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What a Loser !!


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Though I hate to hear that, I know that A, those dogs were soo abused, that they probably have PTSD, and could potentially snap on anyone, and B, I'm sure the govt will do it in a way more humane way that vick did. I wish these 'inner city people' never got ahold of such a great dog. They pervert everything they ever touch, whether it be regals, dogs, music, clothes, sports, nice neighborhoods, etc, etc...
LOL! Reminds me of the "All in the Family" Show. I Loved Archie Bunker! ha haa! "they pervert everything..." :D :eek:
Though I hate to hear that, I know that A, those dogs were soo abused, that they probably have PTSD, and could potentially snap on anyone, and B, I'm sure the govt will do it in a way more humane way that vick did. I wish these 'inner city people' never got ahold of such a great dog. They pervert everything they ever touch, whether it be regals, dogs, music, clothes, sports, nice neighborhoods, etc, etc...

In a fight the strong survive. You don't kill your best most profitable fighting dog. The dogs chance of survival just went from slim to none. Now thats justice:rolleyes:
Sorry guys but I need to fluck this up.

All this is BS compared to the real crimes being committed.
All this attention to this and money that the government spent on it.
No wonder they don’t have enough money to go after the gang killings in Newark, NJ
Or in other states.
How much did this case cost to make?
Some drunk driving A$$ **** kills a person and oh well.
Who gives a fluck because he is famous I don’t give a ****.
I am not saying what he did is right because it’s not and yes I am DOG lover “pit bulls at that”
But how about bull fighters.
chicken**** fighters.
Child molesters that get 6 months in jail from these POS judges.
Where is all of the outrage?
Fluck Vick and the government that went after him for
1-he was doing a horrible thing
and the most important
2-some officials made a big name for them selfs.
Vick should face the MAX.
Sorry but the bigg deal over this VS. the REAL every day problems we have doesn’t even compare.
Sorry guys but I need to fluck this up.

All this is BS compared to the real crimes being committed.
All this attention to this and money that the government spent on it.
No wonder they don’t have enough money to go after the gang killings in Newark, NJ
Or in other states.
How much did this case cost to make?
Some drunk driving A$$ **** kills a person and oh well.
Who gives a fluck because he is famous I don’t give a ****.
I am not saying what he did is right because it’s not and yes I am DOG lover “pit bulls at that”
But how about bull fighters.
chicken**** fighters.
Child molesters that get 6 months in jail from these POS judges.
Where is all of the outrage?
Fluck Vick and the government that went after him for
1-he was doing a horrible thing
and the most important
2-some officials made a big name for them selfs.
Vick should face the MAX.
Sorry but the bigg deal over this VS. the REAL every day problems we have doesn’t even compare.

You should really get informed on the subject of Animal Abuse. After you do some research and discover the heinous crimes these people move on to-get back with us.:mad:

(Smart people will stop them before they elevate themselves above the law and everything else)
This guy is (was) a high paid role model that today's youth are watching and admiring. We could talk all day about money spent in the wrong places. The fact is, someone needs to show these jacka$$es thay are not invincible or untouchable. Bling-bling, yo. I would almost guarantee you there will be more NFL/NBA names brought out that are involved in these dogs fights. It's gonna get good!
I like this one

"It is fitting that the NFL has suspended him," said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. "He's now a role model for something terrible, and it's not appropriate that he suit up in an NFL uniform."
This is what Vick and his homies are responsible for. I bet this little guy would much rather be fetching a ball and getting his head scratched than fighting for his life. ANYONE involved in any form of animal fighting should be locked up.
Falcons quarterback Michael Vick "is not a victim" and should be held responsible for his actions involving a dogfighting ring in Virginia, the national president of the NAACP said Thursday.
You are right I am pretty stupid but

I have been out of East New York for a few years now, I can walk a pit bull down the street and in a few hours with minimal money spent “soda and chips and water for my dog” I can find a few big money dog fight rings Sponsored By Drug dealers with lots of illegal guns. My point was simple and because I am so dumb I guess I couldn’t get it out as I wanted too.
Going after Vick wasn’t about the dogs or the HORRIBLE things he did to them because if it was they would have never made a plea deal and gave him the max jail I mean they have this guy cooked with video and willing witnesses. It was about the media attention the officials involved would gain and currier boost.

So my points are
1-going after Vick was not about the Dogs. If it was (about the dogs) no plea deal and give him the max. With the evidence they have anything less is BS and anyone would have to be dumber then me to believe other wise.
2-it was for personal gain by the officials involved. At least that’s what I think.
Now the famous prosecutor goes into private practice and makes more money then Vick did as a player. Or he becomes an elected official and Steels more money then Vick made as a player.
Give him the Max and I will then believe that I have no idea of the nonsense I am talking about.

Nothing personal here this is just the approach I take in political conversations. After we are done ill pay for the first round of the cheapest beer in the house LOL.
Sorry guys but I need to fluck this up.

