Finished the cold air intake, I was hoping it would of went a little further behind the headlight but I can extend it later.
Didnt try to swap back to the '85 ECM just yet. I have the seller of the 86/87 ECM sending me a stock chip to replace the hyper-tech chip that might be causing the issue.
I know my tps wasnt going over 4volts at wot so I wanted to adjust it but it seems to be impossible to get it to be at .44 idle and over 3.5v at wot. I think my throttle cable is stretched. Is there a way to tighten it up a little? I had my gf go wot and then I pushed the throttle body open a little further by hand and it read high enough, so I think its my throttle cable stretched?
The chip in the picture 16 36 95, you swapped for your HA chip? TURBONUT85 is correct with the assessment of 86-87 ECM/Chip. Your car is going to run rich in current configuration. The Intercooled is aggressive on timing and fuel. Now, the Intercooled chip reads intake temps... The HA is just what it is HOT AIR. The Intercooled chip is looking for cooler temps coming in intake. HA temps can range from 275-300. The intercooled chip/ECM is looking for temps in the 125-140 range. So page attention to tuning. DO NOT get to aggresive. The HA is sensitive... Very sensitive. You will have to take notes and lean fuel or raise boost a pound at a time. TURBONUT85 is correct, you can get a TURBOTWEAK chip and the tuning will be EASIER.... The Hypertech was junk back in the day... Take it slow and you will be alright.