Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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Well today is sunday the 5th of jan.My question is what is the statis? did your paypal get refunded yet? its been almost a month now and I just was wanting to know if CAS still has your wifes money and you have no radiator.please update us thanks Bob

Have you and your wife got anything resolved over that radiator. What a gracious present that would have been, I commend your wife for buying that for you (well she did her part, Dequick did not)
My wife is that way also:) Well anyway,,,just curious if your card was refunded or not. I would say most all BB members will not buy from him again;) Sorry for your loss and I enjoy reading all of your posts (except this thread, sorry)

Hope this gets resolved for you asap
I am going to keep quiet but just one last thing: I have had two e-mails since someone that read this thread called Tony at home, he sent my wife an e-mail at 1.40am in the morning. My Wife e-mailed him back the next day. UPS shows Radiator is shipped. At this point, it is due between the 6th-7th of Jan. If it comes and is not damaged, i have convinced my wife to accept it. After receiving the Radiator, i will share the last two correspondence with you. At this point, once part is received, i will delete post, for people that disagree with certain things, i am sorry you feel that way. I am a firm believer that customer service is #1, without it, no business will survive. You cannot allow people to take your money and just simply do what they want, how they want and when they want. A business that conducts itself by not answering phones, e-mails and or certified letters, must be brought to Justice.

As we grow smaller each year and our parts increase in price, I would hope that we all share information about the good and the bad. It is vital to our (Buick) survival. We are a small group and growing smaller by the day, I would love to think of a day where there is just no negativity, however we are human and we all disagree with each other at some point and time. The important thing to me whether I disagree or agree with certain things, is to enjoy my Buick with the people that share my same interests. :)

Well-spoken, like a true Gentleman.

Thanks for keeping us posted, NJ!

It ain't over till the fat turbo flutters (or somethin' like that),
so keep the faith about Justice being achieved.

One for all & all for one, our bro'!


:) :) :)
holy carp-

your gonna delete this thread to please toni baloni??

deleting this thread is not going to solve any problems that everyone else has had... this thread is the first step in the door for everyone else to realize they should not deal with that guy, BUICK VENDOR OR NOT he has screwed over 100 people and everyone has taken it as.... well.... a stealing from my pocket book.

tell yourself this.. would you ever deal with toni baloni with the same faith as before???

we didnt think so....
lawyers perspective

<<deleting this thread is not going to solve any problems that everyone else has had... this thread is the first step in the door for everyone else to realize they should not deal with that guy, BUICK VENDOR OR NOT he has screwed over 100 people and everyone has taken it as.... well.... a stealing from my pocket book.>>

I hope you can quantify the 100 people he has screwed.

Otherwise Tony will have a libel suit against you.

Of course very easy to document with your brilliant post.

And of course you can edit it, but it is already scripted.

There are many cases of precedent on the internet & the cases are quite easy to win. Typically, they are settled out of court.


On a side note, the purchaser could have had his credit card debited within 3-5 days. And as a consumer, has no liability for the debt incurred.

Most, IN MY OPINION, right down there at the bottom of the barrel. Protecting the thieves and criminals to the end. I don't know how some people can sleep at night, whether its the people that intentionally screw over other people, or those that feel they have the need to "protect" them and their "rights".

Such as (hypothetically) someone who might register under more then one name on a board to hide his/her identity just to make a post like the one above....

A REAL good lawyer would take up the case for those that have been screwed. As you said - its all here. Count them up, contact the REAL victims, and start a case.

Or, am I to believe that a "concerned" lawyer just happened to stroll by this site and this thread, saw this post, ignored the plight of those having the problem to defend the guy that nearly everyone is complaining about????

I like this line:
Otherwise Tony will have a libel suit against you.

In My opinion, I would hope that Tony doesn't have the time to bring a libel suit against anybody since he is so "busy" brushing up on his customer service skills. :rolleyes:
Welcome To The Board , Wastegate 555!

Thank you for joining our board!

Thank you for your free "legal" advice in your very first post!

Another recent newbie gave us some free "medical" advice, a few posts back. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

There are soooo many "Online Lawyers" these days...how do you make a living?

Please use the URLs in my siggy to learn some Federal Consumer Protection laws when you have time. No one seems to know of them...perhaps a new specialty for you?

Anyway, tell us all about your Buick's wastegate, & what 02 counts you prefer!

:) :) :)
Originally posted by njturbo
I am going to keep quiet but just one last thing: I have had two e-mails since someone that read this thread called Tony at home, he sent my wife an e-mail at 1.40am in the morning. My Wife e-mailed him back the next day. UPS shows Radiator is shipped. At this point, it is due between the 6th-7th of Jan. If it comes and is not damaged, i have convinced my wife to accept it. After receiving the Radiator, i will share the last two correspondence with you. At this point, once part is received, i will delete post, for people that disagree with certain things, i am sorry you feel that way. I am a firm believer that customer service is #1, without it, no business will survive. You cannot allow people to take your money and just simply do what they want, how they want and when they want. A business that conducts itself by not answering phones, e-mails and or certified letters, must be brought to Justice.

