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Vintage GN video


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Okay, I'm sure the guy with the pink radiator cap was Barney Franks. :eek::p

A lot of nice T's and T-Types there for sure. :cool:
Very Cool Video!! Man I wish I could go back to 1990. I miss those days! I would have only been 9-10 years old back then.:eek:

Those neon colors and tall hats had me cracking up. Reminds me of when we used to tight roll our jeans!!!!!

Wow now that's a lot nice rides,but i just love the shorts and the fanny packs!....Should of been playing some Black box in the background! good stuff!
How about those "acid-wash" jeans!! I had a couple of pairs myself...those and a nice pair of un-tied Nike hi-tops and you were the $hit!! :cool:
I was at that show and I remember that Turbo Tune car! Dennis looked really young! Mullets are still "in" in Pennsy, aren't they? :D
There were probably more Powermasters at that show then are in existance now!! Must have been able to get parts for them back then. :wink:

I miss my mullet.
fess up, that video was taken last week. I've seen a ton of buick owners that still dress like that. :tongue:


Hey that song playing at the 6 minute mark sounds just like the MNF theme. Is that where they got it from? Hard to believe the kids in the video are now 30 years old. Wow...
Reminds me of when we used to tight roll our jeans!!!!!

Dude, you and Austin showed up at my house like that. Don't pretend you don't still do it!;) Next time we hang out I'll bust out my british knights DYMACELS, acid wash jeans, and my green body glove t-shirt:cool:

I told my dad to check out this video just to see how the car accessories and clothing style has changed. He said nothing has changed and he's still wearing the same clothes he had then:eek:
All of the vendors back then could not keep enough parts on the shelves. Seemed new vendor popped up every month. New stuff every day, the GN bolt-on world was exploding. You could see the people lined up at the Kirban booth, and nobody walked away without some purchase. Lawrence Conley had much of his prototype stuff spread out in the "for sale" section and people were tripping over each other to lay their hands on it all.

Look at all the logo stuff - license schmysense. It took GM lawyers several years to catch up with the unlicensed stuff and in the meantime, many clothing and apparel vendors surfaced.

That Syclone was the GM prototype vehicle. Too bad I didn't spend more time videotaping under the hood, although I think they kept it down most of the time.

Amazing how much has changed since then.
We are all very fortunate that you John and Dennis Kirban have continued to serve and support our TR community for all these years! Thanks!!! Paul
Let's not forget the music soundtrack!

We start off with the classic Ashford & Simpson tune "Solid (as a rock)"

For the life of me I can't distinguish the barely audible tune from about 2:50 to 3:05, but judging by the giant Dark Side of the Moon cover image at the front of the car, it is likely Pink Floyd...

Then we mix it up a bit with Hank Williams Jr's smash hit "All My Rowdy Friends (Are Comin' Over Tonight)" Later transformed into the monday night football theme. Not to be confused with his more somber "All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down)"

Then in the building we get to listen to Don McLean's "American Pie". Luckily not all 8 minutes and 33 seconds of it. :rolleyes:

We cut to another song I can't discern due to background noise, but shortly after is "Hot Rod Lincoln". Appears to be the Commander Cody (most popular) version.

At the next scene with the GNX outside, "someone" seems to be whistling the beginning of Chicago's "Make Me Smile"

Sorry that's all I got :p
I just can't get my head around the fact that the show was nearly 21 fricking years ago! My, how time flies while suffering miserably under the hood of a TR for 2 entire decades! I'd do it all again, if I really had to! Thanks, Counterman.
hello people: I've been to a few car and bike shows but never at a show located at a airport. There was lots of room at that show. Looked typical thanks for the show.
A special THANZ...To John Spina posting that Buick/GTO Reunion event. I have also posted it in a major GTO forum as well.

Here is some background on that event.

The GNs you see lined up I took a count back then and there was 98 GNs in that dual line. Back then those cars were fairly new. Be tough to assemble that many today especially that many Ts and T-Types.

What is very unusual is this event was held on a military base over 2 days. Owners left many of there cars their overnite. Notice the aircraft in the background. Today with the world changing its tough for a civilian to even get on a military base let alone conduct a car show!

All the vendors loved the set up as they were out of the heat inside a huge aircraft hanger.
The Syclone you see took a lot of pull as GM never before had set up a display at a private event in other words not a club national event. Ours was a company.

The Syclone did not run and it had a Buick turbo engine in it.

We were able to get the airbase because at the time a good personal friend of ours was the chief of police in that town. Its funny once in awhile for kicks he would pull me over like he was giving me a ticket.

He worked with the boy scouts. What we did is we had the scouts work the gates and they charged the spectators. Its the most money they ever raised at a single event. They could not believe the number of cars we got since we never advertised locally for local cars.

It was strictly GTOs and Turbo Buicks and some hand picked high end cars we picked in advance. The Hurst plant sat rite across the street from this airbase.

Today the base is completely gone hangers everything leveled and gone streets are built and industry and a high rise old folks complex sits there now.

