What's ur take on the whole Luge accident?

Not a fan of it but its up to them when they get on the track just like us, Lots of people die everyweek at drag race tracks but we still go lol. Thank God my rear axle broke on lauch a while back and not half way down the track . Scary to think about. Daniel Ray

when was the last fatal crash at a drag strip?
Also I heard Canada was the only country to have any real practice time. Everybodyelse had to learn the track with just a few runs

Same thing happens at all Olympic events in all previous years. Doesn't matter which country. The host country gets access to the site before anyone else. Nothing new.
but those guys are insane- the only people more insane than them in the olympics are the people that do the same thing, only head first.. i forget what that event is called.

That would be the 'skeleton'... perhaps aptly named? :wink: IMO, cool nonetheless... Luge, skeleton, bobsled.... all neat as hell for a speed freak like me...
Also I heard Canada was the only country to have any real practice time. Everybodyelse had to learn the track with just a few runs

Well that was true at the beginning, as is any other host country. Now when the start was moved; it now was a different for all.

I did not see the video but here's my take on it.

We all adults and know right from wrong. The luge rider should've know the risks. The other riders complained it was a fast track. If the other riders thought it was too fast, then don't go down plain and simple.

We are always looking to blame someone but ourselves.

Billy T.
So true.

only thing I can add is that he died doin something he was devoted to. :frown:
(devotion) As most are there for. Some spend their life competing.

As far as the risk to life or death only a few events have low risk.

All participants push the limits . . .

He lived to enjoy what he loved !
Not sure who said it. Most prefer to take the easy way out. They don't want to take risks, risk often leads to great rewards.

Later AJ
insane but so is any sport where your life can be took

how many people die from any sport they love from dale e, to sony bono who hit a tree on s ski slope. regardless we all take our lives with less regard when we're doing something we love or a hobby. i do agree someone whould be held accountable. a gold medal isnt worth a human life, and regardless of skill, speed, and without proper safety precautions anyone could die on that same track. it is tragic but there will always be danger in any sport or day of life we live. just part of it, hate to say it but hope he didn't feel anything.
Any sport that requires you to travel faster then any spped limit on any highway in the united states will have it's risks.

The bar was set higher requiring the competitors to travel faster then previously. It's the Olympics for gods sake. Isn't the bar supposed to be set higher?

Numerous others went down the same track and didn't screw up bad enough to get tossed off the track. What's their excuse? He was a young inexperienced rider way over his head. Period!
It's all 20-20 hindsight now, but how would you like to have been the next guy down the track wondering what else was overlooked?
we all take life for granted at times

i heard of a race in nevada where they close off a part of some highway and it's no speed limit there. i've heard there's been alot of fatalities there and some real bad accidents. regardless i don't see that it's worth it, sure the thrill of doing something we love but if you dont have the experiance then there is alot of things that can come into play to really mess you up or worse.
i heard of a race in nevada where they close off a part of some highway and it's no speed limit there. i've heard there's been alot of fatalities there and some real bad accidents..

Nevada Silver State Classic... freakin' awesome... google it up or check it on youtube.... definitely on my 'Bucket List'... :cool:

I didnt think this way until his FATHER came forward and said he got a call 3 days earlier from his son saying " I am scared of this track , its too fast " ---
if that was the case then he should have known better


I didnt think this way until his FATHER came forward and said he got a call 3 days earlier from his son saying " I am scared of this track , its too fast " ---

come on guys i hate to talk bad about him but maybe he let this track intimidate him enough to make a mistake that cost him his life. if you had the same feeling about something that is dangerous would you push yourself and equipment to it's limits? no you'd probably try and keep it within the area that your comfortable with. sure we all like to push the envelope alittle but if i knew something could take my life and i was worried about it i would opt to be more cautious. who knows behind closed doors coaches and trainers can make you feel you have to push yourself harder then you actually do.