All this is BS compared to the real crimes being committed.
All this attention to this and money that the government spent on it.
No wonder they don’t have enough money to go after the gang killings in Newark, NJ
Or in other states.
How much did this case cost to make?
Some drunk driving A$$ **** kills a person and oh well.
Who gives a fluck because he is famous I don’t give a ****.
I am not saying what he did is right because it’s not and yes I am DOG lover “pit bulls at that”
But how about bull fighters.
chicken**** fighters.
Child molesters that get 6 months in jail from these POS judges.
Where is all of the outrage?
Fluck Vick and the government that went after him for
1-he was doing a horrible thing
and the most important
2-some officials made a big name for them selfs.
Vick should face the MAX.
Sorry but the bigg deal over this VS. the REAL every day problems we have doesn’t even compare.

The criminal justice system is not perfect, but you clearly have NO grasp of it. I agree with some of what you said from an emotional standpoint, but you need to get your ducks in a row before you become 'angry' at the system, otherwise you're being angry something you do not understand.
In a fight the strong survive. You don't kill your best most profitable fighting dog. The dogs chance of survival just went from slim to none. Now thats justice:rolleyes:

I know you don't kill your most profitable dog.. but what I'm trying to say is, NOone should be killing ANY sort of dog. ESPECIALLY if it "didnt make you money" I wish we could start killing all these 'non profitable' NFL players. How bout throwing THEM in the ring with a few pitbulls if they dont play really well in a game. This world is messed up, and I cant stand these people. We'll pay some uneducated monkey millions of dollars to throw a stupid football, and if they don't perform, it's ok. But we can make dogs fight for our own pleasure, and kill them when they dont suit us any longer. This inFURIATES me to no end, and I would be most brutal to anyone I see fighting dogs with my own eyes.

Who around here was given the ultimate authority to place worth on living things. As if someone on this planet has enough rank to say "Ookay. These, these and these animals are protected, and they are now untouchable. These animals here, worthless. Kill them if it makes you happy, and humans? Oh wait, I'm a human, lets make this animal absolutely protected by every rule on the planet. But screw the rest... Theyre worthless..." I love it. Humanity at its finest. Abusing any animal should be a crime punishable by huge fines, conviscation of property or possessions, and/or a decent beating, so we dont fill up the jail cells any quicker than were already doing.....
My Pitbull Perspective...

I love dogs with a passsion, however I will say one thing about the Pitbull breed, which seems to be a majority in the spotlight here. You can also call them Staffordshire Terriers, mixes called Kerr Dogs, or whatever to be technical.

I've been watching the news lately here in the Bay area, and I've never seen so many of these dogs chewing up people lately!! :eek: A couple resulted in death, (one attacked a woman a couple weeks ago and ripped the whole top of her head off) and a few resulted with children having their faces ripped off like the dog pictured above. It seems that every week there's a serious attack of these dogs on kids, someone else dog, or an adult- continously!

I love dogs dont get me wrong. I own an English Bulldog. But I will say though, that I wouldn't ever buy an American Pit Bull or any dog that goes into a childs room while he's sleeping and mauls them in their sleep!!! This happened a couple times recently. Or attacks a kid for no apparent reason, just overly aggressive or territorial or just flips out, because he's along with a couple of them in the backyard and they freakout into a ripping frenzy.

I think people that own Pit Bulls and Staffordshires should be required to have a license to own these dogs. They should get complete background checks, along with other key criteria for owning them. They're truly a strong, loyal, fighting ANIMAL. Family Pet?? I hate to say it, but from what I've seen, they're very hard to socialize animals. Majority of them love their owners and immediate family.

This post isn't to offend Pitbull owners in the forum who own these animals, but personally, I wouldn't put them near my kids age 6 and 3. Screw that. I'd rather have a German Sheperd, English Bulldog, or even a Rottweiler for that matter. Pitbulls are very hard to read animals. They have eyes that seem vacant in my opinion. Hard to read animals.

I know it's totally inhumane and disgusting to take any breed of animal and torture them or put them through a nasty hell of a fight till the death or maiming. Pretty disgusting and barbaric. Not nice at all, and sad for any Pitbull, Staffordshire owners who take care of an breed these animals in respect, love and socialization. Again, not saying all of these dogs are evil or trying to attack the breed. I just think a majority are flipping out just a little too much lately on humans as well, so it's hard for me to feel too much compassion for this Breed. Sorry.
like SuzyQ told me the other day
You need to be better informed.

I have owned Pit bulls for about 22 years.
And not one incident with the Fam
And only one incident with a trespasser.

Since day 1 I never ever hit any of my dogs.
I never threatened them with a weapon.
I never let them go hungry. And when my oldest kid was a baby I never ever let him play with the dog alone.

Dogs have to be understood just like a car.
Take a NA SBC guy and put him in your GN and let him take for a hard ride. The car will come back on a flatbed with a blown engine.
with these dogs you cannot leave you common sense on your bed side night table when you get out of bed in the morning.” you must take it with you at all times"

And remember the media is selling air time.

A few years ago a pit-bull killed a kid for no reason. That was the head line. After the dog was killed by the police it was found that the dog had half a pencil in his ear, kid had put the pencil in the dogs ear but that info never made it to the mainstream media loyalist. Any one that saw a picture of that great looking kid would hate these dogs for ever.

Also you have extremely stupid dog owners. "Don’t worry he doesn't bite"
No one comes into my yard or house unless it’s confirmed that my dogs are in their cages no I thinks but only I know.

Anyway ill stop now I can go on for ever about this stuff.