in the morning, then start eliminations. That's why coming out on Friday is nice too with the whole afternoon and evening open for test 'n tune. I can get in 5-7 runs on Fridays.
+1 on Dan's's a great time, and especially nice that you can bring family and friends to enjoy the day. Bremerton gives a lot of latitude- the crew there have things pretty much under control, and they're very laid back.

(Jedi Mind trick) will be at TT, and you will enjoy.........:D
Sounds like a plan. Most people stay at the Days Inn? If it's anything like a very, mini-Bowling Green, ya'll won't be hard to find. I just put the last of my 500 miles on the new motor and need to get out and play first. Do any of you tune at Mission Raceway, B.C.? Might get out there to shake things out a bit.