What do you do for a living?

I opened up an independent pharmacy, does my logo look familiar to anyone? :biggrin:


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Local 150 operating engineer here (heavy equipment operator) checks are great, hrs suck currently working for an asphalt co. at the plant itself never have an end time until road crew calls as said enough,makes it hard to get to the cruise nights and car shows but my family all has good insurance, bills are paid and the little 3 yr old has all the xmas gifts under the tree she could ever want so how much better does that get huh?:rolleyes:
Cool, I know there are a few independent pharmacist on this board....:biggrin:

Lol yea whatcha need :biggrin::biggrin:, I work as a VW/Audi tech. and the new A8 is badd a$$ I just wish i had 92-150k sitting around to buy one
Mine is very accurate also, except for the tennis thing should say beer drinking and women should be singular(women???). so yeah, basically unemployed for the holidays.

tb3, could ya sneak a brother in???????

for you... i'd even show you where the "clean" seats are:biggrin:
and speakin of what i do for a livin.... todays supposed to be a holiday for me, but i got a emergency call in...:frown: sittin here waitin for a part to arrive. at least its "holiday pay", not that it matters much since the govt gets most of it so it can piss it right down the drain:mad:

we should start a "whats your salary?" thread, and then sit back and watch the ol' bs meter start peggin its little heart out :biggrin:
college girls in heat#23 is two entrances down on your left. enjoy the show.

lol! seriously though, we just did a thread like this a few months ago that was very well received, if I recall correctly :)

I started it i think.....
Local 150 Heavy Equipment Mechanic. Long hours, long pay:D I work hard so I can play even harder. The wifes Jeep is a pos and the house is falling apart but I got a really nice racecar.

Team Leader...General Motors...Oshawa Car Assembly Plant...Plant 2...Impala And Equinox.
Dent guy

Paintless Dent Repair Tech. I take the dents out of your Buicks :biggrin:


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Looks like I'm responsible for paying some of your paychecks!! :D I'm an insurance claims adjuster. Everyone please feel free to PM me if you have a question about the auto insurance claims process. I'd be more than willing to assist anyone needing help or advice with their own claim.