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Video Surveillance!


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Staff member
Mar 1, 2005
Need some advice... Got a bid from one of the national companies. Should I go that route or order off line and do it ourselves. We have done it before so the install is no biggie. Just bought crappie equipment before...

Looking someone that knows more about than me....

Any help will be appreciated!
What are you trying to video Survey? (my homedepot $45 day/night/color/sound/motion camera's still going strong after 7 years, I am on my second DVR though...) I got a Night Owl DVR now
For my car dealership.... I want to be able to watch from my phone or home pc.... I am also thinking digital...
I'd do 8 camera set-up, 3 inside (your office,customer billing,service area) an put 5 outside (,North,South,East,West, Main Entrance) Make sure you get wide-angled Camera's for outside,you can over-lap them some.
Might want to put one at the house......there is a reason Ty hasn't been on here much. I'd put one in the bedroom and one in the barn...He goes both ways.
For my car dealership.... I want to be able to watch from my phone or home pc.... I am also thinking digital...

Synology makes a nice web-enabled NAS server housing that holds (up to) a pair of 4T drives and has inputs for 8 cameras.
Get an outside company to do it, and have the piece of mind. If anything dosnt work, its their problem. I did my own a while back and worked great most of the time. But when it didnt it was always my problem, and I have enough to worry about. If your trying to eliminate problems let someone else do it, and make it there problem when something goes wrong. just negotiate the price and dont be affraid to beat them up on it cause the markup is high.
I've got a Lorex 4 camera set up, night vision, web based, easy to use and setup, will work with any smart phone, sends an instant notification if any cam is tripped
I've got a Lorex 4 camera set up, night vision, web based, easy to use and setup, will work with any smart phone, sends an instant notification if any cam is tripped
At only 10 fps I would not recommend this setup to any business that needs security cameras, this setup may be okay for home use but no way a business should use consumer grade camera/DVR's

I just up graded to the Q see 16 channel system with 1 Terra hard drive with 16 cameras from Costco. It's clear and very nice. Even one of the camera’s that is about 100' from my front gate picks up cars going by. It's motion activated so I can see when each camera turns on to record. I love this system. The camera's are great quality and night vision is also very good. You can also set it up to see it on your I phone as well.
hello people; You know what cameras are everywhere and getting more so. On my job they just walked out 6 people for things they caught on film. I'm hearing rumors on the subject but we'll see. But then when you could really use some sourvalence evidence it can't be had. And how about the things in space that can watch you do an oil change. It's pretty f------ scary.
I just up graded to the Q see 16 channel system with 1 Terra hard drive with 16 cameras from Costco. It's clear and very nice. Even one of the camera’s that is about 100' from my front gate picks up cars going by. It's motion activated so I can see when each camera turns on to record. I love this system. The camera's are great quality and night vision is also very good. You can also set it up to see it on your I phone as well. system
At 30fps that is not a bad home setup. Still utilizes analog cameras though where a business should have megapixel IP cameras that will enable you to have enough zoom to identify the perp. Another area people overlook is Wide Dynamic Range cameras, huge difference clarity when there are dark and light areas in the same view.

When your looking at camera's ,you want the lowest " mm " in len size,(2mm is wider view then a 6mm) an the long range in IR useaul in feet). But you can also add seperate Huge IR lighting to copinsate for Camera's own range of beam.
A fixed lens is only good for certain installations, a varifocal lens in a 2-12 mm is really good overall , have used 50mm as well

Yea, they make systems you can move/focus/zoom-in all remotely.$$$. I went simple an fixed. Only way i can be approached is by i get my all-sky cam for the roof...hehe)
PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom) cameras are a great add on to large areas that need to be covered as you can program "tours" with multiple movements/zooms and cover alot of ground. The drawback is that the camera may be on a scheduled tour when it needed to be pointed elsewhere.
