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What a Loser !!


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Nov 3, 2006
:mad: Statement from Vick's lawyer

By The Associated Press
August 20, 2007

The statement that Michael Vick's lead defense attorney, Billy Martin, released Monday:

"After consulting with his family over the weekend, Michael Vick asked that I announce today that he has reached an agreement with federal prosecutors regarding the charges pending against him.

"Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made. Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter."

Not that we didn't know it was coming!
So much for clearing his "good" name.
I will be nice and say-What a loser!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
As soon as I saw the title to this post "what a loser", I knew you were talking about Vick. What a D-F!
I think he's a scumbag for having anything to do with dog fighting BUT a guilty plea and admission is at least accepting responsibility for his actions. In an age of "lack of responsibility" it is refreshing (somewhat). To assume that he was on his way to a guilty verdict is grossly underestimating the stupidity that goes on in our legal system on a daily basis (OJ as one example).

That being said, I still thing they should tie some cinder blocks to his ankles and throw him into a chilly lake.
I think he's a scumbag for having anything to do with dog fighting BUT a guilty plea and admission is at least accepting responsibility for his actions.
That's a warm fuzzy thought but that's not why he went with a plea bargain. He went with the plea bargain because it lessens the sting he's going to receive. He went with the lesser of the two options he had, not because he's remorseful and realizes he's a stupid-a$$ sack of $hit. It's because he'll get out sooner and it'll cost him less in the end. It's all about what's easiest and best for HIM. He and OJ should drive off a cliff.
I doubt if his guilty plea had much to do with accepting responsibility. His lawyer probably told him if he didn't plead guilty, he was looking at 5 years instead of 1. Anyone who tortures animals doesn't have a conscience.
I tell you what else pisses me off is some of the people of his race crying this is racial targeting. I don't give a split if he's orange with purple polka dots, if he does something this inhumane he deserves what's coming to him. Think of all the young boys who wanted to be like him. I hope they aren't! Those guys are supposed to be role models. Give them a big pile of money and the stupidity pours out of them.
I think he was stupid before he got the money. OK I'm gonna stop now.
This whole thing fires me up! The stupid followers of his are the gas!
Vick sentencing

Believe they said day before yesterday that since his friends are looking at, at Least-15 mos. up to 6 years. That Vick will more then likely get a little more then his co conspirators and a fine of up to 250,000. He has that kind of money chump change to him, just needs to sell one of his cars he's made that on his Big Heads. He'll probably end up doing soft time and he could potentially get out earlier with good behavior. Unless they decide to make an Example out of these guys.

If he Shows some remorse, sheds a tear or two, ask for forgiveness and Give a 1 million dollar gift to the SPCA and Humane Society all will be forgiven. Money talks and usually guys with money walk. This ain't on the same level, but look at Stallone he had enough anabolic steroids/ GH to cycle the whole Atlanta Falcons team for a month. If it was you or I we'd be in Prison longer then we would with a DogFighting conviction. OJ gets away with murder of 2 human beings becomes a bigger Celebrity. Not making light of Vicks conviction but it's amazing how our Judicial System works. Now Vick will probably never play again in the NFL because he lied to them good ol' boys the NFL commish and the Falcon's owner that trusted him. Oh well most won't miss him.

Plus if he takes a guilty plea and makes a deal with prosecuters no one will testify ,pay the fine and go straight to jail and all the details will be sealed. Open and closed case....He has enough money that caretakers will watch over his properties, cars etc.etc he'll get out of jail and move back into the bling bling Lifestyle he's used too. Unless he's stupid like Iron Mike was when he did time, and left Don King watching managing his finacial holdings. The brain can be a dangerous thing to use sometimes.
He and OJ should drive off a cliff.

I tell you what else pisses me off is some of the people of his race crying this is racial targeting. I don't give a split if he's orange with purple polka dots, if he does something this inhumane he deserves what's coming to him. Think of all the young boys who wanted to be like him. I hope they aren't! Those guys are supposed to be role models. Give them a big pile of money and the stupidity pours out of them.

Am I the only one who detects a little racial overtones here? What is up with your timeline regarding the birth of a black jesus?
Am I the only one who detects a little racial overtones here? What is up with your timeline regarding the birth of a black jesus?

I don't know if you are or not. Race has nothing to do with it is what I was trying to say. These two guys just really stand out as "role models" and look at their behavior. Is that racist of me to say? Or is is racist for you to say I'm a racist? That's a silly accusation. I can't help they are both have the same skin color. Lets' just say they are Americans. I don't know of any popular "other than their race" athletes to compare or they'd get thrown in the car with Vick and OJ. I told you I didn't care if they were orange with purple polka dots. Do you know of a race like that??

I found the timeline on another board. I thought it was funny. Remove the word "black" for me and I'll use it. It just happened to be there. If I thought it was offensive I wouldn't use it.
Fixed it. Now let's don't change the flavor of the thread. Remember, it's about a stupid person, not the stupid person's skin tone, mmmkay??
Will taking a plea bargain for the dogs stop the Feds from going after him on racketeering charges? I usually watch Nancy Grace show on CNN to stay up to date on controversial subjects,but haven't in about a week, she needs to go back into prosecuting and be the DA for this!
He's toast...

" he could potentially get out earlier with good behavior".
Not on a federal rap. He serves 87%, and the remaining 13% in a 1/2 way house.:cool:
IMO, his biggest problem is not the feds, it's the VA atty's office. That guy is elected to his position,[read as "impress the populace w/ my prosecution"] and can really knock this moron for a loop...A State of VA conviction can get him 40 yrs!!:eek:
The fed judge is also known as a "mean dude" when handing out sentences. The plea deal is not a "done deal". That judge can give him the max, if he chooses to ignore the plea.
Furthermore, the league can ban him for life, for gambling.
Pete Rose ring familar??

It takes a real wuss to send someone out to apologize for you. Calling the outrage against his heinous acts-racist- is racist. I will write a hand written letter to Goodell to have him totally banned from football.You cannot teach the nation that it is OK to go around killing (as long as it is not human beings)and all is forgiven if you sit in a corner cell for a year or 2.
His attitude was and still is-abhorring to say the least !

Here is the # if anyone is interested in having him banned 212-450-2000 (Public Relations) Leave Message
I read what he did to his dogs, and If I ever have the pleasure of crossing paths with this degenerate, I will make him pay dearly. He'd beg for his life.
Vick has problems however the government is going to kill 53 pit bulls they impounded from him does that make sense. The dogs are dead whether Vick did it or the government, they save them to put them to sleep for good. That's ironic...