87GN_70GS, the Supra TT pump at the same voltage never pumps less than the Weakbro and from 70psi on it
OWNS the 255/340/341 etc. I've posted a bunch of charts about the Denso and not one showed the Weakbro ever having more volume at any point with the same volts.
BTW the Ebay guy is borrowing Jeff Lucius's ( 3000GT Enthusiast ) flow graph that he put together to help out those guys years ago. Little did he know people are banking off his time and that the GN crowd would be using it to validate bailing on the Weakbro.
The HKS pump is a Skyline pump and like the Skyline, everything is WAY overpriced. At $330 I'd rather buy two Denso's at $155 from the Ebay guy and run them intank and external and massacre it in volume.
Nice job Racetronix on stepping up and helping out the community. It's insane how many members still post about what to do about their dead 340 and we now have a plug and play beast to take the thrown.