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2014 THS Rules discussion


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This goes for everyone involved, who has an idea how to settle this that is fairly for everyone? I had the suggestion that we flip a coin (I am sure that would come under an attack from which ever side lost) . Another person called today and said why not go back to 2010 ( I was under attack for going back to 2011 cannot even image what that would stir up). Anybody got any good serious ideas, I want this done.
Settle it by just letting it in. Don't see what the big deal is. Is it going to give someone an advantage? No. Is it going to make a car faster? No. Will it be cheaper? Yes. Will it open up the rules to allow more in? Yes.
Face it, some people may be bitter because they build their own 200's and are not aware of the cost. What keeps the class slower is the 3x2 turbo and weight. That's what separates it from tsm. The cars all look alike on the outside... From tso to ths. Under the hood a ths car may look a little more stock with the ac, but other than that, tsm actually has tighter rules under the hood (no venting wastegates, <70 mm throttle bodies, <3.5" dp).
No one can see what trans is in the car unless they look under the car. No one knows what trans is in the car when they are going down the track.
I just don't see the other side. Makes no sense. Only thing that makes sense is those that have a working 200 and want everyone else to have that same expense.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Weight penalty and let it fly.

Coin toss leaves same problem.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

We went to one weight to help with problem of competitors not knowing what each other needs to weigh (let alone themselves a lot of times). We do not have a staff of people to keep up with the scales, starting line, etc. FYI it is rare for someone to show up and ask what can I do to help.
Take votes of people that have raced in 2 or more events.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Hell just allow them but put a weight penalty on them .. say 100 lbs and simply mark the car with a sticker or something. so when it comes time for the weighing the scale guy knows this car has to weigh x more than the others .

Just my thoughts.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
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Take votes of people that have raced in 2 or more events.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

From what time period? What about if someone qualified but did not get to race because it got called?
We went to one weight to help with problem of competitors not knowing what each other needs to weigh (let alone themselves a lot of times). We do not have a staff of people to keep up with the scales, starting line, etc. FYI it is rare for someone to show up and ask what can I do to help.
No need to inform me. After 7 years in tsm traveling to every race. Being called a liar, cheat, had pictures posted of a thief with a money bag sneaking away from a vault. Being cornered at Columbus thinking i was going to fight over someones claim the scale was wrong
You can't tell me or Scott anything about help. Would have been easier to put an I or A after the car number leave the rules closed opposed to this mess. Was only a suggestion sorry I offended you.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I want the hood in as bad as you want the tranny, just for different reasons, but the only fair way was to vote. Unless the majority votes it in then it stays the same. A tie doesn't mean the majority...just the way I see it.
It was set up at the beginning who could vote. By changing the # of races attended really is catering. If not 2 races then 3 then 4, ect,ect.
From what time period? What about if someone qualified but did not get to race because it got called?
You don't want to go back too far. It would be ideal to get people that have raced and still plan to race. I would stay with '11. 10 would be the furthest I'd go back.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I want the hood in as bad as you want the tranny, just for different reasons, but the only fair way was to vote. Unless the majority votes it in then it stays the same. A tie doesn't mean the majority...just the way I see it.
It was set up at the beginning who could vote. By changing the # of races attended really is catering. If not 2 races then 3 then 4, ect,ect.
A majority didn't rule against it either. It was a tie. There was no rule set up for a tie. Can't make up one now that says a tie is a fail.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
No need to inform me. After 7 years in tsm traveling to every race. Being called a liar, cheat, had pictures posted of a thief with a money bag sneaking away from a vault. Being cornered at Columbus thinking i was going to fight over someones claim the scale was wrong
You can't tell me or Scott anything about help. Would have been easier to put an I or A after the car number leave the rules closed opposed to this mess. Was only a suggestion sorry I offended you.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

I have much thicker skin that, you did not offend me in any way. I remember TSM days, remember helping quite a bit back then. I do not remember who posted the thief picture but do remember that also.
I have much thicker skin that, you did not offend me in any way. I remember TSM days, remember helping quite a bit back then. I do not remember who posted the thief picture but do remember that also.

Lol i knew you would.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I say let the trans in. 13 class legal racers want the option open. It is in no way a performance gain. They are cheaper, stronger, hold more horsepower and can get one anywhere is not a good argument against it.
There is gear change options for the 400 but my car 60fts like a mofo with stock gears. The hood is way more of a gain than the trans and it is now allowed. Makes no sense to me. just my opinion
Myself, I'm a purist, I like the 200 only rule, but I voted to allow any GM in for the class to maybe have more racers in the class (there's what, maybe 30-40 racers at the most ever combined). Personally, I wish the rules were closer to stock than TSM as far as stock appearing goes (no front mounts, no ram air, no slicks etc), but then it'd just be a tiny class with maybe 3 cars in it.

For fairness, what about an 'either or' for 2014 and revote in 2015, either you can have a lightweight hood or any GM trans but not both?

I'm not offended however way it goes and hopefully I haven't offended anyone either.
Myself, I'm a purist, I like the 200 only rule, but I voted to allow any GM in for the class to maybe have more racers in the class (there's what, maybe 30-40 racers at the most ever combined). Personally, I wish the rules were closer to stock than TSM as far as stock appearing goes (no front mounts, no ram air, no slicks etc), but then it'd just be a tiny class with maybe 3 cars in it.

For fairness, what about an 'either or' for 2014 and revote in 2015, either you can have a lightweight hood or any GM trans but not both?

I'm not offended however way it goes and hopefully I haven't offended anyone either.

I see what your saying but if I were to ask someone to spend money on something then in a year or two say you have to take it off and can't use it I feel like they wasted their money. Once something is "in" it stays in, so we have to be careful.