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Turbo Tweak ECU-GN and what to expect


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There are essentially 4 processors in this ECU, one is a "dual" to run all the engine functions, another to handle vehicle specific I/O, and one to serve as the wideband controller. Hit me up if you want to discuss particulars....

There are essentially 4 processors in this ECU, one is a "dual" to run all the engine functions, another to handle vehicle specific I/O, and one to serve as the wideband controller. Hit me up if you want to discuss particulars....


Thanks for the information. That's damn impressive.
I worked for Ford for 4 year in powertrain doing "high-level drivers" for the fuel subsystem - injectors, fuel pump, etc. I initially did a few code changes on their PTEC module which had a PowerPC core, then I they switched over to Black Oak. It still had the PowerPC core, with the addition of TPU-A and TPU-B, which handled engine position, fuel and spark as well a few miscellaneous items. It was interesting migrating the code over to a new module and creating the API to work with the TPU. The Black Oak had an addition process to handle electronic throttle controller - HC12. After I left for about 11 years I worked with HC12 and HC12s. Finally we maxed it out and moved to a 32-bit processor Infineon Tri-Core. The thing is, it doesn't have 3 cores. Just 1. It took 2 guys a year or so to get the drivers configured, so we could start adding base and function software. BTW this is a transfer case controller. Since our OEM required us to move to global A, a ton more diagnostics had to be added - 137 diagnostic trouble codes. Next we move to global B, which means we have to AutoSAR compliant as well as all other ECU suppliers. Job security.
Anyway, being around embedded systems for my entire career I know the work that goes into development for the hardware design, configuring all the low-level drivers, writing the application code and implementing variants to accommodate different sensor inputs.

Hopefully Santa gets me a TT ECU-GN for Christmas.
Thanks for the information. That's damn impressive.
I worked for Ford for 4 year in powertrain doing "high-level drivers" for the fuel subsystem - injectors, fuel pump, etc. I initially did a few code changes on their PTEC module which had a PowerPC core, then I they switched over to Black Oak. It still had the PowerPC core, with the addition of TPU-A and TPU-B, which handled engine position, fuel and spark as well a few miscellaneous items. It was interesting migrating the code over to a new module and creating the API to work with the TPU. The Black Oak had an addition process to handle electronic throttle controller - HC12. After I left for about 11 years I worked with HC12 and HC12s. Finally we maxed it out and moved to a 32-bit processor Infineon Tri-Core. The thing is, it doesn't have 3 cores. Just 1. It took 2 guys a year or so to get the drivers configured, so we could start adding base and function software. BTW this is a transfer case controller. Since our OEM required us to move to global A, a ton more diagnostics had to be added - 137 diagnostic trouble codes. Next we move to global B, which means we have to AutoSAR compliant as well as all other ECU suppliers. Job security.
Anyway, being around embedded systems for my entire career I know the work that goes into development for the hardware design, configuring all the low-level drivers, writing the application code and implementing variants to accommodate different sensor inputs.

Hopefully Santa gets me a TT ECU-GN for Christmas.

Sorry to break this to you, but Santa ain't real......... Ask the wife if you can just go ahead and buy one......... Wait 'till December and call it an X-mas present, if that will help.........LOL ;)
Mine's in.

Took me awhile to figure out a route to get the wideband feed into the car. But once that was run, it was very straightforward. Plug it in, add on the extra sensors, set those up in the software, and turn the key.

It started on the first key turn.

The auto-learn is fast. Really fast. First blast from a dig netted a 7.8 second burst to 85 on an unprepared surface and not-drag radials, with a 0.8s long wheelspin event at the top of first. Once I get TCS working, the car will be doing sub-4 second 0-60.
Will this run 12 injectors if for some reason you want to run two per cylinder ?

The box has six lights but the computer screen has 12.
Here's the autolearn in action. TPS is in green, vehicle speed in red in the top graph.

In the lower chart, red is the AFR target from the target table, and the white is the actual AFR. It bounced around a bit as I was in and out of the throttle, but when I mashed it, it quickly tuned it self right down to the target AFR, within just a couple of seconds. Then again, when I lifted off, it was in a new area of the VE table, and again, you can see it quickly pull the AFRs in line with the target in just a couple of seconds.

Ok, @Eric Stage I or @bison or @TurboBob:

VSS sensors. I have two hall effect sensors wired and ready and working, but I'm not sure which pins to hook them to.

The side connecter has VSS+ and VSS-, and Aux VSS+ and Aux VSS-.

The software isn't listing a VSS+/- or Aux VSS+/-.

So, which pins on the side connector do I use, and which inputs in TunerStudio correspond to the pins?
the ecu only has 2 "vss" inputs, the "vss+" is already in use for your stock input. so you can connect to Aux VSS +, and you can also use the MAF input for the other one. The AuxVSS+ will need a pullup resistor for that hall sensor signal.

what is the tooth count of your wheel target?
the ecu only has 2 "vss" inputs, the "vss+" is already in use for your stock input. so you can connect to Aux VSS +, and you can also use the MAF input for the other one. The AuxVSS+ will need a pullup resistor for that hall sensor signal.

what is the tooth count of your wheel target?

Ok, so Aux VSS+ for one of them, and I'll re-purpose the MAF input. Pullup resistors are already there.

In the Speed and Gear Sensors page, VSS2 should be of type "Digital", right? And the Digital input for that Aux VSS pin is which? It has Digital Frequency In 1-3, Digital Switched In 1-3, CMP, CAN-VSS, CAN PWmin, and GPS (which I know won't work).

Wheel target is 12 tooth. I aimed the sensors at the rotor hat bolts.