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Which state produces the best women?


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Supposedly, you are living there.
How did the song go?
".....West Texas women....."?

"If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it's yours.
If it doesn't, it never was.'

Author unknown
Obviously I'm the only one who knows about the women to be found on the 'front range' of Colorado. Between Fort Collins and Colorado Springs.....that's where the most beauties are at. Seattle's a distant 2nd.
Originally posted by Crazy87GN
North Carolina
some cities in florida
Not WI? I don't know, man...I've encountered some pretty impressive girls up around the Rhinelander, Minocqua, Woodruff, Boulder Junction area!!
here's the exception to WI
#1 it was probably summer time when you visited
#2 the northern girls are pretty hot but they ALWAYS seem to have the ugliest hick should see these hicks up here man they think they live in missouri or something it's pitiful
#winter time in WI is the worst time because all the hot girls go into hibernation and get fat or just hide
Originally posted by Crazy87GN
here's the exception to WI
#1 it was probably summer time when you visited
#2 the northern girls are pretty hot but they ALWAYS seem to have the ugliest hick should see these hicks up here man they think they live in missouri or something it's pitiful
#winter time in WI is the worst time because all the hot girls go into hibernation and get fat or just hide
Actually, I usually make sure to visit when it's 65 degrees below zero because I have no patience for the "I'm gonna catch me a Musky this year, Hon!" tourist a$$holes. The hot chicks I've seen up there were in the winter. I will agree with you on the #2 thing, either they've got a boyfriend who's F150 is painted six colors of primer or they're driving Dad's M5.

I'm not from there, and only been there twice so I don't have any bias. They maxim hometown #1 hottie was from Texas, and I believe Texas holds the most Ms Americas. Also, just go there and look around. It's even better than Florida! :D
haha alright maybe WI isn't that bad............maybe it's because i live here i think it's that bad
God blessed Texas with his own hands, brought down angels from the promise land...gave them a place where they could dance, if you wanna see heaven baby heres your chance...I been sent to spread the message....God blessed Texas.

well i think too much time i warm climates drys up the skin and people look like leather when they get into their 50's. But just a lil tid bit, pittsburgh's girls got voted best legs in america, i guess all these hills builds up nice legs.
Originally posted by littlesixsteve
most of New England is Crappy.:(
Occational pockets of a few nice ones.
You said it, in Maine the girls are referred to as 'Harbor Hogs'!
Kentucky-Tennessee-North Carolina

I've been around the country a few times, and it's hard to beat these three for some strange reason.

Kansas and Nebraska get some points too!