As we grow smaller each year and our parts increase in price, I would hope that we all share information about the good and the bad. It is vital to our (Buick) survival. We are a small group and growing smaller by the day, I would love to think of a day where there is just no negativity, however we are human and we all disagree with each other at some point and time. The important thing to me whether I disagree or agree with certain things, is to enjoy my Buick with the people that share my same interests. :)

I can’t believe you are going to do this. I posted against my better judgment (not wanting to get involved) but I did to try and help everyone. Now since your problem appears to be resolved you’re going to delete the thread? What happened, strike up a deal with Tony? Makes me never want to chime in and help someone out. I personally have no beef with Tony but I’d heard about so many people having trouble regarding service that I wanted to help out EVERYONE. You privately blasted someone for not getting involved and now I definitely think this un-mentioned person was correct (I’m NOT going to drag this person into it!!). I should have taken his stance and just “not gotten involved, not my fight”.
He is still a flake:rolleyes:
He never emailed me about the money he owes me yet:mad:
Lets start a REAL list of people he owes for him to read and call:)
Gene Fleury
Phone# 425-742-3156
$40.00 6/10/02

I know $40 is not much but i like to give and not be taken from

I hear you. I am not deleteing because of Tony (please). But what do i do ride this thread forever:confused: :confused: This will be up to the moderators. As of today, it is still not resolved. :mad: and as far as all the newbies with their crap here and there, gee please tell the Buick world about yourselfs. It is even lower that Tony has not come on this thread to say i am sorry i dropped the ball, what do i have to do to make it right. No, i get all these people with 1 post's replying to something they know nothing about. I e-mailed Bruce that if this gets resolved, maybe we can move it to good guy/bad guy like Joe's thread was it delete it. I have never been in this situation therfore i do not know what happens to a thread like this. The only reason i thought about deleteing post is, where does a thread like this go:confused: I
Originally posted by njturbo

I hear you. I am not deleteing because of Tony please. But what do i do ride this thread forever:confused: :confused: This will be up to the moderators. As of today, it is still not resolved. :mad:
If you start a thread containing information that everyone can benefit from, why remove it? If I post a question soliciting help from people, I don’t delete the thread once I get my information! It’s up there for all time, for all to enjoy until the moderators decide to archive it, which is hopefully never. The whole idea is to help people, deleting information doesn't help anyone. I don’t agree with deleting information from an information board unless the information is incorrect or hurts someone needlessly. This does not seem to me to be the case
I must be lucky. I got him on the phone again today. He knows of the thread and may be a little pissed about info getting on here personal to him. I think it was deleted at this point. He gave no details but said their was "his" side of the story. I wish he would post it if that is the case. I still want my pipes because I really need them but would like to hear an explanation.
Names & addresses that are part of the Public Domain are freely utilized & available by anyone interested.

And the Internet is part of the Public Domain.

Posting a name & address, without intentional malfeasance, that is freely available by anyone from a Public Domain source is entirely "legal".

It's a reality of the "Information Superhighway" invented by Algore.

You don't need somebody's hometown directory to look them up anymore.

Posting your property taxes & its value is just as easy, and legal, also. You'd be surprised by all the info available from the Public Domain.

When someone will not answer their phone, or respond to e-mails, posting an address from the Public Domain in order to reach them is a public service, for a reasonable & legitimate reason.

HTH :)
After receiving the Radiator, i will share the last two correspondence with you.

Intercooler you will see his lame ass explanation. It sucks. If you can reach him, maybe he likes you, i have been unable to reach him, if i did not start this thread, i would just be some other customer of his that was beat for money:mad: it seems the only time i get an e-mail response is when i tork the board up.

Please lighten up.

Please understand that this is still not resolved yet. I still am out $649.00 and have no part. :mad:
Originally posted by njturbo
After receiving the Radiator, i will share the last two correspondence with you.

Please lighten up.

Please understand that this is still not resolved yet. I still am out $649.00 and have no part. :mad:
Travis, not a matter of lightening up. I was actually shocked when you said you were going to delete the thread after it was resolved. You know how you felt after a certain person didn't chime in....? I sort of felt the same way after reading your post. Doesn't change anything, you potentially got screwed out of $649, others apparently have been screwed out of both more and less money or will wait a lengthy amount of time to get their product. I hope everyone either gets their money or product and it doesn't happen again. If this thread serves nothing else, it serves as a warning when buying anything from someone you don't know or have references for, regardless of how the sale was made. I still strongly think the thread should not be deleted. Free information is as Two Lane says, "Is in the public domain".
Bro, He owes you your intercooler and a MAJOR apology at the very least!!!!! Don't listen to any of these damn liberals on here trying to make this out to be any smaller deal than it is. I am tired of the "Little Guy's" getting screwed!!!...Good Luck my friend!!!

Originally posted by 6 beats 8
Bro, He owes you your intercooler and a MAJOR apology at the very least!!!!! Don't listen to any of these damn liberals on here trying to make this out to be any smaller deal than it is. I am tired of the "Little Guy's" getting screwed!!!...Good Luck my friend!!!

Amen, couldn't have said it better myself!
Posting anyone's public information here will get this thread deleted, as well will any more threats of physical harm or people starting lists, jumping in the CAS bashing bandwagon, etc...

If you want someone's phone number, get it from the authorized source, not here. Doesn't matter if it is public or not, this site is not for the distribution of that kind of information.

Also, this site does not condone vendor bashing. The ONLY reason this thread is up is to hopefully get a problem resolved for many, not create new ones for anyone.
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