Hell you should know...you were there. I got pics of that night on the other computer. Austin decided to he-man the mailbox out of the ground and then he tried to convince the cab driver that turbo buicks were the greatest things ever built. And we had to slam the rest of the honey jack at the door of the titty bar.
Turbonuts: dude there's topless chicks everywhere and you are staring at the floor! Would ya look at that? Just look at it!
Me: dude I am fucking drunk as hell right now I don't care about stray titties
Bouncer: you guys gotta stop throwing ice and playing with the girls you brought with you instead of our crack whores
Audi p: if you wanna kick someone out, you can kick me out.....
Turbonuts: dude there's topless chicks everywhere and you are staring at the floor! Would ya look at that? Just look at it!
Me: dude I am fucking drunk as hell right now I don't care about stray titties
Bouncer: you guys gotta stop throwing ice and playing with the girls you brought with you instead of our crack whores
Audi p: if you wanna kick someone out, you can kick me out.....