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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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Hmmmmm, checked the bank account this morning and I have a deposit of $874.95. Will have to verify when I get home from the day job to see where it came from to be sure it was from him. Jack, check your bank too.

Hope this works out Mark & Jack. It has to be tough these days with such a specialty market. The members here have a lot reach though when needed.....:D
Wow....that would be awesome if it was him. We need all the resources we have available in this community and don't need crap like this to make business tougher for you guys. Good luck and hope he gets everybody taken care of.
Well, got home and in the office, DOUCHEBAG had nothing to do with it. See below. Basically money is back in my account and can be taken back out again at any time! Just the same as not even having it.

P.O. Box 3429
iPayment, Inc.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359

Dear Merchant,
The credit advice attached has been returned to your account as a provisional credit and a corresponding
iPayment, Inc.
This letter is notification that has represented the chargeback on your behalf.
provisional debit has been posted to the issuing bank.
The issuing bank does have an additional chargeback right available to them. If the issuing bank finds the
documentation to be insufficient in accordance with Credit Card Association regulations, the issuer may attempt a
second chargeback.
If a second chargeback has not posted to your merchant account within 60 days of the date of this letter, this
provisional credit will become permanent and you can consider this case closed at that point. Although most
representments do not turn into second chargebacks we feel that it is our obligation to inform you of the possibility.
You may contact us at (800) 554-4777 option 4, should you have any further questions.
Chargeback Department
iPayment, Inc.
Fax - (818) 540-6755
Merchant Number:
Creditcard Number:
Dollar Amount:
Tran Date:
P.O. Box 3429 Phone (800) 554-4777 #4
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 Fax: (818) 540-6755
Last Revised: 08/19/08
Think I should pursue this? Don't have a warm happy fuzzy feeling about it. C'mon douchebag Trae, about time for you to make another hangup call. May a blown headgasket be headed your way.
Mr. & Mrs. Hueffman
I will have an officer contact you tomorrow (Tuesday) to complete a crime report. In the meantime if you could scan and email (or FAX) any documents regarding the order invoice, payments, and receipts. My staff will write a crime report and forward it to the Perris Police Dept. Investigations to look into this case.

Sgt. Doug Cashmore
Riverside Sheriff's Department
Telephone Report Unit
951-955-6860 FAX

>>> On 4/1/2012 at 5:32 AM, <> wrote:
:eek: !!!! thats great BUT like ya said lets not do a happy dance yet ! Obviously ya have his attention :cool: One of these days I have to find a guy in Bristol, Ct.. Have a rubber check from him.. He just disappeared into thin air :rolleyes: Every dog have there day !! GOOD LUCK !!
:eek: !!!! thats great BUT like ya said lets not do a happy dance yet ! Obviously ya have his attention :cool: One of these days I have to find a guy in Bristol, Ct.. Have a rubber check from him.. He just disappeared into thin air :rolleyes: Every dog have there day !! GOOD LUCK !!

At least your guy is closeby!;) Got some peeps on the west coast though.
If you let it go then he will try to do it to smeone else Mark. Even though you have the cash right now there is the possibility that it could still be charged back. Nail his ass to the wall if you can and smile the whole time.:D
:eek: !!!! thats great BUT like ya said lets not do a happy dance yet ! Obviously ya have his attention :cool: One of these days I have to find a guy in Bristol, Ct.. Have a rubber check from him.. He just disappeared into thin air :rolleyes: Every dog have there day !! GOOD LUCK !!

My wife is from Bristol. Send me a PM :)

Open another account to transfer your money into after a business transaction. Keep the mininum in it to keep it open and/or to avoid bank fees.

Billy T.

Open another account to transfer your money into after a business transaction. Keep the mininum in it to keep it open and/or to avoid bank fees.

Billy T.
The card company through the signed agreement has the right to pull the money so they do. If you keep low money in the account two things can happen. One the bank will process it and you get an overdraft charge, 2 the bank dishonors it and you get sent to collections from the card company. Either way you lose. Best thing is keep enough money in the account to cover the chargeback and stay on top of the card company.

Now the question arises as to damages currently. As a temporary credit has been placed in the account means the merchant is "whole". So no damages.. meaning at this point it moves the problem between the card company and his girlfriend. Until their investigation is complete.. your in limbo with this ordeal.

I had a chargeback many years ago.. customer forgot he ordered a system. Long story short he ended up giving me a different card to get around the chargeback. Once it goes into chargeback status.. its a lot of drama that ensues, letters, calls on phone, etc. At that point the transaction is a total loss and your trying to recoupe anything you can.
Correct, ya can't hide from your merchant credit provider! Nor do I want to. Don't want to stoop to the behavior of this deadbeat. Don't have a lot of hope to win this since it was not shipped to the cardholders address. I am pursuing criminal charges on this. Jack Cotton, did you get my email from yesterday?
mark, i was told she got the info for me. i will email or call you as soon as i have it in hand