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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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Maybe he stole that credit card? Is there a way to contact the CC holder?
Sort of weird that if it WAS stolen, wouldn't you notice a $874.95 charge to your account and report right away? This chargeback took place almost 4 months after the order was placed! Supposedly this was his girlfriends card and if so maybe they had a fallout? Don't know. All I know is he has my parts and got them for free. The whole thing smells if you ask me. On the charges to the credit card, don't forget they also charged $800 with Cottons Performance at the same time. Who wouldn't notice these charges on their statement?

Know one other vendor sweating out getting a chargeback as well.
I hope you get your money back. Living in Canada I use an address in Ogdensburg NY, The Corporate Centre.

I haven't really had any issues with shipping there, it saves me money with brokerage fees etc.... and it's only about a 50 minute drive. I hope the vendors here don't stop doing this for the Canadian customers. In some cases I can save shipping as well with Summit and Jeg's but I always try to support vendors here first because I know I am getting the added expertise that comes with knowing these cars.

I hope this works out for you and he gets what's coming to him, I think he set out to screw you over from the get go.


Indeed, there are another half-dozen Buick owners in Southern Ont using Niagara Falls and Buffalo facilities in the same way.
( and those are just the ones I know personally). I've bought from close to 30 of you guys, vendors and individuals.
Most never notice, which part of the purpose to make it easy all 'round. Shame if this messes it all up.
Brent, was an online form I submitted with Sheriff's office, your friends help would be appreciated as well.

Funny thing, just got a hang up call from the douchebag a couple minutes ago.
Document it if you can get a pic of it Mark. That shows some contact at least.
Came on my tv screen when he called. Guess I can take a pic of the screen, good idea.
Mark, start a thread on YB. The amount of traffic over there will yield some great responses.
Wanted! For scamming Buick vendors. If you are reading this Trae Liberty, send $874.95 to my Paypal account
at Then settle up with Jack Cotton for what you owe him.

Mark posted this guy's cell phone as a 310 area code. My guess is that he's at the Long Beach Naval Weapons (ship yard) Station. I'm ten minutes from there. I also skydive in Perris every few weeks. Let me know if I can help.

Mike Barnard
^ mark and i know lots about this guy. im still waiting on my other USN contact to get back to me
Hmmmmm, checked the bank account this morning and I have a deposit of $874.95. Will have to verify when I get home from the day job to see where it came from to be sure it was from him. Jack, check your bank too.