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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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well crap..guess all we can do is watch at this point! and yeah, that was the format I was gonna try. Just doesn't work if they have a boat command email
i was told its command specific but let us know. i can give you his CMC name maybe he is listed in the global
Haven't heard back from the Navy yet! I hope Cottons is pursuing this as well. The more the merrier. There is no way I am going to arbitration on this as losing another $500 for that process would just be another slap in the face. Law enforcement is a joke as far as this goes.
i was told its command specific but let us know. i can give you his CMC name maybe he is listed in the global

His email is not command specific. PM me his CMC/SEL name, let me see if it is what I already gave Mark.

Haven't heard back from the Navy yet! I hope Cottons is pursuing this as well. The more the merrier. There is no way I am going to arbitration on this as losing another $500 for that process would just be another slap in the face. Law enforcement is a joke as far as this goes.

Mark, what do you mean by you haven't heard back? Did you talk to someone or just leave a voice mail?
Any luck on that girlfriend Kimberly Cassidy? Would really like to know if she was his girlfriend or just an innocent stolen credit card victim.
She is not Navy as far as I can find. You would ASSume it is not a stolen card, otherwise you would ASSume the card co would say so and say you are SOL. I think they would handle it differently if stolen vs a chargeback, right?
not sure how you go about finding that out. Maybe call the CC company?
Yaaa, what he said!!! I plan on filing charges within the next 48 hours, this needs to be taken care of. Although, I've been looking for an excuse to fly out to Cali for a while.......
Any updates on your end Jack? Hope you are not letting this go............... More info for you!

Mr. Hueffman,
I was unable to find a direct number to the command but I do have some information that should help you. The acronym LCSRON stands for LCS Squadron One (Littoral Combat Ship) The USS Freedom LCS-1 and USS Independence LCS-2 are the only two ships assigned to this command. Both are stationed at 32nd street Naval Station. FYI Joel Nisson is/was the Command Master Chief not the Commanding Officer. The Command Master Chief is the most senior enlisted person in the command.

The base phone operator can be reached at 619-556-1011 ask for the Commanding Officer of LCS Squadron One phone number that should get you to someone who can tell where this guy is assigned. If that does not work ask for the base locator they can also help. The command may not help you as much as you would hope. Their focus is not on criminal investigation but most commands do not like their sailors in trouble with the law so they may help you recover your money.

You can also contact NCIS at
Southwest Field Office
Box 368130
3405 Welles Street, Suite 1
San Diego, CA 92136-5050
Telephone: (619) 556-1364

They are charged with investigating criminal actions by members of the Navy. (FYI the real NCIS is nothing like the TV show. Don't expect anything fast from them). Let them know that you have filed a case here in Riverside County.

I hope this helps. I will have Officer Tovar contact you later this week, when she returns from bereavement leave. Not to minimize your complaint but please be patient we handle many of these cases and they take time to investigate.

Sgt. Doug Cashmore
Telephone Report Unit
Riverside Sheriff's Department
I pity the fool when everyone he F'd over catches up with him. Glad to see NO ONE is letting this punk get away with the ripoffs!!
OK, here's my story. I received a call from the B of A Credit Card fraud department a couple of weeks ago advising that there were some suspicious charges on my CC. They advised that they 2 instances the charges were less than $ 3.00 each. I advised them that the charges were definitely not mine. They canceled the card # immediately, advising me that I would get a new CC in 5-10 days. They told me to go ahead and pay my bill that I had coming, and the charges would be straightened out by next billing. I received a notice from the fraud dept that the charges were retracted. I get my bill and pay it, including a new fraudulent charge for $ 95.99 from Paypal. I called B of A and opened a claim for the bogus charge. I called Paypal and notified them. Either B of A fraud dept or Paypal fraud dept gave me a business name and a phone # that were involved. The Paypal agent reported to me that the charges would be dropped on the next billing. Kool said I.
The charge was from a 951 area code #. The business name of the place involved was "Rosemarie263". The phone # involved was (951) 698-47xx. It was out of Perris or the city next to it. The phone # assigned on the charge is the phone # of Danko which I believe is in Florida. I did call that # a few months back and ordered a set of front bumper fillers, and paid for them by CC. The phone # assigned or called from to make the charge is the same # but with a CA designation, instead of a Florida designation.
Today I receive a statement by mail to sign and date a statement advising that I did not or do not know the item ordered. They said the I need to return the signed statement to them within 10 calendar days from the date of the statement, which is 04-24-2012, or my case would be automatically closed.
Even if I send the letter back tomorrow, I still may not make it in time.
Sounds like it could have been him. Lives in Perris CA. Can't believe that no one on the board knows him!
Hey Mark,

Jacks been busy working, trying to recoup the $800 we lost from this guy :mad:... so he just forwarded me your emails. I'm waiting to hear back from the sherrifs department. In other news, we have a customer who's in the navy out there and he gave me ANOTHER phone number (haven't tried yet), email address, and hopefully getting back to me with his commanding officers. I'll keep you updated if we hear anything more...

Any progress on your end?
Last night I called the 'restricted' number from a Navy DSN...STILL wouldn't let it go through...very odd. I called the Master Chief as well. That one went through but they didn't pick up. Wasn't a surprise, was later there by that time.
Once his command finds out they get the proper channels involved. The CMC is the way to go. Every CMC I had would not like this kind of action at his/her command. On my last ship I had a guy who worked for me that didn't pay a speeding ticket in Emporia Va. Don't ever speed there by the way! I had to drive him to court from Norfolk to Emporia and after the civilian court punished him our command punished him. He got the double whammy. Ouch! Explain about Jack being ripped off too. I would word it as identity theft or credit card fraud.
It looks like I am not going to fare very well on this deal. I received an E-mail from PayPal claims that they are closing my claim as My CC company, B of A, is doing a charge-back. B of A Fraud dept. sent me a form to sign, date, & return, and only allowing 10 calendar days to get it back to them. It took 5 days to get it to me, which tells me that I will probably get screwed on this claim for $ 95.99 as they will probably claim that it never made it back to them in time & therefore they are closing the claim. I'm about ready to go postal at the nearest B of A branch, a PayPal place, or both. I am seriously considering giving B of A back my CC which I've had for about 15 years. It's starting to sound like neither B of A nor PayPal want to investigate or help me get my $$ back. Sorry to whine, but I am not very happy about this at all.