Turbo89 i guess that is why GM is using roller cams now?? Come on it worked great 30 years ago however cars have come a long way in 30 years. Compare today's cars to 1986, or 1986 car, time moves on and the cars are safer, stop better, handles better and perform better.
They had them back in 87 too .. but didn't use them .. FACE IT the BUICK setup is 30 years old ! .. For a 11.0 car .. no point the money can be spent in ALOT better places ... for a 9.90 car AGREED it's a better solution by far .. but then again the 9.90 audience is another league of owner. They are using direct injection now too does that mean we all need to switch to that ?
They are running 6-10 speed transmissions now too should we switch here too ? Or perhaps we goto blowers since that's what they run now?
I just hate reading " YOU HAVE TO HAVE a Roller Cam setup" that's just Bunk ! you can go plenty fast and be ultra reliable with a flat tappet.
Do you know how many ROLLER CAM setups are installed incorrectly ? And those are by "my machine shop " got me this setup.. There is ALOT in a Roller Cam setup that needs to be checked, I bet 90% of the guys have no clue of how to properly order and setup a Roller Cam. ROLLER Cam conversions done properly are BIG Money ... it's not just jump online and hit the ORDER now button from any Buick Vendor and shove the CAm in and call it good ( which in reality is what happens)
Stock Cam Cars have gone PLENTY FAST and lived reliably .. I wouldn't say they HAVE to be Replaced..