We did the Reunion event twice at the base. One year we even had a huge banquet in the one hanger among helicopters. Molly came the one year. We had Davy Jones of Monkees there one year for GTO owners. One yer John Buc Wilkin for the GTO crowd. John Buc Wilkin headed up Ronny and the Daytonas and recorded the hit record in 1964 GTOs....(they had that Beach Boys California sound) record topped out in the top 10.

Conleys was there the one year. One year we had the AVC guys come and they did about 8 GNX dash installs in the hanger over a 2 day period. Best $800 those people spent looking back now.

Those were the days.

Sad in in regards seeing my old time mechanic Big Bill as he passed away about 7 months later. Another good friend of ours Bob Conner appears in the video as well passed away also. He was a tail gunner in World War II. I travelled many miles with him and my Dad back in the 1970s and 1980s.

Back then ours car were basically new cars. Tricks were few tinted headlite covers emblems removed were popular. May have noticed my black 1964 GTO in the hanger with our GN alongside it. Soon after that our GN would go to Hawaii. Our car had one of the early sets of M & A casting aluminum heads on it.

Course I look a lot younger then.....

again thanz...John for posting the video.
Love it, watched it again "I use the ultrachip, my wife uses it". I just think this is when my Dad got his second gto and I was going to these shows I was 7 WOW time flys
On the song.....we did have a DJ play disc both days.

Interesting note about the Hot Rod Lincoln....

A true story actually

In our area a friend of ours has a black high powered Lincoln back then. One day at a lite he came up against a friend of ours who had a turbo regal. My friend was unaware at just how potent this Lincoln was. He quickly lost.

It became a joke and to this day we have remained friends all of us. My Lincoln buddy has been at our shows even though he is a Ford guy through and through. Had several Cobras etc since then.

All in good fun....

Again having an airbase for a car show location was the best of both worlds great security and the background and set up was ideal.

Vendors as you know at most events get stuck either on hot black top or away from the action. Being we are a vendor we made vendors special whcih worked to everyones advantage as we got a huge turn out of vendors. We had one GTO vendor drive all the way from Oregon for this event. One year Bowling Green Customs came out of Kentucky....the original ownrs not the later ones.

Even Buddy Cox out of Maryland came the one year with his newly tubbed GNX race car. One of the first to do so with a real GNX.

Its ashame the world is as messed up as it is that it may never happen again in our lifetime where you can freely get in airbases again to put on a car show.

Other shows were held back then on this airbase.
As for a count.

Although the video does not show many GTOs obviousily because interest by John leaned towards Buicks and if you look at the times some of the footage was shot aorund 7:30 am in the morning.

There was easily about 350 to 400 plus total cars at this event. Keep in mind we did not open car registration to the local public it was all by invitation and the newsletter we did back then.

The very first show we did was at our house during the week back in 1988 or 89. With the Buicks and our association in the infancy...we had about 35 turbo buicks and 150 plus GTOs on our lawn and our neighbors lawn. Again a rariety getting a neighbor to join in who was not even into cars. (The husband drove an Oldsmobile diesel) Every winter they would go to Naples Florida for the winter and let me keep one car in their garage as long as I promised to keep at least 2 cars on their driveway and move them around so it looked like someone was home.
A great deal for us as back then we were selling 30-40 Turbo Regals a year back then.

At that event we had the co-founder of Hurst at our show, Bill Campbell. He was actually the original brains behind working on the early Jaws of life project.

That event was covered by Paul Zazarine of Muscle Car Review magazine who recently passed away.

Doing a dual event featuring two different muscle cars from two different eras was not that far fetched....nor did it present any issues. They have more in common than one may expect. Each represented a milestone for the era. The GTO was considered the Premier Muscle Car from the 1960s and the Turbo Buick notably the GN, definately holds the title from the 1980s.

Be surprised how many owners have examples of both.......
If you watch the first few minutes, you will see a gn with nos plumbed in the up pipe.:biggrin: When I tried it back in the day, things went boom. :eek:
Is that the prototype Syclone? Buick V6 powered, before the 91 production...

Where is THAT today?

I assume GMC has it stashed. The engine was not wired up. The Syclone as you know came out in January 1991.

The head guys with the project did talk about the Syclone at our event. The Syclone was geared for the turbo buick market.

The Syclone unfortunately had a lot against it being a major success.

It was costly aorund 21-22 grand when a S10 was a lot cheaper. Could only hold about 500lbs

Cabin was tight if you where 6 feet tall.

Truck was introduced to the market the same day the war broke out in the middle east under the Older Bush in January.

History has shown stuffing a big motor in a pick up truck has limited appeal in the long run. Ford probably has had the most success with the supercharged lightning ones holding fairly good value. Viper powered dodges not so much.

Hurting Syclones would be parts are hard to get.

we did end up buying one of 2 GMC used for all the magazines to use with actual proof. Our truck was the cover truck on Car & Driver magazine.