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Which state produces the best women?


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Back in the late 80's I was at a concert at Firebird (Az guys know what I'm talkin 'bout) anyway I cant remember who it was I saw, may have been Kiss. But I always remember the singer shouting in to the microphone, "Arizona has some of the best looking woman in the country".......of course the crowd went crazy nuts!!!

And of course Arizona STILL has some of the best lookin women in the country.....just ahead of Texas :D

They come here from every state. And play on the beach wearing thong bikinis.
i went to daytona with some friends......... her mom let us stay at their timeshare condo and it was ****ing awesome.......... para-sailing, jet skiing, rollin around in a caddy (that we drove from WI) on the strip racing people...... way to many ricers though.........HOT GIRLS
Bike week is in full swing now. And some of biker babes leave little to the imagination.:D
I have to agree with several things said about Texas women. Lots of good looking women, but I have seen some with mental defects that would place any man's life in jeopardy. The theory as to why so many of them are gorgeous is that during the 30', 40's, 50's, and 60's, a lot of rich oil barons came to California, married up all the hottie actresses and took them back to Texas. Their kids are the ladies we see today.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
I have to agree with several things said about Texas women. Lots of good looking women, but I have seen some with mental defects that would place any man's life in jeopardy. The theory as to why so many of them are gorgeous is that during the 30', 40's, 50's, and 60's, a lot of rich oil barons came to California, married up all the hottie actresses and took them back to Texas. Their kids are the ladies we see today.

You definitely have the mental defects part right!:cool:

I hear that about NYC. Makes ya wonder why there are so many gay men there!
Florida women around the colleges are good. SoCal has a great crop of hotties. My vote for the absolute hottest is in New York. When I lived in Saratoga Springs, all the women were lean, smart, and they had huge boobs. I wonder if they were born as B cups. I really miss that place and the 2 girls that I left behind. Oh well.:o
Aw cmon...

I know you guys didnt just say NY!
NYC is bad, upstate is so much worse.
This place is horrible for decent women. The nice-looking ones are all full of themselves, and the average ones have the personality of a rock.
If they have a decent personality, and are good-looking, they are married already. Most of the nice women I meet around here are engaged or married in their early 20's.
People in this town run the gamut, since we get a lot from all over. The private college chicks are all hot, but wouldnt give you a glass of water if you were on fire. The state college girls are either depressed, mentally unstable, or just plain dumb as a rock.
No surprise I am still single here....
I need to move!!!

Just for kicks, I did a search on a internet matching site to see what came up. All the ones that matched what I was looking for ended up being from Texas, CA, or the southeast. I didnt get within 300 miles of where I live until I was around #100 or so on the list! Thats depressing!!
Originally posted by 2 QK 4 U
That's not necessarily a bad thing dude! :D

Hey you NJ guy's will always have Bonjovi,
that's got'a count :D

That's also got'a hurt ;)

You know this would have been a cool thread if it hadn't been started by a Di** Su***** Fa*. Ah excuse me while I clear his throat. :eek: