thank you everybody for all your information and well extra information i just read along as well lol
thanks for the vendors for putting some extra time into this thread and talking to me on the phone for good advice and all
well the trans from dave came out to like 1800 which is still a deal with or without the convertor he recomended to me? he knew it as me we talked gave me alot of advice not only on trans but on the motor as well but still for the price its kinda outta my budget and not too competitively priced compared to some others.
talked to lonnie sounded like a good guy knew his **** didnt try to sell me anything that wasnt needed said the stock converter was fine for my setup i should be getting a stage one in like 3 weeks when he gets back from BG and a trans cooler, im gonna put the extra and get that hardened or billet drum they were talking a bout as well.
i really didnt mean to turn this thread into what it has become i just wanted to know what transmission would be good for my setup with all these combinations, vendors, stages, billet this and hardened parts,
honestly for some one who doesnt know to much about these cars it does get very confusing and dont really know how to chose.
i appreciate every reply and every person that has read and put time into all my threads
thanks again