As the war approaches,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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Dec 7, 2002
please remember how you felt on Sept 11th when you saw that first TV playback of the planes hitting the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and in Penn., . Somehow people forget how we all felt that day,,,not saying anyone here, but a few people I work with actually are against the war. How soon they forget. My prayers are with anyone directly involved with the tradgedies of 9-11, lets stand tall behind our armed forces and support them during the next several months and years!:)

If you are against the war you need to do yourself a favor and watch a video on the net that pays tribute to 9-11. If you're still against the war then I'll listen.

I think what makes me the most angry is that most Democrats aren't looking at what they can do to help. They are looking at it as a political opportunity. Too sad...

O'Reilly had this kid on last nite who's father was killed in the Twin Towers. You should have heard this moron blaming the US for our problems. It's hard to believe there are so many traitors among us.

We will be attacking Iraq very soon. There is no alternative.
The world for years tried to appease/ignore another tyrant 60 years ago.

I can't think of one evil regime in world history that has gave up thier power because they were asked to do so.
I just want to point out that Iraq is different than going after the terrorist that bombed the trade centers. I'm not against the war, but just because they are against war on Iraq, that does not mean that they are un american, or care any less about our soldiers over there. No matter what you hear Iraq is not a part of the war on terrosim, this is a war against a country for different reasons that some agree with and others do not, that is the American way, you have a choice on what you support, I know people that are completely against war but in no way shape or form do they support our soldiers any less than you and I. God bless our soldiers and everybody involved.
You must live in a shell if you believe Iraq is not part of terrorism ( or your French!). Iraq has and always will sponser terrorism, Powell spent 2 hours explaining that today. The oil market is part of mid east policy, but the real threat is mass murder via chemical/bio attacks. Don't want to go after Saddam? - Then deal with the attacks he will unleash within our borders. Look at what would occur if Saddam were to unleash smallpox and kill 1-2 million americans.. The US would retaliate in like with nuke based cruise missles and the whole area is unstable, millions die. Which path would you rather take?

Those that don't want to fight terrorism should move to France, they would welcome you with open arms.
Sorry to say, but Saddam will NOT quietly just "go away". He will be a threat to not only his own people, but to the entire world. Although I must admit, I'm more then a little concerned about North Korea, as everyone else should be. Here's a country who has a complete wacko for a leader, who just happens to despise America, and everything we believe in. Add nuclear weapons that will soon(if not already)be able to reach the U.S. mainland, and you can see what i'm talking about. THIS IS A REAL THREAT TO THE US MAINLAND. I would be more then a little concerned if I lived on the west coast especially. Just my 2cents. :rolleyes:

Oui, Oui, M'sieur...ze French peoples pride zemzelves on being quislings!!

Vive' La France...where bending over for invading armies is kewl!
The thing I find amazing is that so many people get on their high horse and say a war with Iraq is all about oil so the war isn't worth fighting. Damn right oil is a part of it. Why should we apologize for that or feel guilty? Having a stable oil supply from the Middle East to feed our economy is in our best interest as a nation. When some tyrant that has already proven to be willing to use his military against a nation that did not provoke him (Kuwait), why should the United States sit still and let that happen when it threatens our interests? Nations used to fight over molases back in the day. Oil is no different. You can argue from now on whether it is right or wrong, but in the end it doesn't matter, it's just the way it is.

Clearly our interests are threatned by a regionally destabilizing regime like Iraq and we should not apologize for acting. If the Frenchies and the Germans don't like us for it, tough sh*t. Over the last century the Germans have inflicted enough misery on the world that they should just shut their mouth. Besides, we all know what the Frenchies do when confronted with a potential conflict....... :rolleyes: France is just pissed that no one listens to a damn thing they say anymore. France used to be able to project power around the globe. Now they are irrelevant and that is what pisses them off. That is why they insist on being such a fly in the ointment. They are jealous of the United States. So when some peace protester gets up in my face and tries to tell me about how the war is about oil, I'll smile and say "damn right it is".
Originally posted by JDSfastGN
I just want to point out that Iraq is different than going after the terrorist that bombed the trade centers. I'm not against the war, but just because they are against war on Iraq, that does not mean that they are un american, or care any less about our soldiers over there. No matter what you hear Iraq is not a part of the war on terrosim, this is a war against a country for different reasons that some agree with and others do not, that is the American way, you have a choice on what you support, I know people that are completely against war but in no way shape or form do they support our soldiers any less than you and I. God bless our soldiers and everybody involved.

What planet are you on??

Fact: Taking out Iraq is not different than going after terrorists, it is going after terrorists.

Fact: If you live in the US, saw what Colin Powell said today, have a slight pulse, care about your family, and are still against this war; you ARE "un american"

I cannot see a logical sentence in your post, other than the last one of course.
Originally posted by NEARING
:D France....the land of foul smells and flat chested women with big noses.

And to think in WW11 we could have waited a little bit longer and France would have been gone. So glad they support us so well.

France...... MUTANTS:mad:
OK first of all you guys need to back off, don't get your panties in a wad over this. There is not one shred of evidence that he is linked with alqueda, and if there is they have not shown it. I do believe there is a reason to go after him, he is a dangerous threat and maybe you should re read my post and realize I was only stating that there are different opinions on the matter and nobody is less american for believeing one way or another. I saw colin powel today and was very disturbed especially the fact that the mig was practicing antrax drops from the drop tanks. Going after him is the right thing to do.
Originally posted by JDSfastGN
OK first of all you guys need to back off, don't get your panties in a wad over this. There is not one shred of evidence that he is linked with alqueda, and if there is they have not shown it. I do believe there is a reason to go after him, he is a dangerous threat and maybe you should re read my post and realize I was only stating that there are different opinions on the matter and nobody is less american for believeing one way or another. I saw colin powel today and was very disturbed especially the fact that the mig was practicing antrax drops from the drop tanks. Going after him is the right thing to do.

Back off!!! they all are linked every one of them. They all take US money and stab us in the back. Iraq was already slapped by the US, you do not think that Sadam has not shown interest in Osama. Please they all suck and are wild west wingers:eek: I say we need to go over there and not only slap IRAQ what about the Saudis??? and we should handle N.KOREA again too. You see we bomb and help rebuild and 15-20 years they are out of control, bomb them and call it a day. If Sadam is not involved with Osama today he would be anyway therfore cut the cancer before it spreads. :eek:
lets see here........BACK OFF---YOUR NUTS

JDSFASTGN I am sure we will all pay for a 1 way ticket if you want to move to Iraq in the next 7 days,,,,,,,,,we will see you again after that and see what you will post then:D :D :D :D :D :D
NJ & I are enlisting tomorrow as contract-hitters to remove Saddam, Osama, & that N. Korean Liberace impersonator.

We'll be like Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones in "M.I.B.", only this time it'll be "Men In Buicks".


:) :) :) :) :)
Originally posted by Two Lane
NJ & I are enlisting tomorrow as contract-hitters to remove Saddam, Osama, & that N. Korean Liberace impersonator.

We'll be like Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones in "M.I.B.", only this time it'll be "Men In Buicks".


:) :) :) :) :)

Do they have any TR over there, you drive i will shoot from the car. Better make sure we spool fast to get away quick from the mutants.