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Well, back to the Turbo Regal, I've seen several turbo Colbalt SS's run low 13s spinning the whole way. I can believe the new T could be modded to run into the 14s, maybe faster. It is heavier but it also is a bigger and more luxurious than the SS Colbalt.
Well, back to the Turbo Regal, I've seen several turbo Colbalt SS's run low 13s spinning the whole way. I can believe the new T could be modded to run into the 14s, maybe faster. It is heavier but it also is a bigger and more luxurious than the SS Colbalt.

Actually there are some Cobalt SS/TC's in low-high 12's, and 2 guys in high 11's on the stock turbo/bolt ons and tune. ZZP runs low 11's consistently, but like you said FWD and the Cobalt SS/TC's weigh in at around 3k lbs vs. a heavy 3600 lbs for the Regal Turbo and 3700 lbs for the Regal GS.

I could see 12's for a fully bolt on, turbo upgraded and tuned 2011+ Regal turbo plus driver mod.
Yeah...well, real men shouldn't be going into threads full of car owners and calling said cars pieces of ****, garbage, etc.

It's funny. GM produces 100's of thousands of these cars and just because your neighbor (who works as a tech) has replaced 3 timing chains doesn't mean they are all "garbage".

Our 80's turbo buicks have a horrible brake system. It doesn't mean the cars are junk.
if i buy a ford car it will be an older model like a GT 50 or a 03-4 cobra ... im GM all the way

8.1 factory gas engine factory trans factory radiatior an everything else .... bought new in 02


lets dont make this a bash GM thread
8.1 and the gas gauge is above empty!
02 they had good motors !!! I've seen many gm "s with high miles am just not crazy about the new ones but that's my opinion I drive my buick every day I put 6k on it in 7 months as far as the thread goes the title said new regal what do you think!!!!!! All I did was state my opinion a lot of guys seem to forget I have a gm I just don't like the new ones am going today to look at another gn but fingers are being pointed at me for my opinion all is well. Many on here no me very well and have done buisness with me they all know what type of man I am never screwed no one and have giving much help to many on here and driven over 100 miles to help others with there buicks at no cost that just me
Well I'm on my 3rd new car powered by an Ecotec 4 cylinder, my first car was a 04 Saturn Ion QC with a 2.2 5 speed, 2nd car was my 09 HHR SS with a 2.0 turbo 5speed (heavily modified and tuned) and my current car is a 2011 Bucik Regal Turbo with a 2.0 turbo and 6 speed automatic.

Hows this for real world results, I never had/have taken any of my Ecotec powered cars in for engine work.

04 Saturn Ion QC had the rotors replaced twice then finally broke down and bought aftermarket units. Traded in after paid off on HHR SS

09 HHR SS they had to fix the headliner and tighten a coolant hose that was dripping. Traded in on Buick Regal (broke even on trade in and what I owed because of all the discounts I got with the HHR SS new, GM discount $3k, GM rebate $3k).

2011 Buick Regal Turbo, not one thing has gone wrong with the car thus far and its been tuned since driving it right off the lot.

Some of you may not like the Ecotec powerplants but I've had nothing but excellent reliability out of all 3 of mine.

I'm a HUGE fan of the Ecotec powered engines, imo one of the best powerplants GM has ever produced so far.

The thread started "Who else has one?" not what do you think. I know! I am the one who started it. If you don't like the car don't buy one. It is that simple. I said it more than once I love the car. As I said in an earlier post, atleast Buick is making a turbo'd Regal. They are getting away from the old people market and trying to get people my age to buy their cars. They may have used a Opel Insignia shell but they put the GM drivetrain in it. Guess what else? For the price I payed for it I could have bought a Subaru but I am a Buick kind of guy. The car was built in Germany but since they have been selling good they are building a plant on this side of the pond. Oh and for your info Germany is not in China. I hate Chinese made products and avoid them as much as possible. I firmly stand behind this car. I never asked for anyone's opinion but yet I got yours. I am 38 years old and I can form my own opinions. Thanks for yours but back to the original post!

