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Which state produces the best women?


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Texas for sure!

Certainly not Michigan... Ever hear of the "Michigan Snow Pig"? Which is why I found my wife out state!
Originally posted by Chris McDade
TEXAS,TEXAS,TEXAS Damm there are some fine girls here!!!!
Seeing how I am from Dallas and still live here,,,I'm out on all Texas women!!!:mad: They are all psycho!!!!:rolleyes:
Not Nebraska, so don't come here. To many Corn Fed women around here...

Best in what way??, looks, brains, attitude, if you want those attributes, if you want those qualities, then come to Idaho, just my 02's worth.

Whatever state has the worst dental plan,,is the best state...........NUFF SAID;) ;)
AZ has some good talent!

but alas... MOST like in the rest of the 50 states are flawed in some way!

lots or eye candy but there are not a lot that can hold a conversation!

Originally posted by Grim Reaper
lots or eye candy but there are not a lot that can hold a conversation!Dathan

So true, many a one I have looked at and said "don't speak you will ruin the illusion. Right now you beautiful and intelligent"
personally, i always found the best ones in the state of intoxication, Georgia maybe a close second........
Georgia, by far. I've been to sooooooo many places, being in the military and we'll Georgia, WE KNOW HOW TO PICK OUR WOMEN!
Cannot be anything better than a Kansas/Missouri girl in a pair of tight fit'n Rockies!
Originally posted by EddieB
God blessed Texas with his own hands, brought down angels from the promise land...gave them a place where they could dance, if you wanna see heaven baby heres your chance...I been sent to spread the message....God blessed Texas.


I hear that!!!:D
If you are only out for looks, Hollywood isn't too bad or for that matter, most of So Cal. If it's for the whole package, I have no idea. I'm getting ready for the Gulf Coast, should be fun.
Cali is out.Way too many treat me like the godess I am,put me on a pedistall,fake boob,lypo suck ahhh you get the picture.

It ain't Oregon either,women are only gettin bigger here.
I used to live in WI, so i know its definitely not there. In WI "cow tipping is what you leave the waitresses"

FL, especially by the colleges, is the place to be.

Originally posted by EddieB
God blessed Texas with his own hands, brought down angels from the promise land...gave them a place where they could dance, if you wanna see heaven baby heres your chance...I been sent to spread the message....God blessed Texas.


Ok country music lover.. :)
Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.

My vote is for Texas, unbiased, of course.