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What a Loser !!


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Im sorry, but pitbulls dont just go off and start mauling kids in their sleep. Theyre not vampires guys. And all this 'pitbull kills so and so this morning' crap you hear on the news, is just that. Crap.

Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull

Not only was it a VERY good chance, that it wasnt a pitbull at all, but regardless of what it was, alot of those times, Im very sure it was provoked. But youll never hear that side of the story on the news. I bet good money on it. Pitbulls, even when mistreated, are still less likely to just 'go off' for no good reason. Theyre very strong, and stable minded. Theyre confident, and proud, and that greatly affects their decision making process. Unless of course, the, well, we'll put it this way, "inner city people" feed them crap like gun powder or some other mind altering drugs. Whats bullcrap is, when theres crazy people, they get a nice bed, and some sympathy. even if they hurt someone. but when a dog goes off (from years of abuse) they kill them instantly. I say, we should put to sleep, all these people that 'arent all there' and save some of my very hard earned tax money. I got buick parts I need to buy.
People are soo stupid it makes me sick. 99% of the time its NOT the dogs fault. When some crazy crap kicks off, its almost ALWAYS because a stupid human was involved in the equation at one point or another. You never see this dumb controversy out in the wild do you? No, cuz the animals leave each other alone, unless they need to eat to keep themselves alive. Theres peace out there, cuz no humans are involved, messing things up.
I know it's hard to believe a Pitbull would maul a kid in their sleep, but it did happen here in the Tampa Bay area. What a sick story it was. It was a Blue Nosed Pitbull with ears cropped like a little devil. Nasty dog! How dare it attack a child in her sleep!! There has been a slew of other ones in the last couple of years. No, it wasn't all in "bad, urban areas" either. Middle class white neighborhoods. 1 was just a week ago, a little 9 year old girl, almost nearly killed her. Another one, a little boy, ripped his face apart. He was 5 years old. Another one, killed a woman 42 after it took her entire scalp off. The owner said it was shocking in the sense that they all didn't see it coming, and the dog flipped for no apparent reason. PITBULLS- all of them. Not, mixes or mutts - ....May as well, own a bear or tiger for that matter.

Yeah, I find it hard to believe this breed can do such things. Be it as it may, they do. I think they were bred a long time ago to basically hunt and kill. Yeah, some of them are good family pets, but from what I seen, it's a minority of them lately. They flip out waaaay too easily on other dogs, and know one thing- kill - Go for the neck. Lock up.

Personally, for the majority of them - I don't think they're a very intelligent breed. Sorry to all those who have them as the most wonderful, family pet. They're Great fighters, Yeah! That's why so many of them are ending up in the pound, or the Media, or in underground dog fighting clubs, or on the news attacking a person, kid, or the neighbor's dog.

I have a couple of small children. I personally wouldn't own a pitbull. I owned a Kerr Herd Pitbull mix once and it had a crazy disposition. I had to get rid of him cause he snapped at my kids a couple times.
Now, I have an English Bulldog. Very expensive breed of dog, but truly worth every penny. He's not only protective of our family, but the most loveable little, family dog. And they came from the same background as a Pitbull. Pitbulls came from Bulldogs and Terriers bred together.

Im sorry, but pitbulls dont just go off and start mauling kids in their sleep. Theyre not vampires guys. And all this 'pitbull kills so and so this morning' crap you hear on the news, is just that. Crap.

Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull

Not only was it a VERY good chance, that it wasnt a pitbull at all, but regardless of what it was, alot of those times, Im very sure it was provoked. But youll never hear that side of the story on the news. I bet good money on it. Pitbulls, even when mistreated, are still less likely to just 'go off' for no good reason. Theyre very strong, and stable minded. Theyre confident, and proud, and that greatly affects their decision making process. Unless of course, the, well, we'll put it this way, "inner city people" feed them crap like gun powder or some other mind altering drugs. Whats bullcrap is, when theres crazy people, they get a nice bed, and some sympathy. even if they hurt someone. but when a dog goes off (from years of abuse) they kill them instantly. I say, we should put to sleep, all these people that 'arent all there' and save some of my very hard earned tax money. I got buick parts I need to buy.
People are soo stupid it makes me sick. 99% of the time its NOT the dogs fault. When some crazy crap kicks off, its almost ALWAYS because a stupid human was involved in the equation at one point or another. You never see this dumb controversy out in the wild do you? No, cuz the animals leave each other alone, unless they need to eat to keep themselves alive. Theres peace out there, cuz no humans are involved, messing things up.
I know it's hard to believe a Pitbull would maul a kid in their sleep, but it did happen here in the Tampa Bay area. What a sick story it was. It was a Blue Nosed Pitbull with ears cropped like a little devil. Nasty dog! How dare it attack a child in her sleep!! There has been a slew of other ones in the last couple of years. No, it wasn't all in "bad, urban areas" either. Middle class white neighborhoods. 1 was just a week ago, a little 9 year old girl, almost nearly killed her. Another one, a little boy, ripped his face apart. He was 5 years old. Another one, killed a woman 42 after it took her entire scalp off. The owner said it was shocking in the sense that they all didn't see it coming, and the dog flipped for no apparent reason. PITBULLS- all of them. Not, mixes or mutts - ....May as well, own a bear or tiger for that matter.

Yeah, I find it hard to believe this breed can do such things. Be it as it may, they do. I think they were bred a long time ago to basically hunt and kill. Yeah, some of them are good family pets, but from what I seen, it's a minority of them lately. They flip out waaaay too easily on other dogs, and know one thing- kill - Go for the neck. Lock up.

Personally, for the majority of them - I don't think they're a very intelligent breed. Sorry to all those who have them as the most wonderful, family pet. They're Great fighters, Yeah! That's why so many of them are ending up in the pound, or the Media, or in underground dog fighting clubs, or on the news attacking a person, kid, or the neighbor's dog.I have a couple of small children. I personally wouldn't own a pitbull. I owned a Kerr Herd Pitbull mix once and it had a crazy disposition. I had to get rid of him cause he snapped at my kids a couple times.
Now, I have an English Bulldog. Very expensive breed of dog, but truly worth every penny. He's not only protective of our family, but the most loveable little, family dog. And they came from the same background as a Pitbull. Pitbulls came from Bulldogs and Terriers bred together.

Why 'so many of them' end up in this predicament, is because certain kinds of people are attracted to their inherent strength. if inner city people (and you know who im talking about) were all of a sudden attracted to schnauzers, i bet you your buick, that in 5 years, you'd see these dogs, used for all sorts of stupid activities as well. Hell, even chickens make for a horrible fight. If these thugs got ahold of a BIRD, you'd see that as well, on the news every day, in terrible situations. trust me. these people have no jobs, and no lives. theyve nothing else better to do with their welfare money, than nefarious things. buy tough dogs, and abuse them. its not the dogs, its their owners.
All this emotional investment... for dogs. Funny in a sad kind of way. As I eat this burger I wonder if I'm in the right to contribute to the torture and slaughter of thousands of cows. I guess its ok to kill them since they don't roll over and do tricks.

I wish people would get this wound up over human beings being killed and abused.
All this emotional investment... for dogs. Funny in a sad kind of way. As I eat this burger I wonder if I'm in the right to contribute to the torture and slaughter of thousands of cows. I guess its ok to kill them since they don't roll over and do tricks.

I wish people would get this wound up over human beings being killed and abused.
Pablo, that is a good point, but...cows aren't taught to fight. They aren't tortured to the point of death. Dogs meat is not used for consumption. I think if you hear of people torturing cows to death, you'd have a big stink.