So we are up to three so far. One of these days I will get a good pic and post it up. The wife won't let me mod any of it. It is her car. So I guess I will have to wait and see if she gets the bug. Either that or wait until the kids are old enough to get it as a hand me down and she gets a new car. I won't let this car go. It is too tempting to see what it is capable of. There are a few srt 4 neons in town I want to mess with. They won't play with the GN.
Call it what you want. I stated my opinion that's it you have yours and. I have mine . I call it like I see it you see it from a different stand piont what ever. It is your car if you like that's what counts. My opinion should not matter so don't take it to heart dude its a freakin car and all we are doing is going back and fourth about a stupid car !!!!!!!!!! Its a car relax!!!!!!!! There's more important things in life than a buick !!!!!!!!!! I just bought another gn over the weekend I spent $11.500 on it ans guess what its still sitting outside in the pouring rain until I make room for it in the garage its just a pieace of metal my family comes first than anycar . My friends call these buick gn garbage and problem cars and can't take anyhard abuse and deep down inside I know there right about a lot of things aboutgn's but who cares cars come and go its just a faze!!!!!!! So good luck with your new regal and your opinion should only matter that's what counts ....
The part I dont understand is where asked for anyone's opinion. If my opinion is the only one that matter like you said then why did you give me your opinion? I asked who else has one. I didn't ask for your opinion but you felt that you should give it to me like your opinion is the one that matters. You firmly argued it as well. I don't take it personal and honestly cars are more than a piece of metal. They built the United States. If they were just a hunk of metal why do we pour our sweat, blood, heart and soul into them. They are an extension of who we are. Just let that thought go through your brain for a little while. When you see a BMW going down the road can you guess what the person driving is like? When you see a Prius can you not figure out what that person is like? How about a muscle car? You know it as well as I do! If you only see your cars as a hunk of metal then maybe you are different person than most of these guys on this board. We all love and cherish our cars. If you are driving a vw bug down the road would you feel the same as when you are driving your GN? I know I feel happier, better and more proud to drive my GN than my Accord! I said it before in an earlier post that I will agree to disagree with you and I have no problem with that. I love my two buicks and until they fail me I will stand by that.

Don't get me wrong, my family always comes first but my cars and especially the GN are part of me. If someone trys to harm my family or my cars I will do whatever is needed to protect them. I may sound a little fanatical but that is just me being me. I protect what is mine.

I don't mean any of this in a hateful manner. I am calling it like I see it. I know how most New Yorkers are. They love to tell people what they think. I was stationed with a guy from East Islip Long Island and he never held back. He was one of my best friends on the ship. Even though he had no clutch between his brain and mouth. I called him direct drive Joey. You seem to be a lot like him by the way you speak/type. I have no problems with that. Just remember not to always speak your mind. A friend once told me he could call his baby ugly but no one else could. I hope you understand the meaning of that. Sometime you just need to bite your tongue and keep your opinion to yourself. Don't feel bad about that my mother in law can't do it either and she is 55 and I tell her to keep her opinion to herself quite a bit. I can't stand mustangs but I don't go up to the owners and say " hey your car is a pile of $h!t".
Do you feel better that you stated your opinion???? Like I said before my. Opinion shoild not matter I have a right to say what I want to say!!!! My opinion will always be the same american cars will never compete with the japs or germans never!!!!!! This is a car forum on buicks there are opinions giving on every thread here everyday !!!!!!! As for speaking my mind I always will that's why I own what I have today and am very very succsesful in life. Maybe if you go to bowling green in oct ill buy you a few beers and dinner on me !!!!! Just to show you am not a bad guy anyway like I said before I appologize if I hurt your feelings on the car and good luck
Do you feel better that you stated your opinion???? Like I said before my. Opinion shoild not matter I have a right to say what I want to say!!!! My opinion will always be the same american cars will never compete with the japs or germans never!!!!!! This is a car forum on buicks there are opinions giving on every thread here everyday !!!!!!! As for speaking my mind I always will that's why I own what I have today and am very very succsesful in life. Maybe if you go to bowling green in oct ill buy you a few beers and dinner on me !!!!! Just to show you am not a bad guy anyway like I said before I appologize if I hurt your feelings on the car and good luck

Do you feel better now that you derailed an entire thread to try to convince Buick owners there cars suck on a BUCIK FORUM? :rolleyes:
I never said gn's suck brother get your facts straight so just relax am prob more of a die hard gn fan than most so stop putting words in peoples mouths this thread is over for me bunch of kids
Well to get back on topic of " Who else owns one?" I DO!!! picked it up last week and so far its been great, except for the pesky chrome bezel and the Florida sun, just keep a rag in the car and throw it over it for now. I'm impressed with the power some of the umbers that 11RegalT has posted up and would like to know who has parts for these, mainly on the exhaust/intercooler side of things. Does Trifecta offer a tuner like Diablosport does or do you have to take it to them? looking forward to working on this one
I took one out yesterday a beat the crap out of it & i didnt break it so id have to say it ran well & rides good .just not to fast.

Email Buick about the bezel. I emailed them and they called the next day. However they said I was the first to complain about it. The more that people complain may lead them to do something about it. I checked out the black chrome and it will darken it but won't stop the glare.
Reagal wagon would be cool! Better if it is awd.
New Member here.
I purchased my TO3 on 5/25/2011. I have not had any issues with it. As twinregals said about the crome bezel and the sun. It bothered me to so i covered it with carbon vinyl wrap.
Here are som pics!

