Just picked a 206/210 comp roller cam (full throttle).
You mentioned earlier you were not going with the roller setup, guess you changed your mind on that. Who is doing the block work for the roller setup?
If my block ever comes out for any reason, a roller is going in and forget the flat tappet issues.
Since the heads are off, I'd do the full port or go Champions...it won't be long before you will want more power anyway so it will just save you from doing it down the road..and since its out...
With that, you will have an easy low 10 motor, just tune it for 11's and it will last a long time
Mine is a stock factory long block, heads never been off, only thing that has been changed internally is timing chain and valve springs (Comp 980s) and it consistantly runs in the 11's and 7's in the 8th.
The key for longevitety on these motors is tuning and being able to watch and monitor what is going on. Get some diagnostoc tools to compliment it and for insurance....knock alert guage, laptop scan tool, wide band O2...something like the Gen2 MAF Translator or MAFT Pro makes life easier also.