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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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Get the guy thats in the Navy to do a locate on the Gov portal email for the a search by last name it should pop up where hes assigned, etc.
The navy has a personal locator as well maybe some of the old Navy retirees on here can help with that number
KIMBERLY CASSIDY - - 1635 BROCKTON AVE APT. 5 LOS ANGELES CA 90025 This is his "girlfriends" name. Got a feeling she has nothing to do with him but do feel it would be strange to notice two huge charges on a credit card 4 months after it happened. $874.95 for me and $802 for Cottons.
mark, sorry i have been very busy. Where did we leave off. i got you his assignment area. still neded to get the CMC # correct
Correct CMC# and also need to find out who this Kimberly Cassidy person is. Need to see if she is an innocent bystander who had her card stolen or if she is in fact his girlfriend.
Here you go, dude. You want to see what this place is capable of? Have at it. Pop some popcorn, youre going to be reading for a while.

Thanks for the Torture on my eyes. I knew the name Joe Cipolla was no good as soon as i read it probably because of this site. 18 bags of popcorn later and I now see what this site is capable of.

It's amazing the accomplishment that Joe 1320 achieved and ending up with the original valve covers he paid for is cool. Joe Cipolla going to prison end cooler. It's unreal that the story was linked to possibly over 100 sites all over the world.

Thanks for the insight Jay. This is a great sight you run and the members are obviously great as well.

I hope the trend keeps up and that Tr Custom Parts and Cottons get their money back and anyone else involved.

Good luck guys.
Stay after him man !!!! There is no excuses for what he did except trying to get over on people. Nail his sorry butt to the wall anyway you can !
Not positive yet, but it looks like this douche bag and / or douche bagette got me for $ 95.99 on or about 03-20-2012. At least I know the area code is 951. Anybody have anything new on him, her, residence #, phone #, cell # or DNA matches I would sure like to know about. Somehow, it looks like he got me on Paypal even though i am not a member. Just came through on my CC bill that I got a few days ago. Anybody?? I'll pay big bucks to anybody that brings me his head, attached or unattached, I'm not particular.
How do you know it was him? All info I have on him is posted thru out this thread. No progress here. Not sure how I can pursue this if the money is back in my account. Like I said before credit card company can take it back at any time for up to 60 days.
I'd still work on the Navy aspect of it. A letter sent to his CO would be all you really need to do to get thier attention. Spell out what happened and what has happened right as of now and ask for a response. At the least the person will get a talking to by their Chief and LPO and most likey division officer/department head to make them aware that thier command DOES know about it. Sometimes that is enough right there. You don't have to worry about official Navy channels unless the money disappears again.

Also..he can already be sent to captains mast just for what he has done even with the money back. I believe it would be a 134 charge. If he has a bad reputation at his command this could be the thing that allows them to begin the process.
Ironic that I see your reply on my email right now. Just got done opening the mail and a nice little "surprise" was there. The money will soon be taken out of my account again UNLESS I authorize the credit card company to put $500 from my account to contest this chargeback AGAIN and go to arbitration. If I lose the case, I lose the original $874.95 AND my $500 on top of that.o_O This asshole has obviously won this deal. I am not risking more money and I am sure he already knows how the game works. I really don't stand a chance of winning since I did not ship the order to the card holders address.

I have already contacted the Navy about this douchebag but don't expect anything to come of it. So don't be pissed if your future order gets rejected by me if I won't ship to your billing address. You can thank Trae Liberty for this.:mad:
Ouch man. Wish I was a West Coast sailor right now, would swing by his command for you. I'm still East Coast though. :(
I believe earlier it was mentioned that he was no longer in the Navy. It's more of a local law enforcement issue now. None the less, I hope this scumbag get's what he deserves in due time.
If the number is large enough...and IF he didn't serve a minimum of 8 years, than he is still "inactive reserve" and responsible for anything he does to the USN. Little known fact that has bit some guys and gals in the butt.

All dependent on that number of years served though...soooo...if that is true then a law enforcement thing like you said Raymond.
If the number is large enough...and IF he didn't serve a minimum of 8 years, than he is still "inactive reserve" and responsible for anything he does to the USN. Little known fact that has bit some guys and gals in the butt.

All dependent on that number of years served though...soooo...if that is true then a law enforcement thing like you said Raymond.

This is a very valid point... Thanks man.
If he has a global email addy I can look it up when I get to work on Monday night. That will list his work number as well. This is dependent on him having an (or addy though. If he has a command specific addy I can't search for that. But will give it a shot.
If he has a global email addy I can look it up when I get to work on Monday night. That will list his work number as well. This is dependent on him having an (or addy though. If he has a command specific addy I can't search for that. But will give it a shot.

Mark has that # too... You should try but emailing him wont do jack. Calling his command would be best...