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Baby Noah Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know that I didnt contact this morning that little baby Noah is here, healthy and full of life!! Ashley delivered him this morning at 5:50am after 23 hours of labor. He was 8lb 4oz and 20" long. There were a few complications throughout the night but we were able to stay away from the Seasection (THANK GOD)! He ended up coming out sideways so it was very very painfull on Ashley but she was a trooper and handled it very very well! I was so exhausted that i could hardly stand up to hold her legs but thankfully her mom and dad were there to switch off in shifts. Her dad ended up cutting the embilical cord becuase I was balling like a 2 year old when he came out! That was the best feeling I've ever had in my entire life. He looks a lot like me but i have a feeling he's is going to be a lot bigger because his feet and hands are HUGE! Even though things will probably change, Ashley and I think he has my shape, complection, hair and eye color and her eyes. he is a beautiful baby and I can say i am one VERY PROUD FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will post pictures when we get back from the hospital and settled in. Sorry to those who receieved a very early morning text message from me, I just wanted to let you guys know ASAP!:biggrin: -----------Jeremy

:D Great !!! We've been thinking about you and Ashley lately. Wow - 23 hours! I know that smile you all are wearing. Congrats again! All the best to the THREE of you!:smile:

Bob & Nancy
Congrats, Jeremy!! Dad is here this weekend and we're both very happy for you all. Enjoy!
Thanks guys! I told Ashley that all of the Turbobuick family is thinking of her and the baby! She said, "It's a good thing you have a GN cause they are the only friends you have!" Bob and Nancy, is it possible to get meet T-Shirts in baby sizes?
Shane, did you ever get that motor running I sent you?
Perry, we got some awesome pictures of yours and your dads cars, we email them to you when we get back to the house!

Yeah 23 hours was crazy, it would have been much easier if Noah wouldnt have came out sideways. He has a perfect circular bruise on his head cause the doctor had to put a suction cup on his head to help him out. They said the bruise should go away within a week. He's such a cute kid! Looks like his dad!
Very glad to her that she made it alright. 23 hours, WOW. That is a great woman you have there. Having kids is wonderful. Congrats.
make sure you post some pics up of the little guy when u can.
23 hours....Mercy!

I can just imagine some of the names Ashley called U throughout that time period. :D . U better get started on a Jr. Drgaster for him, hes gonna be driving before U know it. Now don't forget he needs a sibling sooner than later;) . Oh yeah can I give him his first driving lesson? :eek:
OMG Gary, I've ridden with you before! At least he'd learn how to drive fast!!!
Well we are finally home and unpacking everything! He's sleeping in his crip so I finally have a chance to get a bunch of stuff done. I will get pics posted ASAP!!! Thanks guys! - -------Jeremy
Noah's size - sure!

Bob and Nancy, is it possible to get meet T-Shirts in baby sizes?

You bet. We'll figure out a way to make one. He'll look great! Get his wardrobe started with 'class'. But I guess his Dad will have to work with him on the 'fast' part! (23 hours - ouch!) :wink:
First I saw this! Congrats Jeremy! Glad to hear everybody is okay!
Thanks Jay, Are you going to sell that Mustang and get a Buick yet??? Jose and I were talking about you yesturday and we think you should!!! Nice to hear from ya! -------Jeremy

Happy for the both of you. I'm sure everyone will agree there's no happier experience than your child being born. Glad to hear no major complications:) Yeah I can relate witht he suction cup. 2 tries with that and then he had to grab the pliers! My daughter got her first kickin' from the doctor before we ever had a chance to give her one;) . Congratulations. Yes, definitely now is the time to do the things you need while your boy eats sleeps, and fills diapers. After a few months is when they really become a handfull-ITS A BLAST THOUGH! Time to get a car seat recovered to match the GN seats. I'll be keeping an eye out for pics.